Monday, July 13, 2020

Harry Potter: 5 Ways Leo Are Typical Gryffindors (& 5 They Are Not)

For as long as Harry Potter has had a place in the pop culture zeitgeist, the Hogwarts Houses have had their loyal followers and dedicated fans of whom the houses resonate with from a personality perspective. What has also lasted for as long as the Wizarding World has gotten a place in the world is Gryffindor's status as the most central and most stereotypically well-known house.

RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Ways Sagittarius Are Typical Gryffindors (& 5 Ways They Are Not) 

The traits of the Gryffindor are easy to know as they rely on a few crucial qualities which make them up, qualities that pair them perfectly with signs of the zodiac. One such sign which shares significant similarities, while also having big differences from Gryffindor, is Leo.

10 Typical - Fire & Lion

Every Hogwarts House is represented by a different animal, as well as a separate element, something also true of the signs of the zodiac who have their grouped element, and representative sign.

The most apparent connection between Gryffindor and Leo is the fact that they both share the animal of the Lion and the element of fire. These two things capture the essential qualities of each perfectly.

9 Not - Glamour

Leo, as a fire sign, is a very fiery sign with love for attention, for beauty, for glamour, and passion. While Gryffindor shares many traits with Leo, this adoration for glamour is not one.

Look at the Weasleys, or Harry, or even Hermione, none are massively caught up in material beauty and possessions. Leo, though, very much loves materialistic beauty in all its forms, whether it be in items, clothing, or themselves.

8 Typical - Leadership

Sticking with the common theme of fire shared between the two, both Gryffindor and Leo are naturally charismatic and passionate, making them exceptional leaders.

RELATED: Which Harry Potter Gryffindor Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Leo has the stereotypical ability to bring people together, drawing in many friends and having a large collective at their back to lead into any situation. This is something that can get said about Gryffindor, just look at Dumbledore's army as one of many examples.

7 Not - Self-Centered

Both Leo and Gryffindor are groups who thrive in the glory and attention that comes with being a leader and being a hero; however, how Leo is with that is far more amplified than Gryffindor.

Leo is typically a big-hearted sign, but when it comes to the attention of others, they love it, and almost need it. While Gryffindor is a house that loves to be the hero, Leo more so just loves being loved and admired, even if it is for no real reason at all, with the ability to ask for everything but perhaps neglect the wants of others.

6 Typical - Stubbornness

A trait that is shared amongst all of the fire signs, as well as Gryffindor, is the fact that the fire within them leads to them getting a bit short-tempered, but incredibly stubborn.

The determination the pair share can lead to them getting insanely frustrated and therefore becoming annoyingly stubborn if things do not go their way or if they do not get what they want. They will stick to their guns, even if others present better ideas.

5 Not - Naivety

Gryffindor is a house that is pretty much always seen as the hero, always jumping headfirst into situations that would ultimately get deemed heroic, which, in itself, is quite naive, but more so reckless. Leo, however, is a naive sign.

The naivety of the Leo stems mostly from their generosity and big-heartedness. While often self-centered, Leos are kind, almost to a fault, like a Hufflepuff, opening themselves up as easy targets for people to take advantage.

4 Typical - Determination

Jumping back to the element of fire brings together Leo and Gryffindor by way of one of Gryffindor's quintessential qualities, determination, shared with the Leo.

RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Ways Virgos Are Typical Gryffindors (& 5 Ways They Are Not)

When a Leo, or a Gryffindor, set their mind to something and go off to achieve it, they will not stop until they do so, they cannot stop. They have an optimism an unwavering focus to reach their goals under any circumstance.

3 Not - Self-Righteousness

Self-centered? Absolutely. Attention-seeking? Of course. Glory and glamour loving? To the core. But, self-righteous? Not exactly. Definitely not in the same way as a typical Gryffindor.

Due to the separation of houses and house pride, as well as the general qualities of the house, Gryffindor's tend to be extremely judgemental and put themselves on a pedestal above others who do not share the bravery or determination of them. Leos will not judge people for this, they may adore adoration, but they do not see themselves as better as others purely for possessing certain qualities.

2 Typical - Bravery

Speaking of bravery, above all else, it is the trait of the Gryffindor. Just look at all of its main heroes, at Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, Sirius, all of whom possess incredible bravery, just like the fire signs do, including Leo.

Just look at the animal of the Lion, king of the jungle, holding incredible bravery and fearlessness, able to venture into any challenge and any situation with the highest level of courage, whether it be to protect or to help.

1 Not - Creative

The Leo expresses themselves in many a different way, and with all the passion and attention they crave, they have a penchant for creativity in the realm of dramatics.

The same cannot get said about a typical Gryffindor. Ravenclaw is known as the more creative house and the more eccentric house at that. Gryffindor's are more typically intelligent, and so do not match up with Gryffindor's in that realm.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Reasons Why Gryffindor Is The Worst House
July 13, 2020 at 05:30AM



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