Saturday, August 7, 2021

Batman: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Comic Books, According To Reddit

Batman has been around for over 80 years, the second major superhero DC Comics brought in after Superman. Through the years, he has gone through numerous iterations, from a detective that stops mobsters to a kitschy comedy hero with one-liners and then to the current Dark Knight that fans know and love today.

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The one constant with Batman is that he has been one of the most popular in comic book history, regardless of the company. He has appeared in countless titles in his own name and appears regularly in other character's books, always to great fan acclaim. However, not all fans are happy with Batman and voice their unpopular opinions on Reddit.

10 Batman Should Retire

Bruce Wayne has been Batman since he arrived in DC Comics in 1939, created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. Reddit user @samx3i believes Bruce Wayne should retire for good and allow someone new to take on the role of Batman. "Legacy characters should be able to take over," he wrote. "I am in a tiny minority of fans who say Bruce should have stayed broken, stayed dead, or retired."

That said, this is something most fans wouldn't agree with. Azrael took over at one time and most fans hated that. The only time that many readers enjoyed a replacement was when Dick Grayson took over as Batman. For most fans, the original heroes are the only real choices for these big names.

9 Long Halloween Is Overrated

Batman: The Long Halloween is widely considered one of the best Batman storylines of all time. On Reddit, @wendigo72 wrote that "Long Halloween is a little overrated imo. Eye of the Beholder is a far better Two Face origin."

And while this may be true for some, most would disagree because it presented a great story revealing how his rogues' gallery came together and was a great TwoFace origin story. Most people loved The Long Halloween and it just came out as a two-part animated movie in 2021.

8 Batman Doesn't Need To Be Dark

Batman was starting to drop in sales in the early '80s, and DC Comics revived their long-running superhero when Frank Miller and other writers arrived, made him darker and created what would become The Dark Knight. In a Reddit thread, @CactusHamn wrote that "Batman doesn't have to be dark and brooding. There's room for all kinds of interpretations."

That said, part of the complaints in the '70s and '80s was that Batman was too silly at times and that hurt the character. When he went dark, Batman rebounded and when writers try to lighten things up, it usually ends with bad reactions.

7 Talia al Ghul Is Better Than Catwoman

Batman has had a few important romantic relationships in his life, but the most important by far was with Catwoman. From their early days fighting to the moment Batman proposed, she was the most important woman in his life.  @Cesar0fr0me posted on Reddit that Talia al Ghul was "a more interesting love interest" than Catwoman.

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With that said, Bruce Wayne's relationship with Talia al Ghul was always toxic, even if it resulted in a child in Damian Wayne. The former Batman love interest even went full evil and killed her son.

6 Batman Can't Beat Superman

The one defining trait about Batman is that he can beat anyone, regardless of power levels, if he has enough time to plan for it. On Reddit, @chimpspider does not like that idea and wrote that "the whole point of Batman is that Superman could kick his a**."

That said, most fans agree that Batman's ability to create a contingency plan to beat anyone, including his friends in the Justice League is undeniable. Not only that, but Superman gave Batman what he needs to beat him in case he ever loses control.

5 Batman Has Too Many Sidekicks

The Bat-Family is very important in Batman comics. @Lucky_Strike-85 doesn't like the Bat-Family and wrote that "Batman has way too many sidekicks, his artists are not following the model as laid down by Batman's modern architects" and "it feels like a different character."

Batman has worked with a Robin since 1940 and has used several young men in that role over the years. Add in Batgirl and Batwoman, who were both around since the golden age, and his sidekicks are not a new thing. With that said, the number of sidekicks has gotten huge when it comes to the most important members of the Bat-Family.

4 The Killing Joke is Overrated

The Killing Joke is one of the Joker's greatest stories and one of the seminal Batman stories ever written. One unpopular opinion on Reddit had @Jacknero99 write that "The killing joke is overrated."

With that in mind, there are several fans who love it, praising it as the definitive Joker origin story. Despite several detractors based on the shooting of Barbara Gordon, the story received critical praise, showing how far Batman's most powerful enemy, Joker, would go to drive Commissioner Gordon mad. It also proved how strong Gordon was in the end.

3 Red Hood Should Still Be A Villain

There have been many Robins over the years in Batman comics, but the one considered the worst is often Jason Todd and Joker killed him. When Jason returned from the grave, he had a chance to kill Joker, but Batman stopped him. @Kugelfischmeister wrote on Reddit that "Jason Todd/Red Hood should have stayed a villain."

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Most fans hated Jason as Robin but they loved him as Red Hood. With that said, Jason had to turn from crime to receive the redemption he deserved, especially after the fans voted to kill him originally. He never became a good guy anyway, working as an antihero while helping the Bat-Family.

2 Frank Miller Is Not A Good Batman Writer

Frank Miller wrote what many consider to be the greatest Batman story of all time in The Dark Knight Returns. This saw a retired Batman coming out of retirement as an older man and trying to save Gotham City while fighting Joker, the GCPD, and a government-sanctioned Superman. @epod36 wrote on Reddit that he believes "Frank Millar sucks at writing Batman."

While some fans agree with him, based on Miller's recent work, the writer created what many consider the stories that helped save Batman and achieve his greatest popularity. It is Miller's Batman stories that influenced both Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder's work with the Dark Knight.

1 Azrael Was An Awesome Batman

When Bane broke Batman's back, DC didn't put a Robin in the cape and cowl. Instead, the role went to Azrael. He didn't last and one person who wasn't ready for Azrael to leave was @DeathLight7000, who wrote on Reddit that "Azreal was an awesome Batman."

Most fans hated Azrael as Batman. The former hero lost himself to the pressure of working as the Caped Crusader. He began to brutalize criminals. He beat up Tim Drake and almost killed Nightwing to keep his role as Batman. When Bruce Wayne finally returned, fans were more than ready to be rid of the new guy.

NEXT: Batman Villains, Ranked By Fighting Ability
August 07, 2021 at 12:00AM



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