Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Star Wars: Which Prequel Character You Are Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

There are many reasons that the Star Wars prequel trilogy has become so beloved in the decade and a half since its ending. There is the brilliance of Revenge Of The Sith, the impact of The Clone Wars, the battles, the nostalgia, and, perhaps more than anything else, the characters, of which there are many.

RELATED: Which Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

There are so many big personalities, both lovable and hateable heroes, detestable and understandable villains, and minor characters who only serve to improve the goings-on. These personalities lend themselves terrifically to the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac, of which many people can relate.

12 Rat - Jango Fett

Father of Boba Fett, the biological father of the clones, and legendary bounty hunter Jango Fett is not prominent in the prequels but is crucial

The Year of the Rat is not a negative thing. Like Jango - an underrated fact about Jango, in fact - the rat is intelligent, logical, and hardworking, with the ability to adapt to situations well. Jango's analytical skill and adaptability aid in his capacity as a bounty hunter, and while reserved personally, Jango is loud in action, just like the zodiac Rat.

11 Ox - Mace Windu

The Ox and Mace Windu are pretty much the perfect pairings, and one of the most obvious of the prequel characters.

Windu is a very traditional Jedi, rooted in the way of the Jedi Code, with a strong, stubborn head, is extremely dependable and strong in more ways than one. These traits and more all reflect the Ox, who reflects more conservative personality traits.

10 Tiger - Anakin Skywalker

The Tiger and Anakin is another match that works very obviously, with Anakin being perhaps the most confident, reckless, and fiery character of the prequels, just like the Tiger is in the Chinese Zodiac.

Like the Tiger, Anakin is very unpredictable, with Obi-Wan being vocal about not knowing Anakin's next move, neither the Tiger nor Anakin plan ahead, but deal with whatever comes their way. On the more negative side, recklessness does come into play, but so does stubbornness, with irritable tendencies if stuff is not going their way.

9 Rabbit - Shmi Skywalker

The Rabbit is a slightly harder animal to pair, but Anakin's mother Shmi fits the bill well.

A kind and quiet soul who values family, comfort, a sense of homeliness, patience, and compassion, as well as a fear of danger and harm to ones for whom they care for. All are vital qualities of the Rabbit, and Shmi showed in her raising and care of Anakin alone, her welcome nature to Qui-Gon, Padmé, etc. and her disdain for the pod-races and crime.

8 Dragon - Count Dooku

The only fictional animal of the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon, displays traits of a few prequel characters. But, in their fiery and independent nature, as well as perfectionist nature, the Dragon and Dooku share many characteristics.

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Dooku's lightsaber form and combat style rely on a particular class and perfection, the kind for which the Dragon strives. As well as that, Dooku is a phenomenal and charismatic leader of the Separatists, with a sharp tongue, and incredible intelligence, the kind that a Dragon possesses.

7 Snake - Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine

Another Sith who strives for perfection is the one that slithers behind the scenes while the Dragon in Dooku takes the front stage in the public eye, Palpatine.

Like Slytherin's and Scorpio's, the Snake lends itself to villains like Palpatine. Both are enigma's who are secret and devious with a deep, sophisticated mind and thought process, the kind that lends itself to puppeteering an entire war. Intelligent with a sharp tongue and with no wasting of words, and a determination to fulfill their goals, the Snake and Palpatine are a perfect match.

6 Horse - Queen/Senator Padmé Amidala

Padmé Amidala is a character who honestly could be you if you belong to a couple of these zodiac years, but she represents a lot of what makes the Zodiac Horse what it is.

Off the bat, grand fashion and beautiful outfits play a big part in both personalities. But, out with that, Padmé is a strong, stubborn, and talented individual who makes a passionate stand against any injustice with a determination unlike any other, whether it be in protecting her people, protecting Anakin, or going after Obi-Wan. These all match her perfectly with the Year of the Horse.

5 Goat - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Speaking of Obi-Wan, in the prequel trilogy movies - changing a lot depending on which era he is in - Obi-Wan is the Goat in more ways than one.

Resilience is the name of the game for the Goat, and so too is it for Obi-Wan, as shown in his Soresu, the Resilience Form, with both sharing top-notch defensive instincts. On top of that, like the Goat, Obi-Wan never acts rashly, or without thought, they are both kindhearted and reliable and do not need to be the center of attention, far removed from his Apprentice.

4 Monkey - R2-D2

While not necessarily flexible or energetic in a massively physical way, Artoo is most definitely the Monkey of the prequels.

Not only is he both massively witty and immensely clever, Artoo is a mischievous little droid with a stubborn side, but also a side that can poke fun at people and have a fun time to go alongside his unquestionable intelligence, skill, and heroic nature. A zodiac Monkey to a tee.

3 Rooster - C-3PO

Artoo's best friend C-3PO, though, is quite the opposite and matches up well with the next sign in the calendar, the Rooster.

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A logical thinker with a perfectionist nature, always letting you know the odds, the Rooster and Threepio both are hardworking and loyal but are also very talkative with a tendency to brag, we get it Threepio you are fluent in over six million forms of communication (seven million by the time of the sequels.)

2 Dog - Qui-Gon Jinn

A brilliant character who only makes it through one film of the prequels is the hugely important Qui-Gon Jinn, the Dog of the films.

Qui-Gon, like the Dog, has incredible loyalty, not to the Jedi, but the Force, the Living Force, and its authority. He is also immensely kind, willing to help anyone who asks with empathy and sympathy for those who need it. He is patient but stubborn, as shown with his attitude to the Council, and this all adds up to make him the perfect Dog of the Chinese Zodiac.

1 Pig - The Clones

The last animal of the Chinese Zodiac, the Pig, is perhaps the hardest to pair with a prequel character, having little personality traits of a lot of the other animals. But, out of those left, the Pig and the clones of the Grand Army of the Republic pair well.

Both are incredibly strong, both in their will and their heart, with great loyalty, the clones are literally bred to fight for whoever commands them. The clones give all they have into their commands, the same energy of the Pig, who will devote themselves to their goal. If The Clone Wars got included here, the clones would be too unique to lump together, but for the prequels, they fit the Pig well.

NEXT: Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy: The Worst Thing About Each Main Character

July 07, 2020 at 05:30AM



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