Thursday, May 14, 2020

Grace And Frankie: 10 Ways The Kids Got Worse & Worse

Although Grace and Frankie aren't perfect by any means, neither are their kids. All of them have issues of their own and bad personality traits that they never try to work through even though it hurts the people around them and they usually hurt themselves as well.

RELATED: Grace And Frankie: 5 Best And 5 Worst Episodes

Grace and Frankie are interesting mothers and Robert and Sol are interesting fathers, so they were bound to have interesting kids, but some of their storylines and quirks are lacking or confusing throughout the series.

10 Brianna's Relationship With Barry

Brianna continually ruins her relationship with Barry due to her own self-destructive behavior. She's headstrong and stubborn, just like her mom Grace, and continues to drive Barry away as she refuses to compromise on anything.

RELATED: Grace And Frankie: 5 Couples That Are Perfect Together (& 5 That Make No Sense)

They break up, get back together without much explanation, and then break up again. Overall, they are a fantastic match and Barry brings out a lot of good qualities in Brianna, and likewise, but they can never figure out how to stick together and their back and forth over the show's six seasons has been a little exhausting.

9 Never Accepting Bud's Girlfriend

The kids constantly make fun of Bud's girlfriend, Allison, and Bud is clear that he is not amused by any of their drinking games about her or their constant complaints. Even after she's pregnant and Bud and she are engaged they keep making fun of her quirks and countless medical issues due to her assumed hypochondria. She always seems to be the butt of a joke. It's a repeated storyline that doesn't ever get resolved except for a joke as Allison and Coyote agree that they just won't hang out and tell Bud this like they're two parents telling a kid about a divorce.

8 Disproportionately Caring For Their Moms

While there are things in Grace and Frankie's lives that warrants the kids looking into assisted living for their moms who are over 70 years old it is still odd that they don't treat their dads the same way. The fact that the two women both threw out their backs and spent the day on the floor with no one noticing and Frankie's issues with having a stroke and potentially having more is concerning, but so is Robert's heart issues after his heart attack. They manipulate their moms and trick them into thinking they're going to live in an assisted living home for the benefit of the other.

7 Lack Of Storyline For Mallory's Marriage

Although Mallory and her husband do begin to seriously look at their issues between each other as a couple they both delay the conversation and probably hurt their own kids in the process. Mallory says she wants to stay together with him and not face the facts to help the kids, but Brianna brings up the fact that she remembers growing up with parents who didn't love each other and it gets Mallory thinking. Although the audience knows that they separated, the show leaves it at that instead of allowing Mallory a more emotional storyline about her marriage breaking up shortly after her parents' split.

6 Joking About Coyote's Sobriety

Coyote seems to joke about it too and does laugh along with others when they joke or bring up his past abusing alcohol and drugs, but it still seems awkward. He forces a laugh and yet no one really stops bringing it up. He still attends meetings, this being a major plot point in the later seasons as he starts seeing a woman he met there, and none of the family seems to be that supportive of it. They seem happy that he is sober, but it is an odd vibe whenever they bring it up. The show seems to take a more comedic tone when it comes to his sobriety and issues with addiction.

5 Brianna And Mallory Confiding In Robert Over Grace

Brianna and Mallory seem to be closer to their dad, Robert, instead of their mom, Grace. In the beginning, it seems like they would side with Grace after Robert shocks her by leaving with Sol, but Mallory confides in him first when she was pregnant and confides in him with her issues in her marriage, while Brianna and Robert seem to have tender moments through her tough exterior as well. It's odd that the two aren't given a chance to be emotionally close with Grace as well.

4 Brianna Not Appreciating Mallory As An Employee

Mallory wants to get a part-time job after her separation because she's bored at home so she goes to her sister for a job. Brianna agrees but tells her she has to start as an intern and won't be paid.

RELATED: 10 Horrible Things Brianna Has Done In Grace And Frankie

While not a great start, it's not completely out of the ordinary, but it seems that she never starts paying Mallory even after she proves herself at work, and Brianna is not taking her seriously. The sisters seem to be close and even closer after their parents' split, and although business-wise it makes sense for Brianna, it's still surprising that she would take advantage of her sister especially after Mallory's divorce.

3 Bud's Need To Control Everything

Although all the kids become too controlling of their moms when they put them into a nursing home and when Grace and Frankie break out the kids constantly check on them, it's Bud that has always tried to control things. It's part of his personality but it's odd that he doesn't get more pushback. He gets Grace and Frankie life alert buttons and continually corrects Sol's work at the law firm. It gets worse throughout the series and no one really tries to slow him down.

2 Brianna And Mallory Not Appreciating Grace As A Mother

It seems that Brianna and Mallory mention that Frankie is a better mother to Grace constantly. Grace is trying to be better and yet her daughters continue to downplay her progress as a mother. It's little comments here and there, but it obviously upsets her that her own daughters seem to like Frankie better. Grace is trying to better herself, and it's odd that Mallory and Brianna never have emotional moments about the progress she's continually trying to make with them.

1 Never Giving Coyote A Dynamic Storyline

Coyote's storyline has been defined by his past issues with addiction, his continued sobriety, and by none of the family trusting him to do anything because of his past. Besides a side story relationship with a woman he met in AA meetings and wanting to move with her to Los Angeles, he hasn't seen much change throughout the six seasons of Grace and Frankie when all of the other kids have had dynamic storylines. 

NEXT: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Grace And Frankie
May 14, 2020 at 05:30AM



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