The title of Transformers 7 has been revealed as Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, confirming a live-action adaptation of the fan-favorite television series Beast Wars. Michael Bay's Transformers series launched in 2007 with Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox starring as two humans caught up in a war between the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Although the films were never critically acclaimed, the Transformers saga amassed a following that propelled the franchise to box office success.
Four direct sequels to the original Transformers were produced, with Mark Wahlberg taking over the lead role for Age of Extinction and The Last Knight. In 2018, the Hailee Steinfeld-led Bumblebee was released, scoring the best reviews of the franchise and netting $468 million at the box office. Now, In The Heights star Anthony Ramos has been tapped to lead a revival of the franchise alongside Judas and the Black Messiah Star Dominique Fishback. Dexter actress Laura Luna Velez is also onboard as Ramos' character's mom, but, until now, details about the film remained under wraps.
Paramount has announced that the film will be titled Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. The announcement came during a press conference detailing the future of the franchise. The studio also took time to reveal that Transformers 7 has begun filming and they expect Rise of the Beasts to hit theaters sometime in 2022. The film will be set in 1994 in Brooklyn, after the events of Bumblebee, but before Michael Bay's series of films.
The original Beast Wars: Transformers cartoon ran from 1996 to 1999 for three seasons and although it was received poorly at the time, reception to it has changed over the years. Now, many see Beast Wars as one of the best Transformers adaptations. It's unlikely that Rise of the Beasts will follow the exact plot of the 1990s cartoon - seeing as the film is set in Brooklyn, it's immediately apparent that the location will be different than the one in the cartoon, which is described as a strange planet inhabited with Earth-like animals.
It certainly seems like Paramount is hoping that the integration of the Beast Wars storyline into the films will revive the franchise. The studio views the conflict between the Autobots and Decepticons as "somewhat exhausted" after several films mined it for action. Now, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will be able to switch gears while retaining parts of the live-action franchise that fans have come to know and love.
Source: Paramount
June 23, 2021 at 12:26AM