Monday, October 12, 2020

10 Main Hamilton Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

When it comes to fandom, there are a few different fandoms that stand out. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Harry Potter, Hamilton. And of course, fans of Harry Potter love to sort people in their lives into their hypothetical Hogwarts houses, rather than into Middle Earth races, Jedi vs Sith, or Marvel Super-teams.

RELATED: 10 Movies To Watch If You Liked Hamilton

So anyone that is a part of both the Harry Potter and Hamilton fandoms needs to know: what Hogwarts house would each of the characters of Hamilton be sorted into? In this magical world, what would the Sorting Hat make of them?

10 Alexander Hamilton: Ravenclaw

Although many may compare the four best friends (Hamilton, Lafayette, Laurens, and Mulligan) to the Marauders (James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew) in Harry Potter, Alexander is still a Ravenclaw through and through.

His brain works in ways no one can understand, his writing abilities are impeccable, and he gets everywhere he gets by working hard and having a natural intelligence.

9 Aaron Burr: Slytherin

Aaron Burr, who lives his life in tandem with Alexander Hamilton, is sorted into (you guessed it) Slytherin. Not only does he use his power for bad and murder Alexander in a duel, but he also is wildly jealous of Alexander throughout his entire life. He lets that jealousy become his defining trait.

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His jealousy is reminiscent of Draco Malfoy's jealousy of Harry Potter. Although Aaron Burr is not a bad person, it is hard not to categorize him into a place where most dark wizards have emerged from.

8 Eliza Schuyler: Hufflepuff

Eliza is a Hufflepuff through and through. She is so good to her core. She is loyal to her loved ones, she is kind, and all of her actions are driven by love. She would definitely be close with the House Elves in the kitchens and would join S.P.E.W. with Hermione. She wouldn't let the houses stop her from having friends in other houses.

Despite the blue color of her dress, Hufflepuff would be her home. Eliza could also have been placed in Gryffindor due to her deep friendships and loyalty.

7 Angelica Schuyler: Gryffindor

Angelica would be sorted into Gryffindor. Angelica is the type of girl who is bold, confident, articulate, and an amazing friend. For this reason, she could also be placed in Ravenclaw, but ultimately, she is a Gryffindor. She thinks rationally, addressing her heart, but listening to her brain. She is well balanced, and represents some of the best Gryffindor traits.

Her vibes are very reminiscent of Angelina Johnson or Katie Bell's vibes: independent, strong, and clever.

6 John Laurens: Gryffindor

Laurens is driven by his bravery. He actually dies on the battlefield while bravely fighting for his country's freedom. His friendship with Alexander Hamilton is also known to be a very deep friendship. There is a lot of love and trust between them.

In the words of Hamilton's portrayal of John Laurens, "You and I, do or die, wait 'til i sally in on a stallion, with the first black battalion." Those words right there showcase his bravery perfectly, and qualify him to be sorted into Gryffindor.

5 Thomas Jefferson: Slytherin

Thomas Jefferson is quite literally the coolest Slytherin. His confidence paired with his cunning attitude and drive to run the country his way set him apart from the other houses and make him such an obvious Slytherin. He also pulls off a dope dress robe, and would bring a crazy amount of swagger to a Hogwarts robe.

RELATED: Hamilton: Why Thomas Jefferson Has A Limp When He Walks

Although he is not on this list, his sidekick James Madison would also be in Slytherin, and they would wreak havoc on the grade. They'd be like a Slytherin version of Fred and George.

4 Hercules Mulligan: Gryffindor

Hercules Mulligan would also be sorted into Gryffindor. This guy is the perfect story of, "Started from the bottom now we're here." He's a tailor's apprentice, and he makes a name for himself during the Revolutionary War. He would probably have been a Muggle Born and would be oppressed by the Purebloods. But he would set them straight after his first Charms class.

His friendship with the 3 other boys that is highlighted in the song, "The Story of Tonight," shows his deep connections and friendships. He also has some great style, that only a Gryffindor could pull off.

3 George Washington: Ravenclaw

George Washington is one of the smartest most well-rounded Founding Fathers. He brings together a group of people who successfully built a country from the bottom up. Without the uniting factor of George Washington, America simply would not have happened. His intelligence along with his creativity and ability to paint America onto an empty canvas shows his Ravenclaw roots.

George Washington could also be placed in Gryffindor, but the sorting hat would ultimately make up its mind and place him in Ravenclaw due to his intelligence and discipline level

2 Marquis de Lafayette: Gryffindor

Marquis de Lafayette is a Frenchman who is in America, and takes on leadership roles everywhere he goes. He plays a key role in the Revolutionary War, and in helping America gain its independence. His bravery is abundant as he puts his life on the line for the people of America and France.

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He is also very funny, and has great banter with his boys, which can only be accomplished with a deep connection.

1 King George III: Slytherin

King George III is a Slytherin. He is a fan favorite, having less than 10 minutes of onstage time in the musical, with lyrics like, "I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love," and, "I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love." If these lyrics don't scream Slytherin, then nothing does.

If there is any doubt about King George's sorting, check out this video of Tom Felton, the actor who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter franchise covering "You'll Be Back" King George III's song in Hamilton.

NEXT: Hamilton: All 46 Songs In The Musical, Ranked From Worst To Best
October 12, 2020 at 05:30AM



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