Friday, August 6, 2021

Legends Of Tomorrow: 8 Unpopular Opinions About Constantine, According To Reddit

John Constantine joined the team of the Legends later than most of its current members. That didn't stop him from becoming one of the most popular characters on Legends of Tomorrow. It helps that John had previously appeared on Arrow and is a well-established character in the comics. But not all of the fans were so excited about his presence, or, more precisely, what the show did with it.

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The unhappy fans took to Reddit to express their opinions which in more than one case vary from what the majority of John's fans seem to think. They addressed both his behavior on the show as well as the changes made to the character and the fact that John Constantine has never been an excellent team player.

8 There's Too Much Magic

Legends of Tomorrow originally started out as a science-fiction, time-travel show, but it included a lot of magic-wielding characters in the recent seasons. Not every fan is happy about this. Klaguerre97 commented that they're "very tired of the magic focus. I get it is there in large part to justify why Constantine is still around and I love his character but it's a bit overdone at this point. The time travel aspect has really seemed to take a back seat along with the superhero elements."

It's true that the show has been putting more and more emphasis on magic, and while Constantine's not the only one responsible, he played a major part in it. The solution for fixing this would be quite simple - the show could introduce more science-based superheroes like the Atom or Firestorm used to be.

7 Constantine Gets Too Much Attention

Even though Legends of Tomorrow is an ensemble show, some characters get more attention than others. A certain Reddit user, whose account has since been deleted, thinks that "John gets too much attention."

After crossing over from his canceled TV show Constantine and from Arrow, Constantine has been instrumental in helping the Legends face threats of magical origins. However, despite his importance, Constantine is still just one member of the team and others also get their own storylines and the opportunity to shine (such as Zari, for example).

6 Constantine & Zari Are A Bad Couple

Constantine isn't the most open person in the world so it came as a surprise for many fans when he and Zari Tarazi started dating. Especially since they're very much different, at least when it comes to the way they behave. Adas_Legend simply stated they think that "Constantine and Zari 2 are a bad couple."

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While Constantine and Zari don't seem like an obvious match, perhaps they have it in them to make it work in the long run. Zari comes across as the type of person who needs someone who will bring out the real her. And as for Constantine, he has the tendency to close himself off from the rest of the world but that's not something Zari would let him do since she knows what she wants and goes after it.

5 Constantine Would Work Better As A Guest Star

When Constantine joined the team, despite his initial reservations, fans of Matt Ryan's portrayal of the grumpy sorcerer were happy about it. But later on, even those who like Constantine had to admit his presence on the show had left a lot to be desired. As Fanatical_Idiot put it: "I think he was fine as a team member while they were dealing with the magical/demon stuff, but now they've moved on from that and they're only keeping him around for a romantic subplot it feels really strained." QueerlyTremendous agreed and said that: "He would have been much better used as a guest every now and then."

Constantine has considerable magic powers and has been to Hell and back multiple times. So it can seem like a bit of waste to focus entirely on his romance with Zari and not to give him more to do. Plus, there are still some unexplained things about Constantine's past that the fans would like to know the answer to. For example, the show could take the time to explain what exactly was the favor that Constantine did for Maze, how he helped the demon, as Lucifer mentioned in his cameo scene in the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

4 Constantine Works As A Team Player

Despite what the above-mentioned users think, not all fans agree with the assessment. Brazilian_Slaughter thinks that: "Constantine works exactly because of that. He is an antisocial loner who is a misfit in a team of misfits and renegades. Same reason Mick works in the team - both are "not people types" having to work with a team begrudgingly. We have all been that guy, or know that guy."

Constantine's initial reluctance to join the team as well as his biting and witty remarks often make up for the funniest moments on the show. As such, it's possible to acknowledge Brazilian_Slaughter might have a point. Constantine might never be the typical team player but then again, so aren't many of the co-members of the Legends. Such as Mick, who also didn't originally want to join the team and only did it when Leonard Snart persuade him they could steal their way throughout history.

3 Constantine Is Much Less Powerful On The Show

Constantine's powers have helped save the day on more than one occasion. For example, he was able to stop Zari's heart and then revive her in order to escape from zombies. But Hampsterhawk thinks that "they've watered down Constantine's power level and personality. They had a chance for some really good character development, and ruined it."

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John's set of powers is different in the comics. For one, he's much less likely to use actual magic spells. Instead, he prefers to trick his opponents by using his intelligence. For example, he tricked the Lords of Hell into curing his lung cancer. Constantine also has many other powers in the Hellblazer comics. He can use his blood to heal, slow down aging and even fight vampires, and is able to make his own luck, meaning he twists the fortune to his favor. Making him as powerful on the show as he's in the comics could, however, easily render the other members of the team almost useless in comparison, despite the Legends' many amazing powers.

2 Constantine & Sara Would Be A Better Couple Than Ava And Sara

Ava and Sara are going strong these days but before they got together, Sara and Constantine had a brief fling when they traveled back in time to the 1960s. John was later quick to provoke Ava by telling her about his night with Sara. Even though they remained friends, Vanessa thinks that John and Sara are a better couple than Ava and Sara. As Vanessa said: "I actually like them together, they’re more similar than Sara and Ava and even though Constantine doesn’t seem like the type to settle down, I feel like they’d make a pretty good couple. I mean, he’s been there for her a lot."

Sara and John do have a lot of things in common, such as their tendency to pull away from people when they feel bad about their past. Their similarity could very well prove to be the undoing of their romance since they lack the traits necessary to balance their relationship. It would most likely end very soon since Sara and John are just too similar.

1 Constantine Shouldn't Be In The Team Because He Can't Be Himself

In the comics, John Constantine tends to do what he wants. That usually includes smoking a lot and insulting people with his snarky British humor. capadam124 thinks that because of Legends of Tomorrow, John is in serious danger of being "very depowered."

As witnessed above with his powers, John Constantine on the show is different from John Constantine in the comics. That doesn't have to be a bad thing, though. As long as the fans accept that Legends of Tomorrow present their own version of Constantine, they might be able to enjoy his presence on the show. Largely also thanks to Matt Ryan's performance as Constantine.

NEXT: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Supergirl (According To Reddit)
August 06, 2021 at 12:00AM



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