Saturday, August 21, 2021

5 Ways Hawkeye Is The Best Archer Hero (& 5 It's Green Arrow)

The Green Arrow first appeared in November 1941 in DC’s More Fun Comics #73 by Mort Weisinger and George Papp. Hawkeye first appeared in Marvel Comics in September 1964 in Tales of Suspense #57 by Stan Lee and Don Heck. Since then, both men have portrayed the best archers for their company’s comic book lines.

RELATED: Hawkeye's 10 Deadliest Villains, Ranked

However, Green Arrow and Hawkeye are very different. Green Arrow is a man who fights for social issues while refusing to follow anyone’s lead. Hawkeye is a team player through and through, working for The Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D., a soldier as much as he is a hero. However, both Green Arrow and Hawkeye are great archer heroes, even if it's in different ways.

10 Hawkeye - He Was An Avengers Leader

In Marvel Comics, one way to prove yourself as a worthy hero is to become a leader in The Avengers, and Hawkeye has served in that role more than once. Hawkeye was a rebel member when he first started out, someone with authority problems who didn’t like to listen to anyone.

Over time, Hawkeye became a respected leader. He took on leadership of the West Coast Avengers in one of Hawkeye's best Marvel story arcs when the team set up a California branch. He matured throughout the years, growing out of his wildcard personality and becoming a man who could lead others into battle, putting himself on the frontline, regardless of the danger.

9 Green Arrow - He Worked On The Streets

Green Arrow was not someone who felt comfortable in team settings. Anyone who watched Arrow on The CW saw that part of his personality play out on TV. However, in the comics, it wasn’t about a thirst for vengeance.

Oliver Queen fought on the streets to protect the little people. He didn’t care about alien invasions and supervillain showdowns. He wanted to help people who didn’t have Superman and Batman watching their backs, remaining one of DC’s noblest heroes.

8 Hawkeye - He Worked With The Military

Hawkeye has something that many heroes in Marvel and DC do not have. He is a soldier. In the comics, his original origin had him trained by criminals in the Circus of Crime. He changed over the years and began working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and other government agencies.

RELATED: 10 Saddest Things About Hawkeye In The MCU

This allowed him to help in international incidents, go undercover to work on black ops missions and protect the country from a position of power. In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, it was even more prominent, as he was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. there, as he was in the movies.

7 Green Arrow - He Remains True To Himself

At one time, Hawkeye was a cult fan favorite. While he was one of the few Avengers without powers, he was someone who rebelled against authority and was a window for the regular guy into the structured government superhero team. Over time, some fans believed Hawkeye sold out and bought into what he once rebelled against. Green Arrow never did.

No matter what Green Arrow is doing, he does it because he believes in it. He will stand up to Batman and would fire a Kryptonite arrow at Superman if needed. Green Arrow changes for no one and has always remained true to himself, knowing what makes him a great archer hero.

6 Hawkeye - He Was A Reformed Villain

There is nothing better in comics than a rehabilitation story. In Marvel, Hawkeye started out working with villains in the Circus of Crime. Trick Shot trained him to be a great archer and Swordsman taught him how to be a formable fighter. However, he rejected the lure of evil and became a hero.

Since he and Black Widow flipped sides and joined The Avengers in the second iteration of their lineup, he has fought the good fight. While some people tried to hold him to his past sins, such as former Avengers’ liaison Henry Peter Gyrich, Hawkeye never faltered.

5 Green Arrow - He Was A Trained Survivor

Hawkeye was on his own as a kid, but he ended up taken in by the Circus of Crime. He left them and paired up with Black Widow before joining The Avengers. He seemed to always have someone at his back to teach and mentor him, while Green Arrow became a great fighter differently.

RELATED: Green Arrow's Main Comic Book Villains, Ranked Lamest To Coolest

Oliver Queen had to teach himself. Much like the TV show, Oliver washed up on a deserted island after an accident. Stranded on that island for a year with only his bow and arrow to defend himself, it was there that he learned how to fight like a hero.

4 Hawkeye - Ultimate Team Player

Hawkeye was not only a prominent member of The Avengers, and one of their team leaders, but he also served in other teams in the Marvel Universe as well. This was no more clear than when he took over leadership of the Thunderbolts.

The Thunderbolts were villains posing as heroes, with Baron Zemo as their leader. When they decided they wanted to remain heroes and turned on Zemo, Hawkeye joined the Thunderbolts and took over as their leader. Hawkeye works well with others, and that makes him a reliable archer hero.

3 Green Arrow - The Moral Conscious Of The Justice League

Hawkeye used to be a rebellious hothead when he started out with The Avengers. He would argue and fight with other members, but it was often because of his immaturity. Green Arrow was the same, but it had nothing to do with immaturity.

Oliver Queen has a powerful belief system and he won’t stand for the Justice League to make a questionable decision. Anytime that they drift toward an immoral direction, especially when it concerns Batman or Hawkman, Arrow will put them in their place. As comic book fans know, he and Green Lantern are best friends and he has even stood up to him when he felt the space cop was crossing a line.

2 Hawkeye - A True Mentor

Hawkeye had plenty of mentors when he was growing up. While some were not the best people to look up to, with Trick Shot and Swordsman as great examples, others were more on the money. One of his greatest mentors is Captain America, and Hawkeye is passing that on.

Hawkeye took in an entire team of supervillains and taught them how to be heroes in Thunderbolts. He even convinced Beetle to turn himself in for murder to set an example. In more recent times, Clint has helped Kate Bishop become one of the best versions of Hawkeye.

1 Green Arrow - He Fights For His Values

Hawkeye has always fought for what was right and stands up for the word of the law. However, his morals pale compared to Green Arrow. Oliver Queen doesn’t defend the law; he battles for what he believes is right.

Readers often label Queen DC’s liberal superhero in that he fights for social issues. Even if no one is breaking a law, Green Arrow targets anyone threatening to hurt his city or the surrounding environment. Oliver Queen has strong values and he will fight anyone who threatens them.

NEXT: Green Arrow's 9 Best Quotes In The Arrowverse
August 21, 2021 at 12:00AM



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