Wednesday, May 6, 2020

GOT: 10 Best White Walker Cosplays | ScreenRant

The White Walkers. They are some of the most fearsome creations to spring from the mind of George RR Martin (though they are simply called the Others in his books). In the Game of Thrones series, they are as enigmatic as they are terrifying, a force so terrible that they are almost like nature itself.

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It’s no surprise, then, that many people have decided to cosplay as them. After all, who wouldn’t want to pretend to be some of the most powerful creatures in Westeros?

10 Icy Menace

One of the hallmarks of the White Walkers is their ability to convey, without a word spoken, a sense of terrible menace, a sense that death itself approaches. That is perfectly captured in this costume, which manages to convey everything about the White Walkers that we see in the show.

Though the skin tone is slightly darker than anything that we see on-screen, this simply adds another layer of inscrutability to this fearsome costume—credit to bradbehlesphoto on Instagram. 

9 Hideousness

While the novels emphasize the otherworldly, icy beauty that the White Walkers possess, the television adaption goes a different route, giving them a significantly more unattractive appearance, emphasizing their fundamental difference from the humans that they seek to destroy.

This cosplay captures that sense of difference, bringing out the horror and the terror that the White Walkers spread wherever they go. What really sets this one apart, though, are the eyes, which seem to grab you and won’t let you go.

8 Say it With Style

While some cosplayers opt for a straightforward copy of how the White Walkers appear on-screen, this person has gone for a more stylized approach. There’s a great deal of artistry involved in this creation, and there’s also something particularly haunting about its appearance.

It’s not just that this White Walker cosplay looks inhuman, there’s also something vaguely death-like about it; a potent reminder that the White Walkers, more than any other force in the series, bring death with them.

7 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

These cosplayers have done a good job of capturing both the beautiful and the hideous in terms of how the White Walkers appear in the series. On the one hand, the ones with the long blonde hair might almost be mistaken for Orcs from that other venerable fantasy franchise, The Lord of the Rings.

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The one without hair, on the other hand, manages to capture the icy, terrifying beauty that the leaders of the White Walkers exhibit.

6 The Spear of Destiny

Of all of the weapons that appear in Game of Thrones, arguably the one that has the greatest significance is the spear that the Night King wields when he brings down the dragon Viserion (who is later resurrected and used to bring down the Wall).

What’s especially noteworthy about this particular cosplay is the fact that it captures the warrior-like stance of the Night King, with the power to not only command his fellow White Walkers, but also to raise up dead humans.

5 Sitting on the Iron Throne

With an arch-villain as enigmatically compelling as the Night King and a throne as iconic as the Iron Throne, it was perhaps inevitable that fans would imagine what it would look like if the former were to sit on the latter.

That’s certainly what we get with this imaginative cosplay, which shows the Night King, flanked by two of his less-attractive warriors, sitting on the seat that so many others have died to obtain. It’s a haunting image.

4 Eerie Beauty

Though they are intended to look more terrifying than beautiful, you have to admit that there is something ever-so-slightly unearthly and appealing about the White Walkers that appear in the series, even when they happen to have horns growing out of their head.

This cosplayer has definitely gone all-in on the detail, and you have to admire the way that they bring out the sinister beauty of the most feared creatures north of the Wall.

3 Those Eyes, Though

A key part of any successful White Walker cosplay costume is the eyes. The rest of your costume can be flawless, but if you don’t manage to capture the gaze, it’s always going to look incomplete. In this case, the cosplayer has absolutely nailed it.

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In addition to the phenomenal layers of detail that you see on display, they’ve also managed to capture that measure of cruelty that always lurks beneath the surface of every White Walker gaze.

2 Truly Unsettling

Even among the other disturbing cosplayers listed here, this one stands above the rest. It certainly has a lot of detail, and it shows a bit more musculature than you usually see among the White Walkers.

What really stands out, though, are the eyes, which glow the same fearsome blue as those of the Walkers in the series. Looking at this one, you can well believe that you are gazing upon a creature that is older than almost anything else in Westeros. 

1 A Meeting of the Worlds

What makes this cosplay great is the way that it seems to mix the Children of the Forest, Dany, and the Night King. No wonder the cosplayer decided to title it the Night Queen!

Looking at this creature of icy beauty and rugged garments, you can well imagine her leading her forces across the Wall, determined to bring death, destruction, and misery to all of those who dare to stand in her way or oppose her conquest.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 10 Amazing Jaime Lannister Cosplays That Look Just Like Him
May 06, 2020 at 05:30AM



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