Saturday, March 6, 2021

TikTok Drags Skinny Jeans & Side-Parts: Here Are The Best Twitter Reactions

If you haven't heard, there is a generational war for women on the horizon about wearing skinny jeans and your hair in a side part. To not be classified as ancient, wear straight-leg or boot-cut jeans with a middle part in your hair - that is, according to the TikTok-sphere of teenagers.

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The reason how and why these two trends were targeted is a mystery. The world of social media has abrupted into a debate, with many different opinions on the matter. From many users not even knowing what generation they belong to, to others feeling very strongly about the matter, there may not be a solution as to what is "in" and what is "canceled."

10 Still Rocking All Of The Trends No Matter What

For many of us, the abrupt change in hair parts and jean style has come as a surprise. If one does not have the app, it seems that the viral trends and stories come out of thin air with no type of validation.

However, for this particular trend, any Millennial can just hop on TikTok to realize that all of the fashion and beauty secrets they live by make you officially old.

9 Declining The Attempt As A Whole

In the simplest of terms, some Twitter users are flat out saying "no" to the skinny jeans/side part movement.

Many are declining the trend as an entity and going on with their life, with no regrets or explanation. It doesn't matter if they look "old" or "outdated," they have made up their mind on their stance on the debate.

8 Thinking Skinny Jeans Were Here To Stay

It's one thing to adapt to the times, but it's another to get rid of an entire style of jeans and predict the other style will stay forever. Some users went to the extent of giving away any type of jeans except skinny with the confidence that they will never die out.

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Staying ahead of the fashion trends used to be innovative; however, now it seems that one will never be too fashion-forward without being beat to the punch. Thanks, TikTok.

7 Convinced This Is All Made Up

A select few Twitter users are skeptical of the skinny jeans/side part scandal and think that it was never an issue until the Millennials made it one.

It is not only questionable as to where this rumor began, but there are not many certified sources that can vouch for this claim, according to the users. This may be the next conspiracy theory of 2021 until a solution is figured out.

6 Not Bothered As Long As T-Shirt Dresses Aren't Cancelled

In the light of the TikTok madness, many people are content with the cancellation of two prominent styles. However, if T-shirt dresses are ever put in that category, all hell will break loose.

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Many other styles have not been crucified by the teenagers of TikTok, but only time will tell when the next trend is put on the cancellation train.

5 Millennials Continue To Be Defensive Over Nothing

Some users' bitterness towards TikTok lives on as they feel that no one at all is offended by side parts or skinny jeans. In a world where everyone accuses each other of being offended easily, it is funny to think that an entire generation is hurt by some jeans and a hairstyle.

Besides, some people are also resentful towards the many TikTok songs that exist in the social media world, which seems to have even more anger associated with it.

4 An Entire Song Was Made In Rebuttal Of The Trend

Not only is a generational war going on over social media, but a musical tune was created by one user to further express her feelings about skinny jeans and side parts.

The song includes references to how young the TikTok users were when these trends initially began, making it a clever, comical rebuttal.

3 Some Users Advise Us To Go Outside And Touch Grass

More aggressive Twitter users are going so far as to tell the public they should "go outside and touch grass" to get a grip on reality. The idea of an entire generation being told to snap back to things that are actually going on is something one would never expect to read in 2021.

Although these users have a point as to these "wars" being created by specific websites for click-bait, it is hard not to laugh at how heated they are getting over the skinny jeans/side part situation.

2 TikTok Trends Are Reaching The Older Generations

It seems that not only Gen Z and Millenials are impacted by TikTok, but moms and dads are catching on, too. Parents are now able to call out their kids on their fashion choices and create their own outfits based on the popular app.

Some users may say that their parents are more aware of the latest trends compared to them. Who says TikTok is only for teenagers?

1 Not Even Knowing What Generation You Identify With In The Gen Z Versus Millenial War

It's hard to have an opinion when you don't even know what generation you fit in with. The TikTok debate on skinny jeans and side parts has caused many Twitter users to question what generation they would associate with since they prefer all different styles and trends.

Based on what year fits under each generation alone is not enough for these users to pick a side on the generational war.

NEXT: 10 Up-And-Coming Women Musicians To Follow On TikTok
March 06, 2021 at 06:30AM



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