Friday, May 22, 2020

The Office: 10 Best Costumes From The Halloween Episodes

The Office was renowned for their Halloween episodes. Every season they had a new one, with new highlights that added new hilarity to each character and their choice of Halloween attire. Sometimes they would have competitions, sometimes they had to be approved by the boss, but every time, the episode was a hit. Even if Jim wasn't that into it.

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And so, it's time to recap all the Halloween episodes and pick out the best costumes across the years. Sometimes the costumes were just so off-the-wall that they had to be remembered, sometimes they were so spot on with the pulse of the era, but again, every time, it was a hit. So let's dig into the ten best costumes over the course of every The Office Halloween episode.

9 Sexy Toby

If the only positive of Toby inexplicably becoming a creep in the final season of The Office was this costume, it was still worth it. Toby, the timidest man in the world, becomes an obsessive weirdo to Nellie in the last season, and it turned a lot of people away from the soft-spoken charm of his character.

And it wasn't helped by his handling of this costume either, but for the costume itself, Nellie nailed it. What better way to stick it to your work stalker than to dress up as a sexier version of him?

8 The Joker, The Joker, and The Joker

This one deserves a spot, not necessarily because of how good the costume was (though let's be honest, Creed took it to a new level), but because of how spot-on The Office was. They had their finger on the pulse of trends because that year, everyone dressed up as the Joker.

So it only made sense that three people, all with very different personalities, all chose him on this day of fantasy. And the best part is they all had no idea the other was doing it, and in the end, Kevin gets more than a little upset that Creed's costume was so much better than his.

7 Stanley the Samurai

What makes this one so great is two things. First of all, the face he makes as he steps onto the runway for the costume contest is the same face that he used on "Beach Games," when he was sumo wrestling Jim. Jim was terrified by the face, and it makes its glorious return here.

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Secondly, it's just such an odd choice for Stanley to dress up as. Samurai are intense, fit, and determined warriors. Stanley is none of those things, which makes it perfect.

6 Wendy

If there was an award for the most accurate costume, this would be it. No matter what costumes came through the years, even Creed Bratton's tremendous Joker get-up, Erin as Wendy might as well have been the Wendy's sign. She nailed it down to the freckles on her cheeks. It's also such a random costume, and one you wouldn't think Erin would come up with.

As such, it will always be remembered as one of the best Halloween costumes on The Office. Especially when she stands at the front of the conference room and pulls out a deck of cards that she just doesn't want to have to use.

5 Charlie Brown

To be fair, Kevin is another character who constantly crushes it in the costume department. Every Halloween, his choice of costume gets smiles and nods. That's why he was so upset that someone else was the Joker. He has high standards to live up to.

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Choosing between Charlie Brown and Mr. Incredible was rather difficult, but in the end, Charlie Brown has to win out because it's so simple, but so spot on. You don't realize how much Kevin looks like Charlie Brown until he puts the shirt on.

4 Two-Headed Michael

Michael's costumes are usually ill-fated. For instance, in the Costume Contest episode, he dresses up as Darryl because he's mad at him and gives us the iconic, "Happy Halloween, jerk!"

But when Michael gave himself a second head, he absolutely nailed it. It's just obscure enough that you have to wonder what possessed Michael to come up with the idea. Especially when his prior costumes were so specific and cultural (MacGruber, Dick in a Box).

3 Charlie Chaplin

This one was pure brilliance. No one takes the choice of costume more seriously than Pamela Beesly, sometimes to Jim's chagrin, and you can bet she was ready to dress up for New Yorks' Dunder Mifflin and be a hit.

Well, she was a hit, but for all the wrong reasons. No one told her that very few business professionals dress up for Halloween in the Big Apple, leaving her as Charlie Chaplin and every one of her coworkers as... themselves. And, as Pam points out, she can't even take off the hat, because with just the oil paint mustache, she becomes Hitler.

2 Three Hole-Punch Jim

Jim was notorious for never going along with Halloween. He hated dressing up. Even when it was as simple as a basketball jersey, he had to be coerced into it. When Pam wanted him to be Popeye, it took a little jealousy for him to finally commit to getting in the Holiday spirit.

But he does come out with a few gems. Facebook (or Bookface, if you ask Darryl), Dave, and the crème de la crème—three-hole punch Jim. A costume that Dwight finds utterly stupid, but everyone else seems to like.

1 Lady Gaga

It just had to be Lady Gaga. For so many reasons. The first being that Gabe is such a creep throughout his time on The Office that there would be no better cornerstone for his creepiness than for him to dress up as Lady Gaga, and with such precision.

Secondly, Gabe pitches himself as a man of such culture and panache. He talks of Korean soap operas and tries to be an intellectual. Yet he became Lady Gaga, who doesn't have much appeal with the crowd that he wants to be a part of.

NEXT: The Office: 10 Crimes Creed Bratton Definitely Committed
May 22, 2020 at 05:30AM



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