Friday, April 16, 2021

Marvel: 10 Strangest Friendships In Guardians of the Galaxy Comics

Friendships in anything are always going to get strange. Whether it be real life or fiction, strange friendships are always for the best and shine in the weirdest ways. Of course, in the world of Marvel comics, they always seem to get even stranger and in the far reaches of the galaxy, that's more than true.

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As far as a ragtag team of misfits goes, the Guardians Of The Galaxy are one of the best. Over the years, the teams expanded and grown, with new members from other plants, dimensions, and earth joining and cultivating some wonderfully odd friendships.

10 The Original Guardians

Thanks to the MCU, fans know all about the modern version of the Guardians of The Galaxy given their hilarious movie entry. Yet, before Star-Lord, Rocket, Drax, Gamora, and Groot were running around, there were the original Guardians a far-flung future version of the team with characters like Major Victory and Yondu.

The overall nature of the team is a bit strange, given the time the comic came out. While the Guardians nowadays are accepted for being misfits, when the comic first came out, it was strange to see an astronaut from earth team up with a blue alien.

9 Star-Lord And Ronan

Before any of the Modern Guardians came together, they were still out there, protecting and safeguarding the galaxy from different threats. For a time, Peter Quill, the Star-Lord, served not as the leader of the band of misfits but as a military advisor to the likes of Ronan the Accuser.

Serving under the Kree General, Star-Lord didn't persay have the best relationship with Ronan. Still, there was some mutual respect for one another, and him serving under Ronan would lead to Quill forming a new Guardians. Of course, there was that one time when he and Ronan briefly "married" which just added to the strange factor of their already strained relationship.

8 X-Men

Although they mainly operate in the outer reaches of space, there have been times when the Guardians do go to Earth or come across earth beings, specifically the X-Men. In different forms, the Guardians have made friends with X-Men/mutants, from Starjammers to Kitty Pride and a variation of the team.

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Of course, that's not to say they always get along. After all, the X-Men are almost always seen as the cream of the crop heroes. While they're not always respected by the public, they're an organized group of heroes whereas the Guardians are a band of misfits. So when they came together during the "Black Vortex" storyline to save the universe together, it came across as rather strange yet endearing, seeing them team-up.

7 Adam Warlock And Gamora

The likes of Adam Warlock's seen some strange bedfellows over the years. Even before joining the Guardians, Adam traveled the cosmos as an artificial being who made friends with the likes of Pip the Troll and Gamora the assassin.

Of course, this friendship got strange quick. When Thanos was running amok looking for the Infinity stones, Warlock ended up transferring himself, Pip, and Gamora into human bodies that slowly became their old forms. Even stranger, as the years went on, Warlock and Gamora would become allies in the Guardians only to quickly become enemies over the years.

6 Gamora And Magus

Just about every comic fan knows about most comic beings hellbent on destroying the world. From Thanos to Galactus to Korvac, there are still some fans who end up missing, like the Magus, the dark version of Adam Warlock who recently returned to comics and became friends with the daughter of Thanos, Gamora.

As odd as it sounds after Gamora became the villain known as Requiem and killed Thanos, she went off into exile where she discovered a cocoon with a child version of Magus inside. Over the course of a mini-series and part of the 2019 Guardians run, Gamora was seen bonding and even raising the dark villain, maybe even trying to give him a better life.

5 Quasar And Quasar

For years, Wendell Vaughn served as the hero named Quasar, wielding a pair of quantum bands that granted him his powers. Recently, a new Quasar emerged in the form of Arvil Kincaid, a SHIELD agent who Vaughn agreed to mentor. The pair worked together until Arvil seemingly died while saving Earth, prompting Vaughn to take the bands back.

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However, in the recent run of Guardians, the friendship between Wendell and Arvil returns and not as one expects. Arvil was revealed to be alive but stuck somewhere in exile. The only way she can return is if she and Wendell swap places via the Bands, thus making their friendship a little more strange with the pair essentially switching places across the cosmos.

4 Agent Venom And Drax

While most fans know of the mighty symbiote Venom's excursions on Earth, how many recall him being a member of the Guardians? When Flash Thompson wore the symbiote as Agent Venom, he once traveled into space with the Guardians to serve as an envoy for the Avengers and quickly befriended Drax.

Granted, a large alien who was designed to only destroy becoming friends with the likes of a military Agent controlling a symbiote is a strange one. Not to mention they only really seemed to bond over their weapons and that Venom took over Drax at one point. Still, despite that one sour note, the friendship, although strange, was almost sweet.

3 Drax And Moondragon

This may be an odd friendship to bring up but as a whole, the relationship of Drax and Moondragon is bizarre. Originally Arthur and Heather Douglas, father, and daughter on earth, Arthur was killed and Heather was kidnapped by Thanos. Over the years, Arthur's soul was given a new form in Drax the Destroyer and was and still is trying to help his daughter, now known as Moondragon.

Beyond the familial aspects the two share, the friendship almost feels one-sided. While there are moments where Moondragon does help her father or reciprocate his attempts at a relationship in some form, Moondragon almost constantly pushed Drax away and even on one occasion killed him.

2 Nova and Cosmo

Man's best friend definitely has its limits. When Richard Rider, Nova, ventured off to the space station Knowhere after hearing a voice calling for help, he wasn't expecting to come across Cosmo the Spacedog, a former Russian test subject that was blasted into space in the '60s and became Knowhere's security chief.

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Of course, Nova was a bit put off by the experience, which was understandable given he was speaking to a talking dog. It would get weirder over the years as the pair would either de-age to puppy form or die and come back to life. Still, they ended up forming a unique and fun friendship that spanned the years.

1 Rocket And Groot

It goes without saying that Rocket and Groot's friendship is one of the best in Marvel comics in general. Yet, there's no denying the weirdness. A talking raccoon bounty hunter and a sentient tree who can only say "I Am Groot" makes for an odd couple.

What's makes it weirder is how they both use one another. There have been several instances where Rocket wears Groot armor or Groot becomes a mech for him. It's sweet in a weird way. Despite the bizarreness of that, though, Rocket and Groot's friendship is still one of the best.

NEXT: Marvel: 10 Strangest Friendships In Deadpool Comics
April 16, 2021 at 05:30AM



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