Tuesday, May 26, 2020

LOST: The 10 Most Hated Storylines | ScreenRant

Calling all LOST fans, did you know that as of the 23rd of May, it will have been 10 years since the show ended? It seemed like it was only yesterday the fans were watching as the survivors decided to move on into the afterlife together. Where they could finally have peace.

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It was quite the heartwarming finale. However, this didn't mean that all storylines were as warmly received. A lot of the time the writers received a backlash for the show's confusing structure, its tedious characters and some dragged out storylines. Want some examples? You'll have to keep reading to find out...

10 Claire Becomes The New Rousseau

From season 1 - 4, Claire was considered one of the main characters of the show. The writers had delegated a lot of time to her character, developing her romance with Charlie as well as her struggles with motherhood. They even threw a curveball when they revealed that she was Jack's half-sister.

However, Claire's screentime got less and less after this. In season 4, she abandoned Aaron and went missing for three years. When she popped up again in season 6, she was a completely different person. Sadly, they never gave Claire a solo episode so fans never got to experience what went on in those three years.

9 Sayid & Shannon Endgame

One of the biggest issues some fans had was the Sayid and Shannon endgame. It's not that it wasn't a sweet relationship, it's just that fans weren't convinced that they were each other's soulmates. Especially when the writers spent half the time having Sayid declare his undying love for Nadia...

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Even the flash-sideways for Sayid was about Nadia and learning to let go of his guilt. It seemed a little strange that the writers would make Sayid and Shannon endgame when their romance lasted just four weeks.

8 Sawyer & Kate Entrapped In The Cages

Over six years, LOST was shown to have a few dreary and dull storylines. However, one that was pointless and well-dragged out what those Sawyer/Kate cage episodes. While Skate fans rejoiced at their two favorite characters getting together, everyone else was rolling their eyes at how long they were trapped like animals.

For six episodes, fans watched as they broke rocks, flirted over fish biscuits, and fail to escape from the Others. It was also annoying that Sawyer got attacked every five minutes. Everyone was so glad when it was over...

7 The Jack-Kate-Sawyer-Juliet Love Quadrangle

Another storyline that got dragged out was the quadrangle between Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Juliet. For the first three seasons, fans watched as Kate was torn between Sawyer and Jack. One minute she wanted the con man and the next it was the neurosurgeon. Then Sawyer again and then Jack again.

RELATED: LOST: 5 Things That Make No Sense About Juliet & Jack (& 5 About Juliet & Sawyer)

When the writers included Juliet, fans all thought the triangle was going to be put to bed. Instead, the writers stretched it out into a love quadrangle and the fans were forced to watch as they struggled to settle. Eventually, Sawyer chose Juliet, and Kate picked Jack. Still, it was pretty annoying to watch them run around after each other.

6 The Origin Story Of Jack's Tattoos

One particular storyline that fans didn't enjoy was the episode that delved into Jack's tattoos. If some fans can't remember this subplot, they will have to revisit "Stranger in a Strange Land," where the entire episode was dedicated to the ink.

Since Jack had remained elusive about them, fans believed there was some big mystery about them. When they did get around to it, it turned out that he got them during a holiday and meant nothing.

5 Ben's Obsession With Juliet

Looking back, the writers managed to come up with a few creepy storylines. One of which included Ben's weird obsession with Juliet. In Juliet's origin story, fans learned a lot about her motives and relationship with the Others. They learned that she had been recruited to the Others to fix the fertility problems on the Island.

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However, she soon found herself a prisoner when Ben refused to let her leave. Ben soon developed an unhealthy obsession with the specialist, having Goodwin killed out of jealousy and manipulating her every chance he got. Strangely, this plot was one that remains unresolved.

4 Paulo & Nikki's Story Arc

Out of all the characters on the show, fans will be hard-pressed to find someone who liked Paulo and Nikki. When fans were introduced to the criminals in season 3, it was unsettling that the writers chose to cast them as survivors of the plane crash when they hadn't been seen before.

It also seemed weird to some that the writers would include their arc now when it wasn't relevant to the main plot. The episodes they had just made the season feel disjointed and random.

3 Michael Kills Libby & Ana Lucia

While it threw everyone by surprise when it happened, one of the storylines everyone hated was Michael betraying the survivors. When Walt was kidnapped by the Others, Michael had the fans' greatest sympathies. They knew how much he adored his son and were rooting for him to get him back.

RELATED: LOST: 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With Other Than Libby

But why did he have to go down a dark path to do it? Not only did he kill Ana Lucia and Libby but he also cemented his place as one of the worst characters when he betrayed Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. After everything they did for Michael, it was upsetting that this was how he repaid them...

2 The Flash-Sideways

Although the writers cleared up the meaning of the flash-sideways in the season 6 finale, it took some fans years to get their heads wrapped around it. Some got the impression they died in the plane crash and the Island was purgatory. Others believed the bomb had worked and now they were living the lives they wanted.

It turned out that the flash-sideways was purgatory and the events on the Island were real. However, it was a bit of a stretch that the writers believed the viewer would get this when they kept jumping between the Island and the alternative timeline every five minutes. There was just too much information to process.

1 Sun & Jin's Deaths

By far, the one storyline the fans completely detested was the death of Sun and Jin. In season 4, fans were devastated when Jin and Sun forced apart after the freighter exploded. For three years, Sun raised their daughter alone and believed her husband to be dead. However, this all changed when Ben gave her Jin's wedding ring.

Since she now had proof of his survival, Sun returned to the Island to find Jin. While everyone was delighted at their reunion, the writers soon crushed the fans' spirits when they killed them off. Fans were completely devastated when they realized he would never meet his daughter. The fans have never forgiven the writers for this.

NEXT: 10 Times LOST Shattered Our Hearts Into Pieces     

May 26, 2020 at 05:30AM



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