Friday, October 8, 2021

Friends: Jack & Judy Geller's 10 Best Quotes, Ranked

Ross and Monica's parents, Jack and Judy, were a big part of Friends. Fans were dazzled by the distinctive Geller family dynamic every time the four of them gathered in the same room. Although initially Jack and Judy played favorites, they made changes to their parenting and improved with time.

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As in any sitcom setting, with Friends being no exception, parent-child interactions always unfolded interestingly. Owing to their dynamic personalities, Jack and Judy were fun and excitable to watch. Some of the funniest and inspiring quotes came from them, and to this day, they are regarded as an entertaining sitcom couple.

10 Jack: "I'm Not Gonna Tell You What They Spent On That Wedding, But $40,000 Is A Lot Of Money."

Jack and Judy visited Monica a short time after the events of Rachel and Barry's wedding unfolded. The couple had run into Dr. and Mrs. Green at the club, and according to them, the Greens weren't holding up well. While Rachel had begun to settle and adapted well to change, the Greens and the Gellers just wouldn't let it go. Since they were good friends and lived on the same block, the event was still fresh in Jack and Judy's memory.

Therefore, on this particular occasion, one among the Gellers was bound to bring the wedding up. Judy took charge and began to critique Rachel's life choices, whereas Jack uttered the hilarious words much to Ross and Monica's amusement.

9 Judy: "We Might Still Have Some Money If Your Father Hadn't Thought It Was A Good Idea To Sell Ice Over The Internet."

In season 7's "The One With Rachel's Book" Monica excitedly met with her parents to ask for withdrawal from her wedding fund only to find out all of the money was gone. They'd purchased a beach house when Monica was 23, redid the kitchen after she broke up with Richard, and assumed she'd like to pay for it herself if she got married after 30.

A series of questions later, Monica also learned Jack had lost money in some online ice-selling venture. As odd as that sounds, nothing can beat the hilarity of Jack saying, "it sounded like such a simple idea" and Judy critiquing him.

8 Jack: "I Just Wanted To Make Sure You're Okay."

At the start of season 3, Monica was mourning the loss that breaking up with Richard had caused her. She hadn't slept for nights in a row, and Ross once found her standing outside the Szechuan Dragon in the middle of a workday, staring at a parking meter.

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Monica really needed some sleep, and when everything else failed, Jack's timely visit helped kick-start her recovery process. His words comforted her when nothing else could. But before he could finish talking to her, she fell asleep right beside him and he wrapped her in a blanket.

7 Jack: "Honey, Relationships Are Hard. Like With Your Mom And Me."

Jack and Judy were very much in love with one another until the end of the series. Their relationship was built upon loyalty, trust, and it's something both Monica and Ross wanted to emulate in their respective relationships.

Thanks to the sudden visit from Jack, fans found out the Geller parents too had their share of troubles along the way. Turns out, they were broken up for while after graduating from college because Judy's father wanted her to travel around Europe as he did.

6 Jack: "Everyone Thinks They Know Me."

Soon after Ross and Monica's Nana dies, Jack tells his daughter that he wants to be buried at sea. Monica is understandably weirded out by the existential conversation and even though she tries to shush her father, he brings up the whole predictability angle.

Jack wants his body to be dumped into the ocean so people find him more interesting. He dislikes the notion that people find him predictable, and his burial wish is a way to get people thinking they didn't know him after all. Jack is alive and well throughout the course of the series, so fans can't help but wonder if he got his last wish.

5 Jack: "Well, The Key To Your Porsche."

Monica was upset when she found out Jack had used her boxes of childhood memorabilia to stop the rainwater from flooding his garage. She was unable to understand why only her stuff was gone while Ross's stuff was safe and dry.

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Although Jack admitted to favoring Ross unconsciously, he also knew the time had come to redeem his mistakes. The first step obviously was to admit his and Judy's approach was wrong, the second was showing how much Monica meant to them. To make it up to her, he lovingly gave her the keys to his Porsche, saying it was a start to mend their relationship.

4  Jack: "There's Time To Make Up For That. We Can Do Stuff Together."

Ross freaks out a little after he learns he's going to be a father, and so brings the subject up out on a lunch with Jack. As the two men discuss the various aspects of fatherhood, Jack admits he wasn't around that much and it was Judy who did all the work. He also tells his son they can make up for the lost time and do stuff together.

Jack suggests they start off by visiting Colonial Williamsburg but Ross temporarily overlooks it because he has more questions in mind. He begins to feel more relaxed once he hears his father lovingly recall the very first moment with him as a baby.

3 Judy: "That's A Lot Of Information To Get In 30 Seconds."

The iconic Judy Geller quote on Friends is from season 6's "The One Where Ross Got High." It's a typical Thanksgiving dinner, except Chandler has moved in with Monica and Rachel has been entrusted with the task of making a dessert. Jack and Judy are coming over and are unaware of the things happening in their children's lives.

Chaos ensues soon as Rachel realizes she wasn't supposed to put beef in the trifle, Phoebe says she loves Jacques Cousteau, the Geller siblings reveal each other's secrets and Joey says he wants to leave the party. Judy takes about 30 seconds to process this information and says a few things to clear the air.

2 Judy: "Monica Why You Felt You Had To Hide The Fact That You're In An Important Relationship Is Beyond Me."

Judy says this iconic line when she finds out Chandler has moved in with her daughter and they are happily living together. Monica fears Jack and Judy won't approve of her relationship and so Chandler is tasked with impressing them. It's one of those instances in the show wherein the Geller children act more like competitive siblings than friends.

The two rely on continuous mudslinging before Judy reprimands each of them. This episode sheds light on the parent-child relationship and it has some heartwarming Friends moments. It feels just so right when Judy for once approves of Monica's choice and gives Chandler the love he deserves.

1 Jack: "Well, You Kids Talk About This Place So Much, We Thought We'd See What The Fuss Is All About."

The most important Friends' set (after Monica's apartment) was Central Perk. The Geller siblings quite obviously must have talked the place up to their parents.

On this particular occasion, Jack and Judy are in town to attend their daughter's wedding and are admiring Central Perk whilst enjoying their coffee. This episode reminds fans why the Gellers are the main family on Friends. They take interest in their children's lives and genuinely wanted to know why Monica and Ross raved about the place so much.

NEXT: 10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Friends
October 08, 2021 at 12:00AM



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