Saturday, October 9, 2021

Which Little Mermaid Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The Little Mermaid tells the story of Ariel, a young mermaid who is utterly fascinated by humans. After falling in love with a human prince, she makes a deal with sea witch Ursula. However, as part of the deal, Ariel temporarily sacrifices her voice and Ursula manipulates the situation in order to get what she really wants: King Triton's power.

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There are some big characters in this story: some are evil, some are good and some are simply hilarious. Fans of this classic movie can find out which character their personality is most aligned with, based on their zodiac sign.

Ariel's father and ruler of the ocean, King Triton, is extremely fond of his daughter, ut, just like other Aries, he is extremely headstrong and believes he knows best. This is evident when he tells Ariel that humans are dangerous and she cannot go onto land, and is not open to seeing her point of view.

Aries are also known for their strength, intelligence, bravery, and ambition. King Triton demonstrates these characteristics by being adored as ruler of the sea and by honorably sacrificing himself in order to save his daughter.

Whereas Ariel dreams of adventures on land, her Taurus sisters are happy staying in the sea. As some of Disney's worst siblings, they do seem somewhat jealous of Ariel, but when it comes down to it, they simply don't share Ariel's desires; like other Taurus', they are homebodies and are therefore happiest in the home they know.

The sisters have some particularly admirable qualities, too: their Taurus natures make them very dependable. This is clear when unreliable Ariel does not show up to a performance but her sisters are onstage as planned, carrying the show.

Flotsam and Jetsam are Ursula's minions and they use their Gemini skills of communication and persuasiveness to convince Ariel to seek help from the sea witch.

As two identical characters, it is clear to see why Flotsam and Jetsam are Gemini twins — the pair have two faces (literally and metaphorically): they pretend to help Ariel, but uncharacteristically of Geminis, their motivations are sinister. Unfortunately, they do not demonstrate many of the wonderful personality traits that twin sign has.

Carlotta is a maid in Prince Eric's castle and she has a heart of gold. Typical of the Cancer personality type, she is kind and gentle and very attuned to other people's emotions. She demonstrates this when she welcomes Ariel with open arms and happily notices that Prince Eric is laughing for the first time in a while.

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However, typical of a Cancer, Carlotta is no pushover and in fact, has a temper. This is shown when she walks in on Chef Louis having made a mess in the kitchen and furiously shouts at him.

One of the most likable characters in The Little Mermaid, Scuttle is the seagull friend of Ariel with a big personality. Typical of a Leo, he cares deeply about Ariel and is always there to help, but sometimes he does get things wrong when he makes brash decisions or pretends to know everything things he hasn't a clue about — like forks!

Leos are charismatic and often steal the show, which Scuttle demonstrates throughout the movie as everyone cannot help but adore his funny personality.

Flounder is Ariel's best friend, although the pair are very different characters. Whereas Ariel seeks adventure and is unafraid of everything, Virgos tend to be timid. Flounder is fearful throughout the movie, but especially when faced with a shark — who could blame him?

Just like other Virgos, Flounder is also kind and loving and his main focus is on the well-being of others. This is demonstrated throughout the movie, as Flounder is always there for Ariel, making sure she is okay and defending her.

Grimsby is Prince Eric's confidant and although he almost certainly has a more official role in the castle, it is never clear what exactly it is. Grimsby acts as a mirror for other people, which is very typical of Libras. This is shown during his communication with Prince Eric, when he reflects back the young royal's responsibilities.

It is Grimsby who helps Prince Eric navigate the timeless love story in The Little Mermaid. As Prince Eric is excessively romantic and Grimsby has Libra wisdom and reasoning skills, he spends most of his time keeping the lovestruck prince on track.

Ursula is the sea witch who manipulates Ariel in her attempt to take King Triton's power.

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Just like other Scorpios, Ursula has an incredible ability to understand others and their motivations. This is demonstrated when she observes Ariel and understands that she dreams of being human and meeting Prince Eric. Ursula also has very little fear, another trait of the scorpion sign — she is not afraid of others, others are afraid of her. As the villain, Ursula uses her Scorpio strengths for evil in this movie rather than good — but fans still love her.

Chef Louis is the cook at Prince Eric's castle and despite having one fabulous musical number, he plays a small part.  Those with the Sagittarius zodiac sign tend to be very emotional and in line with this, Chef Louis becomes irate when Sebastian is in his kitchen.

Just like other Sagittariuses, Chef Louis is extremely passionate, and having found something he loves, he just cannot get enough of it. In this same scene, Chef Louis happily sings as he cooks.

One of the biggest fan-favorite characters, Sebastian the crab works for King Triton and has some of the best musical numbers in The Little Mermaid. Capricorns take their responsibilities very seriously and this is demonstrated when Sebastian, having been tasked with Ariel's safety, tirelessly follows Ariel around trying to keep her out of danger.

Just like other Capricorns, Sebastian also desires to be respected and this is shown throughout the film when he gets frustrated with Ariel not listening to him.

Ariel is fascinated by humans and wants to experience humanity for herself. When she falls in love with Prince Eric, she makes a deal with Ursula to temporarily become human and meet him. Aquarians dream of freedom and indeed, Ariel feels trapped by her life in the ocean and longs for the freedom that she believes is on land.

Aquarians also sometimes feel like outsiders, which Ariel too experiences. Although she is loved by all sea creatures, she feels different from the other merpeople and doesn't fit in with her peers.

After being rescued by Ariel and hearing her sing, Prince Eric falls in love with her and becomes obsessed with finding and marrying her.

Pisces are known for being incredibly romantic, prone to daydreaming, and sensitive — Prince Eric embodies this completely. Just like other Pisces, Prince Eric is also very emotional and demonstrates this when he is distraught that he cannot find Ariel.

NEXT: 10 Animated Disney Movies With Literary Backgrounds
October 09, 2021 at 12:00AM



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