Monday, August 23, 2021

Darkseid is Hunting Something Far Bigger Than Himself

According to Infinite Frontier writer Joshua Williamson, Darkseid is after something that supersedes himself. Darkseid was reintroduced in Infinite Frontier #0 as DC’s next crisis villain. This version of Darkseid is fully aware of every other iteration of himself and the mistakes that he's made. With this knowledge and a newly rebuilt body, Darkseid has become “the one true” version of himself. His threat to the multiverse has never been this high.

During the Infinite Frontier miniseries, Darkseid has been orchestrating everything in the background. He is yet to reveal himself and his true plans. However, that is soon to change as Infinite Frontier’s heroes just arrived on Earth-Omega, where he has been planning everything. It seems that Darkseid will unveil himself as the mastermind behind the impending crisis that the Omniverse is about to face. And it will be up to the Justice Incarnate to try and halt his plans before he attacks any of the Omniverse’s Earths.

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In an interview with Newsarama, Joshua Williamson stated that “Darkseid is obsessed with control and has finally figured out there is something bigger than him in the Multiverse that he wants to control. Everything he's doing is about trying to control this thing that's bigger than him." But what could be bigger than Darkseid? Williamson seems to suggest that it could be a character. The Anti-Monitor would be a good guess considering that he’s known as DC’s most powerful villain. However, the “something” that Darkseid is after could be more of an abstract concept or power that Darkseid wishes to acquire rather than a person.

Considering that this Darkseid is being referred to as “the one true Darkseid” it’s hard to fathom anything stronger than him. However, over the past few years, it’s been made clear with Perpetua and Doctor Manhattan that there are cosmic powers out there that can make any user infinitely strong. Arguably, Darkseid hunting an unknown cosmic force is the most likely option. As it's been proven that he can easily recruit anyone, hero or villain, who he wishes to utilize for his plans. This is mainly due to his partnership with Psycho-Pirate, whose psychic powers have the capability of manipulating other's minds. Just look at what Psycho-Pirate has Flash doing.

Darkseid won't be stopped for a long time as Infinite Frontier's events are only just kicking into gear. "Act One" of Joshua Williamson's master plan is still two issues away from concluding and will be followed by the Justice League Incarnate miniseries, also known as "Act Two." Here, Darkseid's true plans will become more evident as Infinite Frontier inches closer to its final act next year. The Omniverse's heroes will have to bring everything that they have in order to take down Darkseid's army, let alone defeat the former ruler of Apokolips himself.

Next: Doctor Strange Might Be Joining the Justice League

Source: Newsarama
August 23, 2021 at 12:41AM



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