Thursday, May 21, 2020

Game Of Thrones: 5 Fantastic Quotes That Will Stick With Us (& 5 We Wish We Could Forget)

When it comes to dialogue, Game of Thrones is wildly inconsistent. Some of the quotes will forever stick with us through their poetry, poignancy, and thematic relevance. And other quotes had us squirming in our seats in embarrassment.

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It's no secret that the quality of the writing diminished after the show surpassed the novels. And a lot of that has to do with George R.R. Martin's stellar ear for dialogue. The man can write a tantalizing conversation. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the showrunners and their team of writers.

These are five fantastic quotes that will stick with us (and five we wish we could forget).

10 Stick With Us: "Winter Is Coming."

It's so short yet so unbelievably catchy and memorable. "Winter is coming" is the motto of House Stark, and they use it to reference the stressful coming of a dreadful and extended winter. The concept of winter is something to be feared in A Song of Ice and Fire, especially when characters repeatedly reference the Long Night of old. It's a near guarantee that someone around the world will say this at least once every fall. The quote is here to stay.

9 Forget: "You Want A Good Girl..."

This line ends with 'but you need the bad p*ssy'. It's crude, and so thoroughly cringeworthy that it has become a meme within the Game of Thrones fandom. The Sand Snakes were horribly adapted, and many of their lines were terrible. But nothing compares to this infamous line from Tyene Sand. It's just horrible. This quote is also here to stay, but not for the right reasons.

8 Stick With Us: "You Know Nothing, Jon Snow."

The relationship between Ygritte and Jon Snow is one of the show's most beloved, and Ygritte's catchphrase has become one of the most iconic lines of the series. She certainly isn't shy about uttering the phrase, and it slowly wormed its way into our ears over time. It was also used for emotional purposes at the end of season four, as they were Ygritte's last words to the naive and falsely optimistic Jon Snow.

7 Forget: "Where Are My Niece And Nephew? Let's Go Murder Them!"

Euron Greyjoy is widely considered to be one of the weakest characters in the show, and it's mainly due to painful dialogue like this.

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Euron wishes to know the location of both Theon and Yara, and he goes about asking in the most embarrassing way possible. This is the kind of dialogue that a ten-year-old would write, especially the horribly on-the-nose, "Let's go murder them!" So much for the show's poetic subtlety.

6 Stick With Us: "Never Forget What You Are. Wear It Like Armor, And It Can Never Be Used To Hurt You."

Tyrion Lannister has some of the best and most inspirational quotes of the entire series, including this one. He utters the line while talking with Jon Snow in Winterfell. They both disappoint their families in different ways (Tyrion being a dwarf, Jon being a bastard child), but Tyrion is more steadfast and proud in his status. He gives these words of advice to Jon, and they will forever stick with us.

5 Forget: "Where Are My Dragons!?"

Maybe this isn't a poor line so much as it is poor delivery, but either way, this is one of the show's earliest embarrassments. It comes in season two's The Old Gods and the New when Daenerys returns to Xaro's mansion and finds her khalasar slaughtered and her dragons missing. What follows is one of the show's most meme-worthy and oft-ridiculed moments. Emilia Clarke isn't a bad actress by any means, but this line/delivery combo was certainly a little shoddy.

4 Stick With Us: "The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors."

Opinion remains divided on Melisandre, but no one can deny the power of her dialogue.

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Like Ygritte, Melisandre has a catchphrase. And like Ygritte, her consistent use of said catchphrase eventually allowed it to become common Game of Thrones parlance. It also helps that the quote itself sounds really cool and threatening. It's certainly a fun way of describing your fear of the dark...

3 Forget: "I Drink And I Know Things."

Many people would argue that Tyrion's character was ruined once he made his way to Essos. His relationship with Varys consisted of nothing more than eunuch jokes, his moral ambiguity was largely cast aside, and his quality of dialogue plummeted. Whereas before we had amazing lines like the one said to Jon Snow, post-King's Landing Tyrion is largely relegated to drinking, awkward humor, and "knowing things."

2 Stick With Us: "The Lannisters Send Their Regards."

Just say this line to any Game of Thrones fan and watch them squirm in remembrance. The Red Wedding remains the show's most popular, and maybe even infamous, sequences, and it's capped by this scathing line uttered by the turncoat Roose Bolton. It serves as a haunting cap to a dreadful sequence, and it will forever be remembered amongst the Game of Thrones community.

1 Forget: "I Know A Killer When I See One."

The show was tarnished following Daenerys' sacking of King's Landing, but there was still one more episode to go. Unfortunately, it proved just as horrible. This Arya line also became a meme following the conclusion of the episode. It's meant to come off as perceptive and sinister, but the painfully obvious nature of the whole thing just made Arya sound stupid. Jon probably knows a killer when he sees one too, considering Daenerys just decimated an entire city...

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 10 Things We've Never Understood About Jaime Lannister
May 21, 2020 at 05:30AM



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