Monday, July 13, 2020

10 Things That Happened In Modern Family Season 1 That You Completely Forgot About

Modern Family has joined the ranks of those sitcoms that seems destined to be considered a classic of the form. And why not? It’s not only wonderfully written and acted and incredibly funny, but it also managed to take on some serious issues. Most notably, of course, it explored the ways in which the idea of family has changed (sometimes very radically) over the past couple of decades. One of the most extraordinary things about the show is how much it allowed its characters to grow and change over the course of its run.

RELATED: Modern Family: 10 Episodes That'll Never Get Old

There are more than a few things in season one that many people have probably forgotten about.

10 Mitchell Tried To Hide Lily From His Family

Though Lily would become an integral part of the family as the series progressed, way back in the pilot it appeared that this might not be the case. In fact, Mitchell shows some reservations about telling his family that they’ve adopted a baby at all. Ultimately, of course, they do show Lily off to the rest of the family, but it’s easy to see why Mitchell might be a bit reluctant, given his difficult relationship with his father.

9 Mitchell And Cam Pretended To Be Straight

One of the things that has always been so appealing about Cameron and Mitchell is that, for the most part, they’re proud of who they are as gay men. There have been a few times, however, where they’ve been willing to attempt to pretend to be straight, including way back in the first season. Of course, the hilarity is that they would think that this is in any idea a wise thing to do and, of course, they aren’t very good at it either.

8 Mitchell Had Never Been To Costco

During the course of the first season, it’s ultimately revealed that Mitchell had never been to Costco. Of course, in hindsight this isn’t at all surprising, considering the fact that, as Cam points out, Mitchell can be a bit of a snob (though he of course defines himself as discerning, which basically means the same thing).

RELATED: Modern Family: 5 Things We Loved In The Finale (& 5 Things That Ruined The Show)

Needless to say, he finds himself enjoying himself at the store more than he thought he would, revealing his own biases for what they are.

7 Shelley Long Made Her First Appearance As DeDe Pritchett

While Jay and Gloria are an incredibly good couple-always bringing out the best in one another-it’s important to remember that he also has another woman in his life, his ex-wife DeDe. She makes her first appearance in the first season, and it’s easy to see why she has such a difficult relationship with all of her family. However, props have to be given to Shelley Long, who really does bring all of her considerable talent into making DeDe a believable character.

6 Mitchell And Cam Were A Bit Insensitive At The Doctor’s Office

For the most part, Mitchell and Cam are good parents to Lily, and it’s clear that they’re doing their best. There are times, however, when they sort of stumble, particularly when it comes to Lily’s race. In one notable incident in the first season, they make some incredibly insensitive remarks to Lily’s doctor, even though, as she tartly reminds them, she is herself American. It’s an important reminder that even those who are a member of one minority group can be insensitive to another.

5 Jay Broke Manny’s Flute With Gloria’s Approval

One of the most enduringly funny dynamics in the show is between Manny and Jay. At one point in the first season, Jay did everything in his power to try to keep Manny from being beat up for wearing his poncho (much to Gloria’s consternation). In a bit of a turn, however, she did join together with Jay in the “accidental” destruction of Manny’s flute because, as she memorably put it, the combination of the flute and the poncho would just be too much.

4 Benjamin Bratt Makes His First Appearance As Manny’s Father

While Jay has tried his best to be a good father to Jay, there are times when his biological father turns up to cause all sorts of chaos, and this all starts way back in the first season. The fact that it’s Benjamin Bratt-who is, without a doubt, incredibly charming and handsome-makes the character somewhat likable, even as it’s also made clear why it is that Gloria is no longer with him and why Jay is actually a better match for her (and a better father for Manny).

3 Claire Doesn’t Know How To Use A Remote

The marriage of Phil and Claire is one of the most endearing in the history of sitcoms, in large part because the two of them seem to genuinely love one another. However, they do have their differences, and one of those is that Claire sometimes struggles with technology. As this episode makes clear, that even includes a remote.

RELATED: Modern Family: 5 Things That Changed After The Pilot (& 5 That Stayed The Same)

Poor Claire can’t even get Phil to explain it to her properly, because he has a tendency to talk down to her.

2 Jay Killed Manny’s Turtle

Though he is often a very good (if sometimes fumbling) father figure to Manny, he’s had his fair share of screw-ups. Way back in season one, he even managed to kill Manny’s pet turtle, which was unfortunately very similar to an earlier instance in which he accidentally killed Mitchell’s pet bird. While Jay thought he was pulling one over on his stepson by creating an elaborate explanation for the turtle’s death, Manny was unsurprisingly unfooled.

1 Gloria Is An Excellent Chess Player

Gloria likes to pretend that she’s pretty but stupid. However, there have been quite a few times when she’s revealed that there’s actually a very sharp brain in that head, and in season one it’s actually revealed that she, like her son Manny, is actually a very good chess player. Of course, she decides that discretion is the better part of valor, and so she does everything in her power to hide her proficiency from Jay.

NEXT: Modern Family: 10 Funniest Quotes About Love
July 13, 2020 at 05:30AM



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