Monday, September 27, 2021

Doctor Who: 10 Best River Song Quotes | ScreenRant

River Song made her first appearance in the Whoniverse back in 2008 in the season 4 episode “Silence in the Library." After her debut, the wife of the Doctor quickly became a fan favorite, and her complex character and convoluted story arcs held audiences captive for years even after she left the show.

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Whether she’s delivering flirty one-liners to David Tennant's Doctor or poignant quotes that reflect on the fleeting nature of love and death, Alex Kingston’s River Song has some of the most memorable (and most important) lines in the "new Who," some of which will undoubtedly go down in Doctor Who history as some of the show's best.

10 “It's Okay, It's Not Over For You. You'll See Me Again. You've Got All Of That To Come. You And Me, Time And Space. You Watch Us Run!”

In one of Doctor Who's best two-part episodes “Forest of the Dead," River first appears on the show and instantly makes a memorable impression. Despite the fact that at this point in the series audiences have no idea who she is, or about her history with the Doctor, River’s sacrifice is still a tear-jerker.

As she prepares herself for the inevitable, River shares some heart-wrenching words with her Doctor. Not only is this scene even more tragic to watch after getting to know the character in later seasons, but this powerful quote establishes the ground for River and the Doctor’s infamous, inverse timelines.

9 “Hello, Sweetie.”

This is arguably River’s most memorable phrase of the series. Whether meeting Ten in “Silence in the Library”, flirting with Eleven, or being surprised by Twelve in “The Husbands of River Song”, this line is more than just a greeting. When River first turns up at the Library, both the Doctor and the audience have no idea who this audacious archeologist is. But with the overly familiar way in which she addresses him, it’s clear that River has a major relationship with Doctor Who, whether he knows it or not. It’s baffling to begin with, but as the seasons go by, “Hello, sweetie” becomes one of River’s catchphrases, and eventually a way in which the Doctor and she recognize one another across their timelines.

8 “When You Love The Doctor, It's Like Loving The Stars Themselves. You Don’t Expect A Sunset To Admire You Back.”

In the 2015 Christmas special “The Husbands of River Song," River meets the 12th Doctor for the first time and doesn’t recognize his regeneration. She’s told she’s being used as bait to lure in the Doctor, to which she exclaims that he is not “in love enough” to come running to her aid.

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While she never denies being in love with the Doctor, at this moment she truly believes that he doesn’t love her back. Seeing Twelve also come to this realization (as he has in fact come to her rescue) is heartbreaking. This impassioned monologue is one of her most memorable and undoubtedly tugged at the heartstrings of River fans everywhere.

7 “When One’s In Love With An Ageless God Who Insists On The Face Of A Twelve-Year-Old, One Does One’s Best To Hide The Damage.”

“The Angels Take Manhattan” is the fan-favorite Doctor Who episode that saw the last of Amy Pond and Rory Williams. During the takeover, one of the Angels catches River and the Doctor instructs her to get her wrist out without breaking it, in an effort to “change the future."

Unfortunately, it can’t be done and Eleven is upset when he finds out that River lied to him. She explains that because of her love for him, and his dislike of endings, she does her best to hide the damage. This pensive, yet tender scene between the pair really drives home the extent of River's love and dedication to him.

6 "Don't Worry, I'm Quite The Screamer. Now There's A Spoiler For You!”

In part one of the two-part story “The Impossible Astronaut," Eleven, River, Amy, and Rory receive instruction that takes them to 21st century Utah. This episode is full of "wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey" stuff and sheds some light on River’s backstory. It also features a lot of flirting between River "Mrs. Robinson" Song and the Doctor.

Eleven tells River to shout if she gets into trouble, to which she replies that she’s quite the screamer. One of the more adult jokes of the series, this line is not only a glimpse into River’s flirtatious attitude, but is also probably a real spoiler! Considering the fact that most of River’s episodes are quite complex, some comedic relief between this fan-favorite pair is always welcome.

5 “I’m River Song, Check Your Records Again.”

In this scene from “The Big Bang,” River is facing off with a Dalek. When threatened, she tells it that one shot through its eyestalk would kill it, to which it responds that records show she will show mercy because she’s an associate of the Doctor. Readying her gun, River proves it otherwise and promptly slays the beast.

This line is a powerful example of her independent character. River is unlike Doctor Who's other companions who lead by his example of showing mercy; instead, she’s poised to fight and willing to eliminate those in her way. This unyielding attitude (and the fact that she was trained to kill) is what sets her apart from other companions and makes her a distinct character who isn't defined by her role.

4 "Well, I Was On My Way To This Gay Gypsy Bar Mitzvah For The Disabled When I Suddenly Thought 'Gosh, The Third Reich's A Bit Rubbish. I Think I'll Kill The Führer.' Who's With Me?”

“Let’s Kill Hitler” is a more lighthearted episode in comparison to the previous “A Good Man Goes to War," when River’s identity was finally revealed. In this episode, Mels regenerates into Alex Kingston’s River (after coercing the group to travel back in time to kill Hitler) and attempts to kill the Doctor.

After being waylaid by a group of soldiers, River comes out with this unforgettable line. As nonsensical as it is, this quote is the perfect mix of Mels’ outrageousness and River’s spirited sense of humor.

3 “The Day’s Coming When I’ll Look Into That Man’s Eyes—My Doctor—And He Won’t Have The Faintest Idea Who I Am. And I Think It’s Going To Kill Me.”

Thanks to some "wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey" stuff, River’s past is the Doctor’s future. Every time they meet in River’s timeline, she knows him more, and he knows her less. As a result, in “Silence in the Library," when River makes her debut, the Tenth Doctor doesn’t know her at all.

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This quote is heart-wrenching. While the audience has already seen this moment and will remember that Ten didn’t recognize her in season 4, River is still anticipating it in her timeline. One of her most powerful and emotional quotes, this one will go down in Doctor Who history for fans of River Song.

2 “Everybody Knows That Everybody Dies. But Not Every Day. Not Today.”

After River’s sacrifice in “Forest of the Dead,” audiences could never have predicted that she would feature in countless more episodes to come — even after Ten uploaded her data ghost into the virtual world in CAL.

While this quote seems to refer to River’s data ghost surviving (even in her death), it may also have been foreshadowing her future appearances in the series, earlier in her timeline. But whatever the interpretation, this quote is one of River’s most moving as she acknowledges the inevitability of death while also refusing to accept that it will happen soon.

1 “Spoilers.”

Arguably one of River Song’s most memorable quotes, “spoilers” is a single word that carries a great deal of weight. In an attempt to avoid temporal paradoxes the Eleventh Doctor gave River a diary to keep track of their meetings, to avoid her sharing spoilers with him about his own future - which first features in the Tenth Doctor’s episode “Silence in the Library."

From her first episode to her last, River’s character, story, and relationships were always full of secrets and spoilers. In fact, as she prepared to sacrifice herself in season 4, “spoilers” is her last word spoken. For any River Song fan, this word will always have a heart-wrenching second meaning.

NEXT: The 10 Best Doctor Who Spin-off Stories, Ranked
September 27, 2021 at 02:00AM



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