Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Harry Potter: 5 Ways Scorpio Are Typical Gryffindors (& 5 They Are Not)

The Harry Potter franchise, especially in the mainstream content, pays a lot of attention to one of the four Hogwarts Houses, far more than any other House by a mile, that, of course, being Gryffindor. The three protagonists, as well as most of the good guys in general in the main films, are all Gryffindors, and all pretty much heroes.

RELATED: Which Hogwarts House Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

The Hogwarts Houses all are sorted by way of their distinct personalities, with those same personalities seen in the signs of the zodiac. While Gryffindor is the most exposed and central house, there are a lot of similarities with perhaps the most misunderstood sign, the Scorpio, with distinct differences, of course.

10 Typical - Passion

The Scorpio may not be a fire sign, and so does not immediately jump out as a sign filled with passion, whereas, on the other hand, Gryffindor is the house most associated with passion.

The fact of the matter is, Scorpios still possess immense passion. They are so emotional and so intense that when you get to know a Scorpio, that passion seeps through. It's just more apparent in a Gryffindor.

9 Not - Water, Not Fire

One thing all four Hogwarts Houses share with the twelve signs of the zodiac is that they all have elements. As mentioned above, Scorpio is not a fire sign. However, Gryffindor is. Scorpio is a water sign alongside Pisces and Cancer.

Despite not sharing an element, the two are still brimming with passion and seem like visible fire signs. But with deep-running emotion and incredible intensity, Scorpios are water all the way.

8 Typical - Bravery

The quintessential quality of a Gryffindor is bravery. It is pretty much the first and even foremost trait the Sorting Hat will look too when sorting students into their houses, and it is a trait that shines through in most of the central Gryffindors fans spend time with.

Scorpio shares this bravery and courage. When it comes to protecting loved ones or facing a challenge, a Scorpio will be right there at the forefront, ready and willing with the same courage as a Gryffindor, just with a different approach.

7 Not - Methodical > Reckless

That differing approach when it comes to being brave, or just when it comes to life in general, comes in how the pair act and prepare. Typically, Gryffindors can get very reckless in their bravery and adventure, while Scorpios are quite the opposite.

RELATED: Top 10 Scorpio Protagonists In Movies

Scorpios are methodical in their approaches; they are brave and will be on the frontlines but are calm, and think things through. This echoes the ideals of a Slytherin, who will often criticize a Gryffindor's unnecessarily heroic and reckless approach to things.

6 Typical - Determination

Like Slytherin, in one of the shared qualities between the two opposing houses, Gryffindors are unbelievably determined, and it shines through when audiences see or read about them, whether it be when in competition, when on an adventure, or when being the hero.

Determination is also one of the most significant traits of a Scorpio. When the Scorpio wants something, whether it be achievement-based or otherwise, they go for it with everything they've got and are pretty relentless in their pursuit with unmatched focus.

5 Not - Less Outgoing

A Gryffindor pretty much wears their heart on their sleeve. They are passionate and reckless, adventurous, and determined, daring, and full of nerve. They are leaders who accumulate groups of people around them.

Scorpio may still be passionate, but they do not wear their heart on their sleeve. It is not the nature of the Scorpio to be outgoing and expose their emotions and their true self to the world. The feelings of a Scorpio may run deep, but they are not always obvious.

4 Typical - Stubborn

Perhaps the most negative trait of a typical Gryffindor alongside their recklessness, is their stubbornness. They can be overly loyal, short-tempered, and even too confident, all of which aids their stubbornness, which is abundantly clear.

Scorpio is in the same boat. Typically more resistant to change as well as with a dislike of compromise, Scorpios may have a sharp stinger, but they also have a strong head.

3 Not - Secretive & Cunning

As mentioned previously, Gryffindors are open with their passion and emotion. They very much dive headfirst into situations and are more of a 'do first, think after' house.

RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Things That Prove Gryffindor Is The Best House (& 5 That Prove Its The Worst)

Scorpio is very much like a Slytherin in how they oppose this. Scorpios are very secretive, and when taken to the extreme, are even resentful. In the same vein, Scorpios are incredibly cunning, waiting in the wings with a well-thought-out plan and resources at the ready.

2 Typical - Loyalty

Alongside bravery, loyalty is an essential Gryffindor quality. A Gryffindor will typically and quickly draw in friends and is fiercely loyal to them, like Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

The same loyalty is a massive part of the typical Scorpio. While it does take far more effort to become close to a Scorpio, once there, the Scorpio will be by their side, loyal till the end, willing to bend over backward for them.

1 Not - No Hero Complex Accusation

Between the movies and the books, it is easy to understand why Gryffindor students are often seen as the heroes of the Wizarding World and have retained such a reputation.

That reputation of being heroes, however, is not something that will ever get said about Scorpios. Scorpios often have to live with an evil reputation as a sincerely misunderstood sign in the same vein as Slytherin.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Reasons Why Gryffindor Is The Worst House

July 07, 2020 at 05:30AM



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