Thursday, May 21, 2020

Supernatural: 10 Scenes That Foreshadowed The Return Of Mary Winchester

Mary Winchester has had quite the Journey on Supernatural. First appearing in the pilot nearly fifteen years ago, she was killed by a demon named Azazel in a fiery death that started the entire Supernatural mythology. Although the show has changed over the years, one theme has remained true: the importance of family.

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Throughout the series, death has become less and less permanent. No family has taken advantage of this more than the Winchesters. Sam, Dean, and their parents have died multiple times and somehow find their way back to the side of the living. Mary may not have gotten a full resurrection until season eleven, but the series has hinted at her inevitable return for quite some time.

10 Get Out Of My House

In 'Pilot', Mary's death is the catalyst for John Winchester's descent into hunting. In turn, John's disappearance is the catalyst for the brothers' reunion after years of estrangement. The tension between them builds and Sam proclaims that no matter what they do, their mother is never coming back.

In "Home," Sam is proven wrong when they return to their childhood house and encounter the vengeful spirit of their mother. Mary sacrifices herself to defeat the poltergeist that's been terrorizing the new family and Mary's soul moves on to Heaven. This sets up her eventual return down the line.

9 I Want To Make A Deal

Throughout their journey, the brothers have learned a lot. Their most defining lesson came in the 2nd season premiere, "In My Time of Dying." After an accident, Dean is hunted by a reaper. John summons Azazel and makes a deal to save Dean and, for the audience, it makes the beginning of a Winchester tradition.

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The significance of John agreement with Azazel doesn't entirely reveal itself until a little farther into the season. However, its impact on the show is evident and it foreshadows several, series-defining events that will throughout the show, including Mary's eventual resurrection at the hands of Amara.

8 I Wanted To Stay

One theme that has remained intact throughout the series is Dean's longing for his mother. The series took this theme and ran with it in the incredibly moving 2nd season episode, 'What Is and What Should Never Be'. After being captured by a Jinn, Dean wakes up in an alternate timeline where Azazel never killed Mary.

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The allure of his mother being alive is almost enough, and Dean settles in. This temptation wains once Dean realizes the negative changes it has created. Despite this, Dean confesses that he wanted to stay. In seasons to come, Dean will continue to yearn for his mother, and a decade later, Amara will make it a reality.

7 John Winchester Escapes Hell

At the beginning of season two, John Winchester went to hell to save Dean's life. In the 2nd half of the two-part finale, Sam and Dean face off against Azazel at a Devil's Gate: a doorway to hell. It's this season where the audience truly begins to get a sense of just how negotiable death is. Dean takes a page from his father's book and strikes a deal with a demon to save Sam's life.

Later on, John Winchester climbs out of hell to join the fight against Yellow Eyes. John wrestles with Azazel, and it buys Dean enough time to fire The Colt and kill the demon once and for all. Being freed from his deal, John goes to Heaven. With a season filled with sacrifices and demon deals, you start to wonder: will more Winchester's begin to spring up in the season's to come?

6 I've Looked All Over For John Winchester, Mary Too

Season 5 was a milestone for Supernatural. It signaled the end of the "Kripke Era" and it introduced Heaven. When two hunters ambush the brothers and murder them in cold blood, they wake up in the afterlife, reliving their greatest hits. With the angel Zachariah hot on their tail, they're saved by their old friend, Ash.

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Ash reveals he has searched for both John and Mary but hasn't been able to find them. This question not only creates fascinating story directions moving forward, but it also gives the writers some wiggle room when it comes to providing the viewers with what we've all wanted: the return of John and Mary Winchester.

5 You're Telling Me You Don't Want Her Back?

At the end of Season five, Sam jumped into Lucifer's Cage to save the world. Dean upheld his promise to Sam and lived an "Apple pie life," but a figure lurked in the shadows outside of his home: Sam Winchester. We eventually learn that Sam isn't the only one mysteriously raised from hell. Their grandfather Samuel Campbell is back as well.

Although not the most popular season amongst fans, the mystery surrounding their resurrections, coupled with Crowley's involvement, makes for one of the most fascinating seasons we've gotten thus far. The kicker? Samuel reveals to Dean that Crowley promised to bring Mary back, giving us yet another tease of her eventual return.

4 When Has Death Ever Stopped A Winchester?

In the season eleven episode, 'Baby', our entire perspective is from inside the brothers' beloved 1967 Chevy Impala. Although we don't get much in the way of mythology, we do get terrific foreshadowing for Mary's resurrection at the end of this season.

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Sam and Dean are on the road and when Sam falls asleep, he is visited by his father. John confesses he never wanted them to be hunters; he wanted them to have normal lives. Sam questions him about who, or what, he is, and his father confidently asks him when death has ever stopped a Winchester. He's right. It hasn't. And another Winchester will soon be back, as well.

3 Sam And Dean Have Dinner With Jody And The Girls

Also in season 11,  Jody, Claire, and Alex make their welcome return to the series. The brothers drop in on Jody and the girls and stay for a home-cooked meal, complete with bickering and teenage angst. The entire episode shows us the parallels between Claire, Alex, and Sam and Dean.

Like a young Sam, Alex wants a regular life. Comparatively, Claire and Dean share an obsession with hunting. This scene foreshadows Mary's return in the sense that soon, they too will be able to experience a sit-down meal with their mother, something they've never had the pleasure of enjoying, but clearly desire.

2 Amara Finds A Picture Of Mary Winchester

Deep into season eleven, the fight against Amara, aka The Darkness, is ramping up for an epic conclusion. In the penultimate episode, "We Happy Few," God has returned, and Lucifer is running around in Cass's meat suit. Reunited, they attempt to work on their broken relationship while Dean and Sam plan for the fight against Amara.

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Thanks to Rowena, Amara sneaks into the Men of Letters bunker and does a little snooping. Amara and Dean have a connection thanks to the Mark of Cain, and soon she finds herself in his room. She stumbles upon a photo Dean and Mary. Not only does this foreshadow Mary's eventual return to the series, but it also shows us the origin of Amara's idea to reward Dean with what he has always needed the most.

1 Sam And Dean Visit Mary's Grave

In the last episode of Season 11, 'Alpha and Omega', the plan to kill Amara is in place and the pieces are ready to fall. At the end of Season 5 Sam sacrificed himself to save the world. This time around, it's Dean's turn.

Before Dean's suicide mission, they travel to Illinois to visit Mary's grave. An unspoken promise is made to not try to bring Dean back. Dean nods, winking and smiling at his mother's tombstone. It's this moment that we get the ultimate foreshadowing of Mary's return. Dean is at peace with his death because he knows he'll finally be with his mother, something he's wished for since the series began.

NEXT: Supernatural: 10 Reasons Why God/Chuck Is The True Villain Of The Series
May 21, 2020 at 05:30AM



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