Sunday, July 12, 2020

Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Littlefinger

In Game of Thrones, some people stay alive and thrive through their own strength while others use their cunning. Petyr Baelish, aka Littlefinger, falls into the latter category as he is one of the most skilled players of the so-called "game of thrones."

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Though he comes from modest beginnings, Littlefinger has managed to climb the ladder of power in Westeros and accomplish quite a lot. He does so through lying, scheming, and other nefarious means. Given that he is someone who operates in the shadows, there is still a lot that doesn't totally make sense about his character.

10 His Execution

Littlefinger was one of those characters who made the show more interesting, but fans still wanted to see him get his comeuppance. Once he started playing Sansa and Arya against each other, viewers were ready for his inevitable death.

After being confronted with all of his many crimes, Sansa orders Arya to execute Littlefinger. While he was guilty of a lot, he didn't get much of a trial. Most of it is based on Bran using his vision powers, which is flimsy evidence at best. Littlefinger gives up way too easily.

9 Trusting Lysa Arryn

In the pilot episode, Ned and Catelyn Stark receive a letter from Catelyn's sister Lysa saying that her husband was murdered by the Lannisters. This sets in motion the events of the series and a lot of deaths.

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It is later revealed that Littlefinger had Lysa kill her husband and blame the Lannisters. But given how clever Littlefinger is, why would he trust someone as unhinged as Lysa with such a big secret for so long?

8 People Trust Him

Littlefinger's deceptive nature is well known but pretty much everyone in King's Landing. He even tells Ned Stark that he shouldn't trust him. He seems totally uninterested in hiding his ambition, so why do so many people have faith in him?

He serves some of the most powerful people in Westeros and he has betrayed all of them at one point or another. Why do they keep giving him opportunities to deceive them?

7 His Love For Catelyn

Though there are likely a lot of things that led to Littlefinger becoming the villain he eventually was, his infatuation with Catelyn Stark may have been the thing that started it all. After getting shunned by her in their youth, Littlefinger decided to use his mind to become powerful and win her.

However, he makes some strange choices in trying to impress Catelyn. His biggest misstep was trying to sweet-talk her after he played a role in her husband's death. Littlefinger seems legitimately surprised that she is mad at him for that.

6 Killing Joffrey

While the murder of Robert Arryn was certainly a big power move, Littlefinger really outdoes himself when he conspires with Olenna Tyrell to kill Joffrey Baratheon.

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For Littlefinger, having such an unpredictable king would be bad for his plans, so killing Joffrey makes sense. However, Littlefinger leaves King's Landing after doing so, which seems like a strange move as he could have taken advantage of the chaos that ensued.

5 Ramsay Bolton

Another vile villain whom Littlefinger deals with is Ramsay Bolton. After Ramsay's father, Roose Bolton, is named Warden of the North, Littlefinger helps arrange for Ramsay to marry Sansa Stark and solidify their hold on the North.

Ramsay is, of course, a sadistic man who abuses Sansa. Littlefinger claims he had no idea Ramsay was like that, but this seems like an open secret. If Littlefinger did know, why would he allow such mistreatment of Sansa, whom he sees as his ticket to power?

4 Playing Both Sides

After helping Roose Bolton hold the North, Littlefinger immediately goes to King's Landing and tells Cersei of the union between the Boltons and Starks. Since Sansa is still suspected of killing Joffrey, Cersei is furious.

But it's never clear what Littlefinger's plan is here. After working so hard to arrange that marriage and giving up Sansa, why would he then get the Lannisters involved? He likes chaos but this seems pretty senseless.

3 His Friendship With Varys

Some of the most entertaining scenes in the series are the conversations between Littlefinger and Varys. These two men are a lot alike as they came from nothing, reached high levels of power, and are brilliant strategists.

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However, it's never clear if these two are best of friends or worst enemies. They seem to respect one another, but they also often stand in each other's way. It's unusual that Littlefinger would allow for such a skilled opponent to get so close to him.

2 The Dagger

In another one of Littlefinger's early schemes, he helps hatch a plan to have Bran Stark assassinated. When it is revealed Bran is still alive after falling from the tower, an assassin arrives to finish the job, armed with a Valyrian steel blade.

When Catelyn shows Littlefinger the blade, he says that it was his and he lost it in a bet to Tyrion Lannister. But after Tyrion is arrested for the assassination, he doesn't question why Littlefinger lied and tried to pin the murder on him.

1 His Overall Plan

In one of the most famous quotes from the series, Littlefinger and Varys discuss the chaos that is overtaking Westeros. Littlefinger insists chaos is just an opportunity. This is the best insight into his mind but it doesn't mean his overall plan makes anymore sense.

He made various moves that throw Westeros into chaos and moved slightly up the political ladder, but what was his end goal? Did he want to sit on the Iron Throne? Did he just want to marry Sansa? It was never clear.

NEXT: Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Boltons
July 12, 2020 at 05:30AM



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