Monday, July 6, 2020

Star Wars: 10 Best Quotes From A New Hope | ScreenRant

The entertainment industry changed forever when Star Wars: A New Hope was released in 1977. The film captured the imaginations of audiences all around the world and launched one of the most immersive and successful franchises of all time.

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No matter how far the franchise expands, fans will always look back to the original film as the place where it all began. More than 40 years later, it still contains some of the most iconic quotes in the franchise and the world of entertainment. Many beloved characters make their introductions in this film, with Leia Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi uttering many of the film's best quotes.

10 "Help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're My Only Hope."

Star Wars is considered one of the most well-known examples of the "Hero's Journey" codified by Joseph Campbell. One of the key steps in Campbell's "Hero's Journey" is the call to adventure, which is forever immortalized in Leia's message for Obi-Wan.

Her plea for help is the call to adventure for Luke Skywalker and places him on the path of his "Hero's Journey." It's also an important moment for how it reminds Obi-Wan of his Jedi Knight past. Leia's message reminds him that he used to be more than a hermit living in exile, protecting someone from afar. He's a Jedi Knight sworn to uphold peace who must now emerge from his self-imposed exile and reenter the larger galaxy.

9 "These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For."

This is the first time audiences see a Jedi mind trick and it remains the most memorable example from the franchise. It's impressive to watch Obi-Wan calmly and confidently speak to the stormtroopers until they believe what he needs them to believe.

It is also a great example of how Jedi are intended to be guardians of the peace. Instead of escalating the situation, Obi-Wan deescalates it and both sides can walk away safe and unscathed.

8 "I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing."

Many of Darth Vader's best lines are in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but he also has some classics in this film. This line is the clear winner as he matter-of-factly states it while Force-choking Admiral Motti, who arrogantly and foolishly mocks Vader's belief in the Force.

As a Sith Lord, Vader is filled with rage, yet he possesses composure, even in moments when characters like Motti push his buttons. This moment also demonstrates the tension between Vader and the Imperial officers and that Vader's respect for Grand Moff Tarkin is unique.

7 "The More You Tighten Your Grip, The More Star Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers."

The Empire is determined to rule through fear and oppression. What Leia realizes--and what the Empire fails to realize--is that the Empire weakens themselves when they take this approach.

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The Death Star is meant to end all resistance and make the Empire an undisputed power. Leia knows this plan will backfire as the implementation of the Death Star becomes the rallying, unifying point for the Rebellion to throw everything they have at the Empire. Fear and oppression work for a time, but eventually, these tactics backfire and embolden a full-fledged revolution.

6 "That's No Moon. It's A Space Station."

One of the best parts of any story is when the heroes realize that everything is not what it seems. In A New Hope, this occurs when the Millennium Falcon pulls out of hyperspace and follows a TIE Fighter to what appears to be a small moon.

As they draw closer and are pulled in by the tractor beam, Obi-Wan is the first to realize that it's a space station. The narrative stakes are raised and this adventure immediately becomes far more serious and daring.

5 "Aren't You A Little Short For A Stormtrooper?"

Leia can be a delightfully sassy character. Her sass manifests in her first meeting with Luke. While wearing his stormtrooper disguise, he enters Leia's cell to free her.

Instead of being intimidated by the sight of a stormtrooper, Leia's instinct is to insult the Imperial soldier's height. This confuses Luke and it's a fun, harmless instance of miscommunication that marks the first meeting between Luke and Leia as adults.

4 "Somebody Has To Save Our Skins. Into The Garbage Chute, Flyboy!"

It quickly becomes apparent that Leia is not a damsel in distress. She quickly takes charge of her "rescue" and finds innovative ways to help the group survive seemingly impossible situations.

She's not only a take-charge individual but also someone who stands up for herself and she won't let Han or anyone else push her around. Leia wastes no proving her strength and autonomy as an individual.

3 "I Have A Very Bad Feeling About This."

Luke says this line when he first catches sight of the Death Star aboard the Millennium Falcon. The line has become a staple of the Star Wars franchise as a variety of characters say it when encountering any kind of worrisome or ominous situation.

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Han Solo says it later on in A New Hope when the heroes are stuck in the trash compactor--minus the word "very." The Last Jedi appeared not to include it, although it was later confirmed that BB-8 says it at one point.

2 "If You Strike Me Down, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine."

Death is often thought of as a definitive end and the worst fate that can befall an individual. Star Wars subverts this idea through the concept of the Force and Force ghosts. Darth Vader believes if he strikes down Obi-Wan it will be the end of his old master, but Obi-Wan hints that death is not the definitive and horrific fate Vader believes it to be.

This is an unsettling truth for Vader to accept, especially since he initially turned to the dark side with the hopes of cheating death and saving Padmé. The ability to live on through the Force is not something that Vader can understand yet, though one day he will.

1 "The Force Will Be With You. Always."

The Force is one of the key elements that distinguish Star Wars from the many other stories in the science-fiction genre. As Obi-Wan lives on through the Force, his words to Luke contain a sense of peace, calm, and abundant possibility.

It's a reassurance for Luke and for the audience that no matter what happens, the Force will always be there. It's a comforting and powerful line that takes on even more meaning as the franchise continues.

NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Best Luke Skywalker Memes
July 06, 2020 at 05:30AM



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