Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5 Reasons Why 'Frozen II' Did Worse On IMDb Than The Original (& 5 Why It Shouldn't)

Frozen II was released at the end of 2019, quite a few years after the original. Fans were obsessed with the tale from the first film and had hoped to be as inspired by the second. Some thought it was a hit, while others were less than enthused with the outcome.

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IMDb users gave the first film a rating of 7.4, while the second film only received a 7.0. It was disappointing to see this outcome, but there were several reasons that could sway an opinion either way. Keep reading to learn about five reasons why Frozen II did worse on IMDb than the original, and five why it shouldn't!

10 Why It Did Worse: The Songs Weren't Great

The original film had so many great songs that fans were singing from the rooftops, but this film didn't inspire the same outcome. The songs in the second film were still good and flowed with the film, although they lacked inspiration.

Some even seemed to be thrown in there nonchalantly, while the songs from the original film had fans of all ages buying the album from the store. It also seemed like they threw a lot of songs at fans right in the beginning, rather than focusing on dialogue to capture the attention of fans.

9 Why It Shouldn't: More Magic Is Introduced

One of the best things about this film is the addition of more magic. Elsa expands upon her own powers as she shows her ability to wield it in a way that makes her very powerful. Fans were also given new fantastical creatures like a fiery gecko and a horse made of water.

This element was something that was kept more or less hidden in the first film, while the second opened it up to exploration.

8 Why It Did Worse: The Plot Was Subpar

The plot seemed to jump all over the place throughout the film as so many different themes seemed to be thrown into the final product. It took a turn for the worse when everyone became separated and the scenes had to jump from one character to another.

The film seemed to lose some of its magic when this happened, especially with its younger audience, as they did their best to stay enthused with the movie.

7 Why It Shouldn't: It Covers Difficult Topics

The first film uncovered topics like love and secrets, while the second film dove deeper into more difficult topics. The first is how the girls deal with the loss of their mother at a young age and cope with this throughout the film. It also covers more modern-day love, as Kristoff asks before swooping in to save the day, and isn't afraid to show his own vulnerability.

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Fans also see the addition of different cultures, as well as the issues that come with colonialism. The film leans toward a maturity that wasn't seen in the first, and many would argue that it is a better film because of it.

6 Why It Did Worse: Fans Knew The Deaths Weren't Real

Fans watched as Olaf melted and Elsa turned to ice, but it didn't encourage any sad emotions. Fans should have been bawling their eyes out as they watched two of their favorite characters meet their end, but instead, they stared blank-faced at the screen while awaiting their return.

It was supposed to be a shocking moment that rocked their world, and it fell flat because everyone knew that they could never kill off these two characters without ruining the franchise.

5 Why It Shouldn't: The Animations Were Taken To New Heights

A six-year span rests between the first and second films, giving technology time to advance. The finer details hit the mark and the overall look had a cleaner presentation than that of the first film.

Fans were in awe of the graphics the moment the movie started, and this is what stuck in the memories of it's fans.

4 Why It Did Worse: It Started Out Slow

The film began with lots of singing and backstory that bored the fans to death. Some even debated bailing on the film within the first half-hour as they waited for something exciting to happen.

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It dragged on at points where it should have been pummeling viewers with action. Fans had expected to be blown away, and the beginning inspired the opposite effect.

3 Why It Shouldn't: Fans Feel A Deeper Connection To Olaf

Olaf was a fan favorite in the first, but he was even more popular the second time around. He was as comedic as he was in the first, but the writers also made fans feel something deeper for this character.

The song where he runs from the spirits in the woods is unforgettable, and the moments that he shares with Anna are magical. It focuses more on his own personal qualities, rather than making him a comedic relief as he was in the original.

2 Why It Did Worse: The New Characters Weren't Special

The original film had fans holding the newly introduced characters close to their hearts, while the second had fans easily forgetting their names.

The members of the Northuldra tribe should have been at the front of fans' minds, but instead, the film left it hard to even picture their faces. These people should have been at the forefront, yet somehow Disney managed to push them into the background without a second thought.

1 Why It Shouldn't: The Sisters Find Their Own Way

The first film sent Anna on an adventure to find her sister, while the second film sent them each their own way. Fans watched as Elsa was literally frozen and it was left up to Anna to save the day.

The ending also solidified this fact as Anna became the queen of the kingdom, while Elsa decided her calling was to live in the woods with the native people.

NEXT: 13 Hilarious Frozen 2 Memes Only Disney Fans Will Understand
May 06, 2020 at 05:30AM



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