Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Big Bang Theory: 5 Storyline Endings That Fans Completely Reject (& 5 That Were Perfectly In Character)

With 12 seasons to The Big Bang Theory's name, there are numerous storylines that ended so that new ones could begin. As the show went on, however, there were a few decisions that seemed out of character for Penny, Sheldon, Leonard, and co. Sometimes it seemed like endings were forced on the characters before they were fleshed out. But they weren't always rushed. Some endings were perfectly fitted for the characters that TBBT fans grew to love.

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From babies to projects in the lab, The Big Bang Theory covered a ton of territory through the character's jobs, romantic lives, and friendships. But which endings did fans love, and which did they loathe?

10 Rejected: Penny Becoming A Mother

As exciting as it was that Penny and Leonard were expecting a baby in the series finale, this news shocked fans. Penny was adamant about not becoming a mother because she loved her and Leonard's life the way it was. Everything was great between them.

For many female fans, it was refreshing to see a woman on TV who didn't want to become a mother. After all, just because Leonard and Penny were married didn't mean they needed children to be happy. But in a strange twist, Penny threw her needs and desires out the window and was pregnant in the series finale.

9 In Character: Stuart's Ending With Denise

While Stuart's character development shifted from the start of the series, things began looking up for him by the end. He was able to find a woman who didn't want him to change, had the same passion for comics, and she saw a future with him.

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Stuart ended up having the happy ending he deserved, and fans were happy for him. Aside from finding love, his business was also thriving after years of floundering. The ending of Stuart Bloom was perfection.

8 Rejected: Raj's Love Life

Raj is a sore spot for many fans. He was the only friend in the group who didn't end up with someone, even though he was the most romantic. And just as Raj was finding independence, he fell back on tradition and decided to enter an arranged marriage.

Sadly, Anu didn't stick. Her character felt forced and she didn't mesh well with the group. Many fans felt her character was especially pointless when Raj didn't even end up with her.

7 In Character: Sheldon & Amy's Nobel Prize

There's no singular main character in The Big Bang Theory, but it's hard to deny Sheldon's spell on the group. While some characters considered Leonard the nucleus of the group, Sheldon's brilliance and quirks made him the center of it all.

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After years of studying, researching, and theorizing, it all paid off in the series finale when he and Amy won a Nobel Prize. Their win made all of Sheldon's hard-working — and annoying — moments worth it.

6 Rejected: Howard Never Got His PhD

It's a long-running joke that Howard was the only one in the group (aside from Penny) who didn't have his doctorate. He always noted that he didn't need it and was able to work at Caltech and become an astronaut without one. That didn't make Sheldon's teasing stop, though.

It would have been validating for Howard to get his PhD. But at the same time, Howard had nothing to prove. He was a fantastic engineer with numerous opportunities without his doctorate.

5 In Character: Penny's Business Ideas

Penny isn't as "dumb" as the guys make her out to be. At times, Penny had more common sense than the likes of Sheldon and Leonard.

One of her flaws, however, is her lack of focus. There were a few times throughout the series where Penny started something but didn't finish. She created a shoe-hunting app with Sheldon that was never brought up again, she went into business for herself by selling Penny Blossoms but never followed through with it, and even her time at college seemed to be a waste. However, Penny starting and quitting something tracked for her character. She was a passionate woman who didn't continue with things when she grew bored of them.

4 Rejected: Howard's Project With The U.S. Government

In the 10th season, Howard, Sheldon, and Leonard's gyroscope was picked up by the U.S. Air Force. Under the government's watchful eye, the three men worked tirelessly on their invention to perfect it. But one day, the group of friends showed up to work and all of their equipment and work had been wiped clean. The Air Force was happy with what the men did thus far and took over the project themselves.

Seeing all of their work being taken away was disheartening. It felt like it was all for nothing when it was taken away unfinished. To make matters worse, the Air Force asked Sheldon to continue helping them with it — even though it was Howard's original idea. This was a sour ending for fans to grasp.

3 In Character: Bernadette Shut Down Raj's Crush

Things became too close for comfort when Raj had a secret crush on Bernadette. With Howard being his best friend, it crossed the line. Instead of brushing the crush under the rug, Bernadette took it into her own hands and forced Raj to knock it off. In Howard's mother's voice, Bernadette scolded Raj for crossing boundaries. It was very on-point for her character — not to mention it nipped Raj's crush in the bud.

2 Rejected: Howard's Brother

In the eighth season, Howard found out that he had a half-brother named Josh. Fans were assuming Josh would be a welcomed new part of the show considering Howard was alone. But as quickly as Josh came into Howard's life, he left. Fans couldn't help but wonder why writers added him to the series if they weren't going to continue a storyline with Howard. The ending of this new relationship bothered many.

1 In Character: The Final Hours Of Amy's Virginity

#Shamy fans were thrilled when Sheldon and Amy got back together after breaking up. They were even more thrilled when Sheldon realized he was ready to consummate their relationship. When Penny and Bernadette learned that Sheldon was ready to do the deed, they prepared Amy beforehand so that she didn't panic. Amy hilariously took a seat on the steps before proceeding to get a bikini wax for the big night. Watching Penny and Bernadette prepare Amy for her big, romantic evening was the perfect ending of the old Amy.

NEXT: The Big Bang Theory: The 10 Best Scenes In Leonard & Sheldon's Apartment, Ranked
April 11, 2021 at 05:30AM



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