Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Supernatural: 5 Funniest (& 5 Scariest) Episodes Of Season 3

It's been said that the more something ages, the better it becomes. For movies and TV shows, this saying is a bit double-edged sword, with age either benefiting or hurting the property. That being said, one show that benefitted from age is the ever-popular horror/dark fantasy show, Supernatural.

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When Supernatural started, people viewed it as a typical horror show with scares and twisted monsters. However, over the next two seasons, the show evolved, keeping the horror but adding dark comedy that shows through in the third season. Here are the five funniest and five scariest episodes of Supernatural season 3.

10 Funniest: Ghostfacers

Many different elements can make a show work and click and for a show like Supernatural, one of its strongest elements are its supporting characters. From Bobby to Jody Mills, Supernatural has had many interesting characters, although none as ridiculous as the "Ghostfacers".

A pair of amateur ghost hunters Sam and Dean encountered in a previous season, "Ghostfacers" see their paths cross again to a hilarious outcome, with an ending that leaves audiences laughing and awaiting the Ghostfacers eventual return to the world of Supernatural.

9 Scariest: Long Distance Call

There's nothing scarier than the guilt of our past. At the beginning of Season 3, Sam and Dean are still dealing with the death of their father from the previous season, with Dean taking it the worse. When the brothers fight a monster that can imitate their loved ones and convinces people to kill themselves, the guilt appears in full force.

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From a manipulative monster to a sense of real-life horror, "Long Distance Call" sends both audiences and characters down a dark tunnel that they had yet to explore before.

8 Funniest: A Very Supernatural Christmas

If there's one thing Supernatural has become well known for, it is inventive and unique episodes. From an episode shot entirely in the Impala to a Scooby-Doo crossover, Supernatural has delivered on many interesting ideas and none more entertaining than their Christmas special.

Filled with dark comedy and even a bit of horror, "A Very Supernatural Christmas" gives fans a gift of an episode. The episode even has a warm and emotional ending, which is great to see after watching two people get murdered by a Christmas tree.

7 Scariest: Jus In Bello

Nothing screams scary like an army of demons laying siege to a police station like a supernatural version of Assualt On Precinct 13 When the boys are arrested, demons descend on the small town, resulting in the brothers and remaining townsfolk being left to fight off the evil army.

Full of horror and action, the episode is a roller coaster of frights, all leading towards a conclusion no one saw coming. It's an episode that many fans enjoy and look forward to in a show like Supernatural.

6 Funniest: Red Sky At Morning

While a majority of Supernatural episodes are mainly geared towards the horror side of things, some of the more disturbing episodes also happen to contain some of the more comedic moments. "Red Sky At Morning" is one such episode.

Despite having the boys having to hunt down a ghost ship killing people, the episode is full of comedy.  From their hilarious back and forth with Bela, to Dean having to act like a rich man, the episode is one that leaves the audience shaking with both fear and giggles.

5 Scariest: Fresh Blood

When it comes down to it, the worst monsters in Supernatural sometimes end up being human beings. In "Fresh Blood", the monster's name is Gordon, a former hunter obsessed with killing Sam. The horror is elevated when Gordon is turned into a vampire and goes after Sam.

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Full of suspense and the terror of Sam being hunted down, audiences will find themselves on the edge of their seats, knuckles white the entire time with jaws dropping as Sam brutally kills Gordon in the end. Truly a horrifying episode.

4 Funniest: Mystery Spot

For one reason or another, the theme of death in Supernatural has gone from being a horrifying and gut-wrenching event to a recurring joke. Sam or Dean seems to be on the chopping block at least once a season, yet they are still coming back for more.

In "Mystery Spot", the "joke" is brought to new heights when Sam is forced to relive the same day over and over when Dean dies. As the deaths become more and more ridiculous, the humor of death hits home, providing a wonderfully twisted yet entertaining episode.

3 Scariest: Bedtime Stories

Sometimes, the scariest kind of episode comes from stories that we know all too well. "Bedtime Stories" handles this in the best way possible with one of the oldest forms of stories, the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales.

Like with many of its episodes, Supernatural takes the legends of Red Riding Hood and the three little pigs and turns them on their head, creating a grisly and terrifying episode. From ghosts to possesions, the episodes make perfect use of its source material.

2 Funniest: Bad Day At Black Rock

Throughout its 15-year run, the Winchester brothers have always seemed to be unlucky. Moving from one apocalypse to another, the brothers have had some of the worst luck, and probably the best and most enjoyable example is "Bad Day At Black Rock".

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When the brothers come across a rabbit foot that grants extremely good and bad luck to its user, hilarity ensues. From memorable lines such as "I lost my shoe" and characters that add to the humor, this episode stands out as one of the greats for Supernatural.

1 Scariest: No Rest For The Wicked

Over the course of season three, Sam and Dean were racing against the clock to save Dean from a deal before he's taken to Hell. "In No Rest For The Wicked", it all comes to a head when the brothers run out of time and Dean is brutally killed.

What makes the episode so terrifying is the final shot. The once brave and confident Dean, suspended from chains in Hell, screaming for Sam and help. It's an image that's stayed with Supernatural fans, a horrifying image of a fallen hero.

NEXT: 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Episodes of Season 3 (According To IMBd)
July 22, 2020 at 05:30AM



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