Saturday, August 21, 2021

The MCU Just Confirmed Hulk's Endgame Snap Was Harder Than Thanos'

Marvel's Eternals suggests the Hulk's snap in Avengers: Endgame was harder than Thanos' in Avengers: Infinity War. When Thanos combined the powers of the Infinity Stones, he was accomplishing something — according to Ebony Maw — that had never been done before. "No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones," Ebony Maw declared. And Thanos used the Infinity Stones to a terrible purpose, erasing half the lives in the universe with a snap of his fingers.

Five years later, the Avengers went to incredible lengths to bring the Infinity Stones together once again, implanting them within a new nano-gauntlet created by Tony Stark. This time it was the Hulk who performed the snap, believing his body would be able to contain the Gamma radiation associated with the Infinity Stones. The experience was excruciating, with Hulk struggling to perform the snap, and he was left with one arm ravaged, permanently weakened.

Related: The MCU Still Really Wants You To Think Thanos Was Right

Marvel's second Eternals trailer suggests the Hulk's snap was actually more difficult than Thanos', expending more energy. According to the Eternals, the Hulk's snap released so much energy it was able to cause a mysterious cosmic event called an "Emergence," while Thanos' did not. It seems the Hulk's strength should not be underestimated, because his feat was much more impressive than Thanos'.

There's actually a logical scientific reason for this: according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, entropy will always increase in any closed system, which is why even the universe will not last forever. When Thanos snapped his fingers, he was siding with entropy, accelerating the rate of destruction for half the living creatures in the universe. In contrast, when the Hulk reversed this he was fighting against entropy — against the natural order of creation itself.

Hulk's arc in Avengers: Endgame has been much-criticized because Professor Hulk didn't seem as powerful as previous iterations of the Jade Giant. In part that is because the balance between the Hulk and Banner personalities meant he was no longer as angry; the Hulk's strength is famously linked to his rage, so the new equilibrium between the two personas would naturally result in a physically weaker Hulk. But the Eternals trailer suggests viewers have been too critical because the Hulk still performed an act of such cosmic magnitude it released an energy surge beyond the one associated with Thanos five years earlier. Unfortunately, it also resulted in the mysterious Emergence - and the Eternals must deal with the consequences.

More: Who Stopped The Eternals Interfering In Endgame (& Why)
August 21, 2021 at 12:36AM



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