Saturday, July 4, 2020

90 Day Fiancé: 5 Worst Things Couples Did To Each Other (& The 5 Most Romantic)

The casting crew of 90 Day Fiancé manages to find the most manipulative, deceitful people who just so happen to be engaged. Betrayals in this show aren't run of the mill cheating scandals, they're convoluted soap opera storylines that take the reality TV villain role to a whole new level.

Related: 90 Day Fiancé: 5 Worst Family/Friend Reactions (And 5 Wholesome Ones)

It makes the smallest hints of kindness shown on the show seem like miracles. When one of the cast members does the bare minimum, the audience cheers in admiration. There are a few people that have gone above and beyond for their fiancés. Their good deeds will be acknowledged right next to the worst of the worst.

12 Worst: Steven Yelled At Olga After She’d Just Given Birth

Due to her recent C-section, Olga was slow to get ready on the day of her hospital release. Steven refused to accept this as an excuse. He snapped at her for asking him to wash his hands between packing her bag and touching the baby. When Olga tried to breastfeed their son, he demanded that she stop and get dressed.

This is one of many scenes that made fans hate Steven. However, the couple blames the editing for making him look so terrible. Their episode on 90 Day Fiancé: What Now? shows a much happier couple.

11 Romantic: Kyle Proposed To Noon Midair

Kyle jumped from the plane first on his skydiving date with Noon so that he could prepare a surprise for her on the ground. After falling for a few thousand feet, Noon spotted a black and white sign that read “Will u marry me?” She shouted out "yes" again and again although Kyle wouldn’t have been able to hear it.

As soon as she reached the ground, Kyle dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring. The adorable couple ended their date with plenty of hugs and congratulations from their skydiving instructors.

10 Worst: Leida Pressured Eric To Stop Paying Child Support

Eric has three children from a previous marriage. The oldest was already independent when Leida arrived. Tasha, the middle child, was kicked out of the house at Leida’s request. That left Jennica.

Related: 90 Day Fiance: 10 Most Shocking Couples

Eric was required by law to pay child support for this daughter because she was under 18 and in the custody of his ex-wife. Leida expected all payments to stop once she entered his life. The money was instead meant to be used for her own son. It was the one issue on which Eric refused to budge.

9 Romantic: Sumit Stood Up For His Wife In Public

Sumit struggled to focus on the conversation his friend and Jenny were having over dinner. A man making rude comments from a nearby table had caught his attention. What he said was inaudible, but he could be seen glancing at Jenny and bursting into laughter.

Sumit explained that the stranger’s words were insults directed at his fiancé. He got the man's attention and calmly asked him to stop. When that didn’t work, he jumped to this feet and demanded that his fiancé be shown some respect.

8 Worst: Ricky Made Ximena His Fallback Plan

Ricky flew to Colombia to meet Melissa. Things were over between them by the end of their first date. So he called up Ximena, his back-up plan. She drove hours to meet him, oblivious of Rose’s existence.

The pair enjoyed several romantic dates before he revealed the true nature of his trip. Viewers listened to Ximena’s heartbreak in a scene almost too uncomfortable to watch. Ricky somehow managed to convince her to stick around after this betrayal but they never made it to the altar.

7 Romantic: Asuelu Surprised Kalani With A Traditional Dance

The airport reunion between Asuelu and Kalani started with a standard hug. Then Asuelu ripped off his shirt and began to dance. He performed the fa’ataupati, a traditional Samoan slap dance reserved for celebrations. The spectacle drew the attention of everyone in the airport and left Kalani visibly embarrassed.

It is not something she would call romantic, but it’s the thought that counts. Asuelu highlighted the culture he and his fiancé share and let everyone know how happy he was to be in America with her.


5 Worst: Sumit Married Someone Else While Dating Jenny

Sumit kept his relationship with Jenny a secret from his parents for seven years. Under the impression that their son was an aging bachelor, Sumit’s parents pressured him to settle down. It took five years for him to give in to their demands. He allowed his parents to arrange a marriage for him without notifying anyone of his preexisting relationship.

That didn’t stop him from proposing to Jenny. She cashed in her retirement fund and flew to India, causing Sumit's worlds to collide. Everyone discovered his lies at once in an insane, climactic scene.

4 Romantic: Zied Proposed To Rebecca With A Late Night Picnic

Zied took Rebecca on a trip to the Sahara desert where they spent a few days at a luxury camping site. At night, he laid out a picnic on the dunes. It included wine, chocolate, and an engagement ring. Camera crew members were the only human beings to witness the private moment.

The initial plan was to purchase the ring with his fiance's money which would've ruined much of the romance. His sister pointed this out to him and loaned him the necessary cash instead.

3 Worst: Big Ed Told Rose To Leave Her Son Behind

Rose has one son from a past relationship. They live together in a home with leaky roofs, biting insects, and no air conditioning. After his first night in her home, Ed made certain she was aware of each of these flaws.

Related: 90 Day Fiancé: 10 Most Hated Couples Of All Time

His solution was to book a hotel room for two. That meant Rose’s young son would be left behind in these poor conditions with the rest of his family. The move showed Ed had no interest in getting to know his future step-son and no concern for his basic wellbeing.


1 Romantic: Sojaboy Produced A Song For Lisa

Usman, known as Sojaboy by his fans, credited Lisa with changing his life for the better in “I Love You”. Her name is mentioned just once in the song, but he alludes to their long-distance relationship by bringing up phone conversations.

Lisa was impressed with the song until she saw the music video. A young, Nigerian model acts as her surrogate. The sight of this other woman filled Lisa with jealousy. In another act of love, Usman cut all scenes that included the fake Lisa.

Next: 90 Day Fiancé: 5 Couples We Would Take Relationship Advice From On Pillow Talk (& 5 We'd Think Twice About)
July 04, 2020 at 05:30AM



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