Saturday, May 23, 2020

Rick And Morty: 10 Ways That Evil Morty Could Get His Revenge

Rick and Morty recently teased the return of their most vicious enemy. The looming threat of the evil, eye-patching wearing Morty has been an ominous presence throughout the show. It seems that his thirst for revenge is getting stronger with each passing episode.

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When he finally does arise to seek justice for whatever Rick has done to him, he will bring with him a plan so dastardly that even the great Sanchez might succumb to it. Here are 10 ways that Evil Morty might exact his revenge on the grandfather and grandson duo in upcoming episodes of the series.

10 Kill Off A Version Of Beth

The version of Beth that's currently in the Smith household is quite unclear. There's a possibility that the character had been cloned and that the real Beth is off living a completely different life.

It would be quite the twist if Evil Morty arrives and kills off Beth, revealing her to be the clone. This would throw Morty's family into disarray and reveal this familial betray.

9 Replace Morty

One thing that Morty would be especially well suited for is replacing Rick's own version of Morty. They obviously look exactly the same, and it's difficult to know whether Rick could even tell the difference.

This could allow Evil Morty to set up a plan right under Rick's nose and turn his life completely upside-down. In many ways, it's actually the perfect disguise for someone trying to plot against Rick.

8 Bring Down The Citadel

Morty is already the President of the Rick Citadel, but it's unclear exactly what his intentions are. While he clearly enjoys having all that power, there may be a bigger plan that will unravel here.

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It's possible that he will destroy everything that the Rick's have built up in order to draw out the main Rick. Even though he hates the Citadel, this would still be a pretty big blow to Sanchez.

7 Break Up Rick And Morty

One of the most valuable relationships in Rick's life is with his grandson. The two have gone on countless adventures together and appear to make one another much stronger.

There's plenty of ways that the two could be broken up though, with Evil Morty perhaps able to turn his doppelganger against Rick. This would make Rick question all of his actions over his own life.

6 Take Rick's Portal Gun

One of Rick's most prized inventions is the portal gun. He's used it to get out of many difficult situations, and it's the pride and joy of any adventurer.

Rick and Morty has been partially defined by that portal gun, so it would be a huge statement to have Evil Morty take it, or perhaps even break it—especially if Rick cannot make another.

5 Damage Rick's Intelligence

What's the most important aspect of Rick's character? His intelligence. Without his mind, Rick is just like any other human. His IQ is what sets him apart from the rest and allows him to go on crazy missions.

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Even Doofus Rick had been outcast from the others, deemed unworthy to really even carry the Sanchez name, though he's still relatively intelligent. If Evil Morty really wanted to turn his grandfather's life around, then he has to go after his mind.

4 Turn Summer

Summer has been displaying signs that there's a darkness within her. She's more like her grandfather than she realizes and could even be identified as a sociopath.

There's a possibility that Evil Morty could turn Summer against her family, either in the disguise of regular Morty or by showing her the truth. Summer truly has the ability to take down this reckless duo.

3 Change History

There are strict time travel rules normally within the creative team of the show, and yet an episode has already shown that they are genuinely willing to play with time in the right circumstances.

Perhaps the one thing Evil Morty needs to do to completely change Rick is to break all the rules and rewrite history. He could change his own story, or perhaps have Rick's Morty turn on him.

2 Bring Back Rick's Wife

Another especially evil thing to do is to bring back Rick's wife, revealing that perhaps she wasn't dead after all. This would be a bigger betrayal to Rick than anything else Evil Morty could do.

Whether it's his genuine wife, a clone, or a version of Diane stolen from time, this is a big way in which Evil Morty could exact his revenge.

1 Reveal The Truth

There's clearly some kind of truth that has been hidden for some time, that being the reason behind why Morty is evil in the first place. There's every possibility that he is in fact the original Morty and this version of Rick betrayed him.

The best way to get revenge could be to reveal what really happened, which might turn Rick's family against him if spun in the right way. This would be an interesting twist for his big plan.

NEXT: Rick And Morty: The 15 Best Episodes So Far (According To IMDb)
May 23, 2020 at 05:30AM



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