Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Big Mouth: 10 Duos Who Should Become Friends | ScreenRant

Ever since hitting its streaming service, Big Mouth has become one of the most popular adult cartoons. A huge reason behind this is the fact that it does an excellent job of portraying the abundance of struggles that adolescents go through when they start growing up. This also factors well with the show's focus on friendships and dating. However, even with this being the case, it could draw attention to the formation of new friendships.

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This would allow the series to explore the plethora of other characters from the show that are very intriguing. It is apparent that the series spends a lot of time following the duo of Nick and Andrew, which is understandable, as they are the main characters. However, that should not restrict them from branching it out a little bit more. The potential for even stronger storylines are definitely there if they choose to go down this route. Examining some potential pairs for the show makes it clear.

10 Nick And DeVon

Nick and DeVon do not spend much time together, but when they do, it appears that they do get along. Therefore, it would be interesting to explore this friendship a bit more.

DeVon is a character who seems to be pushing away from the "cool guy" persona and is becoming more authentic. Nick also is maturing in a lot of ways and admitting his flaws, so perhaps the two could mesh well with their new sense of humbleness.

9 Andrew And Lars

Andrew and Lars definitely experience an intense rivalry, as they both share an interest in Missy. Things escalate immensely and it leads to complete turmoil, but it is always nice to see enemies become friends later on down the road.

This could be a very intriguing dynamic because of their past trouble with one another. However, it would take a lot of forgiveness on Lars's end, so there definitely is a big obstacle in the way.

8 Jay And Seth

Seth is definitely a character who shows that he is a bit immature and enjoys saying inappropriate things. This is where he and Jay could honestly work well together as friends, as they do share similar personalities.

RELATED: Big Mouth: What Fans Loved About Season 4 (& 5 Things That Missed The Mark)

The lone worry about them connecting is that Jay does have the ability to push people away with how energetic he can get. However, the potential comedy of these two forming a friendship definitely is worth exploring.

7 Jessi And Gina

Gina is not used as frequently in the series after she and Nick split up. Honestly, this is pretty disappointing, as it is rather clear that she is a character who does have the ability to possess a lot of substance.

She and Jessi actually do not seem too different in personality, as they are both very strong. Perhaps these two could make very good friends in the future, as it is hard to find many differing aspects of their characters.

6 Missy And Lola

Missy is becoming more confident in herself, which is definitely a treat to see. She is standing up for herself and becoming more assertive, so maybe she could actually form a friendship with Lola.

Lola is definitely somebody who is very tough and combative, so Missy could learn from her too. This is definitely a type of friendship that could bring upon a lot of laughs, as the nonsense between them would be excellent.

5 Coach Steve And Elliot

Coach Steve spends most of his time with his students, which has its nice moments, but he could use some adult friends. Nick's father, Elliot, could be an excellent choice because he is very empathetic and nice.

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Therefore, he would possess a lot of patience with Coach Steve, which certainly is required with how he is with his antics. Even with this being the case though, Elliot does seem like the perfect person for him to befriend.

4 Matthew And Andrew

Matthew is a character in the series that often feels out of place. He does not seem to have a strong foundation of friends, but he does show in the past that he is able to tolerate Andrew from time to time.

It would actually be kind of intriguing to see the series explore this dynamic more. Andrew's personality would likely irk Matthew at times, but they do share some similarities that could make them mesh well.

3 Nick And Judd

The family dynamic between Nick and Judd definitely needs more attention. Judd is a bit of a troubled lad, but even with this being the case, Nick could really use some judgment from his older brother.

Even if Judd does not give Nick good advice, it would be nice just to see these two socialize more. Judd is simply an underrated character that honestly is getting far too little screentime as of late.

2 Jessi And Ali

Another person who Jessi could benefit from becoming friends with is Ali. Ali is definitely a character who knows who she is, which is quite admirable considering the fact that she is still very young.

Jessi, on the other hand, expresses a lot of doubt in herself, even though she is a great character. Maybe a friendship with Ali would allow her to recognize how wonderful she is.

1 Nick And Caleb

Caleb is another underrated character in Big Mouth, as all he does is make the audience laugh every single time he speaks. This is what allows him to become a fan favorite, while also making him in need of more spotlight.

With Nick being the main character, it would be awesome for him and Caleb to develop a friendship with one another. This would allow the show to create a deeper story for Caleb, as there is a lot for them to work with.

NEXT: Big Mouth: Hormone Monster Connie's 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& 5 Worst)

March 23, 2021 at 05:30AM



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