Wednesday, July 22, 2020

5 Marvel Characters Leo Will Relate To (5 They Won't Understand)

Leo is the sign of the lion in the zodiac, and they are a sign that lives up to their representation quite well. They are very proud, curious, dominating, aggressive, and social individuals, and they are always the type to stand out in the crowd. They also are extremely opinionated, so it's very rare to find a Leo who is ambivalent about anything.

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That lack of ambivalence, of course, extends to the movie characters that they love or hate. So in the vast world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which characters can a Leo relate to, and which do they not understand?

10 Relate To: Thor

Thor is one of the happiest and most easygoing characters in the MCU, but when someone crosses him he really proves his worth as the god of thunder, and his aggression can sometimes get ahead of his common sense.

Those behaviors and feelings are pretty familiar to any Leo, who is one of the most friendly signs, but is also very driven by their feelings of passion, even if that's to their detriment.

9 Won't Understand: Groot

Simple, peaceful, naive, and sweet are all of Groot's most obvious personality traits, but his zen mentality is something that Leo can't, and wouldn't even want to, relate to.

Leos are represented by a lion for a reason, their ferociousness and general intensity is very hard for people to miss, and it's an aspect of their personalities that they actually have a lot of trouble holding inside. Groot is too simple and kind for Leo.

8 Relate To: Wolverine

If a Leo were a superhero, they would definitely be someone like Wolverine, a character who stands out in the crowd even when he's trying to lay as low as possible and one who naturally finds himself in a leadership role even when he's not aiming to be a leader.

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And while Leos are quite clever, they would rather get into an all out brawl then trying any sneaky maneuvers or manipulative tactics.

7 Won't Understand: Vision

The sign of the lion is one that is very driven by emotion and passion, and they trust their feelings and instincts more than pretty much everything else in this world.

So they absolutely cannot relate to a superhero like Vision, because Vision doesn't even have emotions in the same way that the average human does. He draws his power from a much more cerebral place, and that won't appeal to Leo at all.

6 Relate To: Loki

Leos typically find themselves at the top rung of whatever ladder in life they choose to climb, but that is both because they have the necessary talent and ability to be the top dog and because they can't stand feeling like someone has outperformed them.

So Loki is a villain that Leo can actually have some sympathy with. Plus, regardless of his motives and endgame, Loki has a lot of style with his tricks and machinations, which is another thing that Leo can appreciate.

5 Won't Understand: Doctor Strange

Leos are one of the few signs in the zodiac that are natural born warriors, so a hero like Doctor Strange who is more of a healer than a fighter is not someone that they're immediately going to feel kindred to.

Leos are also not the most chill sign in the zodiac, so the whole zen master aspect of Doctor Strange would be incredibly frustrating and difficult for them to cope with.

4 Relate To: Falcon

Sam Wilson is one of the Marvel heroes that Leo finds the easiest to understand. Like Leo, he has an extreme sense of morality and justice, but he doesn't let anyone else decide what he believes is moral or just.

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He is also a very upstanding guy, but he has a more aggressive and flamboyant personality than someone like Steve Rogers, because he understands that you can play the hero with some pizzazz instead of so strait-laced.

3 Won't Understand: Black Widow

The lion doesn't make for a very good spy naturally, because they not only place a huge amount of importance on honesty, they have a lot of trouble being dishonest even if they want to be. Leo experiences everything with their emotions first, and usually their logic has to play catch-up.

Someone who is that naturally reactive and wears their emotions on their sleeves will not be able to relate to Natasha Romanoff very well.

2 Relate To: Iron Man

There are many Marvel characters that a Leo might find some common ground with, but no one is easier for them to understand than Iron Man himself, Tony Stark.

If a Leo were a superhero, that is the kind of superhero they'd be. Confident to the point of arrogant, completely out in the open with their mission, showing off everything they've got (and boy, have they got a lot to show off).

1 Won't Understand: Mantis

Mantis is a character who is astoundingly innocent and naive, with a naturally relaxed disposition that tends to lead to people running roughshod all over her, even though she never seems to realize it.

Leo is the exact opposite to this personality type. They are very high energy, curious, and if someone means to offend them then they don't take it well at all.

NEXT: MCU: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Tom Holland's Spider-Man
July 22, 2020 at 05:30AM



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