Monday, May 25, 2020

The Simpsons: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Comic Book Guy

Comic Book Guy is a character that has maintained his status as a consistent source of comedy throughout the entire run of The Simpsons. We all know that he is the sarcastic, arrogant and often unpleasant owner of the Android’s Dungeon comic book store, but there is a lot about the mysterious nerd-culture loving character that you probably don’t know.

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We have looked at every avenue of canonical media The Simpsons produces to bring you ten interesting facts about Comic Book Guy that might have passed you by. Best. List. Ever.

10 His Real Name Is Jeff

There is almost no point in The Simpsons where Comic Book Guy is referred to by his birth name. He’s always reduced to nothing more than his occupation. We did always wonder if his birth certificate really did just say Comic Book Guy though... Well, wonder no more- his birth name is Jeffery Albertson. Not that crazy now that you know, is it?

9 He Has A Master’s Degree

Okay, so anyone with a master’s degree automatically seems much cleverer than most, right? But does it depend on what their qualification is actually in?

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Comic Book Guy might be able to brag about passing a difficult course, but what he might forget to mention is that his degree is in folklore and mythology. As part of his thesis, he took on the impressive (though largely pointless) task of translating The Lord Of The Rings into Klingon.

8 He Is In MENSA

There are a few Springfield citizens who make their higher level of intellect abundantly clear to everyone they talk to. We know Lisa is incredibly bright for her age, while Professor Frink and Dr. Hibbert both have jobs that mean they’ll have had to have gone through years of rigorous training to get to their position. Alongside them in MENSA, however, is Comic Book Guy. For someone who just reads comics and watches TV all day, you wonder how he had time to pass the entrance exam.

7 He Had A Heart Attack At Least Once

For some reason, characters in The Simpsons seem to be at higher risk of heart attacks than most animated people. Comic Book Guy’s own medical trauma is probably caused by his extreme obesity, which isn’t exactly uncommon, but his own way of dealing with his medical problem is rather unique. During, he exclaimed “breath short, left arm numb” and that he “can’t go on describing symptoms”.

6 He Had A Dog

Comic Book Guy makes his love of Star Wars painfully clear throughout pretty much every appearance he has ever made on The Simpsons. However, it seems that his devotion to the franchise runs deeper than even we thought, and started when he was very young.

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While living in his parents’ basement when he was much younger, he had a pet dog who he named Chewbacca, after Han Solo’s furry best friend. Sadly, the dog died before we ever got to meet him.

5 He Created A Famous Comic Book

You’d think that with his deep love of comic books penetrating his every decision and every element of his life, Comic Book Guy would have worked on his own series at some point. Well, you’d be correct: he wrote 278 issues of Everyman, eventually being convinced to self-publish. After a while, the book gained a bit of traction and was given a film adaptation that starred Homer Simpson as the titular “complete loser”.

4 He Had An Online Wife

The first partner we ever saw Comic Book Guy involved with in any way was an online girlfriend. It might be a little too much of a typical nerd stereotype to remain funny for any particularly long period of time, so he moved on quickly.

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However, it was still an important part of his life. They even considered having strange, in-game children.

3 And Dated Agnes Skinner

One of the more real-life relationships Comic Book Guy found himself involved in was with one of the most unlikely people. What was even more unlikely was that Agnes Skinner and Comic Book Guy (two of the angriest and most up-tight characters in the show) had a really nice dynamic that was actually quite wholesome throughout. There might have been a bit too much of an age difference for it to last, but still.

2 And Dated Edna Krabappel

We all know that Edna Krabappel and Seymour Skinner were always destined to be together, so when Skinner and Comic Book Guy ended up face to face in a showdown to win Edna’s heart, we always backed Skinner.

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Comic Book Guy put up a fair fight and he and Edna (who ended up marrying Ned) briefly seemed like they might work out, given their apparent shared love of comic books.

1 He Had A Gay Cousin

We only see him on screen for about thirty seconds during the episode ‘Flamin’ Moes’, but it seems Comic Book Guy has a cousin. He looks and sounds exactly like him, aside from having slightly more filled out facial hair, a very slightly different name (Comic Book Gay), and only enjoys... “certain kinds” of comic books.

NEXT: The Simpsons: 10 Hidden Details About The Simpsons Home You Never Noticed
May 25, 2020 at 05:30AM



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