Monday, July 6, 2020

13 Reasons Why: 10 Things That Never Made Sense About The Show

Netflix's controversial teen drama 13 Reasons Why dropped its fourth and final season two weeks ago. In true 13 Reasons Why fashion, the season was full of twists and turns, heartwarming moments, and gut-wrenching scenes that left many fans displeased with the ending.

RELATED: 13 Reasons Why: 5 Things We Loved About The Final Season (& 5 Things We Didn't)

Aside from its controversial story elements (like showing Hannah Baker's suicide on screen in season one, despite being advised against it), 13 Reasons Why also has a history of coming up with the most convoluted and unnecessary plot elements. In addition, the series also seems to love having their well-developed characters go against everything they stand for on more than on occasion. Now that the chaos, drama, and confusion have finally ended, its time to look back at the top 10 things that never made sense about 13 Reasons Why. 

10 Everyone Trusted The New Girl Ani Without A Second Guess In Season 3

The inclusion of Ani Achola in season 3 never made sense to fans. She somehow manages to befriend the entire original cast, despite living in Bryce Walker's guest house, whom the entire cast hates with good reason.

For some unknown reason, Clay, Jess, and the entire cast open up to her and share their darkest secrets with her, despite her being new. Half the time this group of friends wasn't even truthful to each other, but for some reason, they felt compelled to tell Ani everything. We just don't get it.

9 What Kind Of Parent Would Willingly Send Their Child To Liberty High School?

One of the biggest things fans don't understand about 13 Reasons Why is how this school kept getting new students year after year, and frankly, how it stayed open. In the first season alone, two characters died. In addition, the school nearly had a school shooting, was sued by Hannah's family, had an extensive and long history with athletes taking advantage of female students, and had three more students found dead within the course of the series.

And yet, year after year, students like Ani and Winston were allowed to transfer to Liberty High without their parents even batting an eye at the controversy.

8 Justin Not Being Aware Of The Clubhouse In Season 2

Aside from the trial of Hannah Baker's case against Liberty High School, a major plot point of 13 Reasons Why season 2 revolved around trying to figure out where the clubhouse was and who was involved in it. While that was a big mystery, the biggest mystery of all was the fact that Justin Foley apparently did not know anything about it.

For those who don't remember, the clubhouse was located on the baseball field and was where Liberty High athletes took girls to fool around and oftentimes, take advantage of. Not only was Justin an athlete, but he was also Bryce's best friend, who was practically in charge of the Clubhouse during his time at Liberty. We don't understand why Bryce wouldn't have told Justin about the place, especially when he let Marcus, who wasn't even an athlete, into the clubhouse.

7 Why Did Clay Feel Responsible For The Bryce Cover-Up In Season Four?

One of the most confusing things about the fourth season of 13 Reasons Why was the reason for Clay's deteriorating mental state. Sure, it makes sense that he would be anxious and depressed, especially since he has been since Hannah's death and never truly sought out professional help.

This season, however, was the most peculiar because it felt like Clay's issues stemmed from the fact that they framed Monty for Bryce's murder. What doesn't make sense though is why Clay felt so guilty about the cover-up when he wasn't the one who thought of or told the story to the police. That was all Ani.

6 Zach Thinking His Future Was Ruined In Season 4

Zach Demesesy's desire to ruin his entire career was also confusing. At the end of season 3, Zach, a star athlete, gets into a fight with Bryce during the homecoming game, which leaves Zach's leg broken and in need of surgery. Zach then turns to alcohol to get through his final months of high school.

However, it's revealed that Zach wasn't just a gifted athlete, but also an incredible musician. Surely, Zach could have turned to music during his time of need instead of pretending that his entire future was ruined.

5 The Need To Try To Redeem Irredeemable Characters

The entire third season of the show is a desperate attempt to get audiences to sympathize with Bryce, a convicted serial rapist, because he's supposedly changed his ways after having everything taken from him.

RELATED: 13 Reasons Why: Season 3: 5 Issues It Tackled Well (& 5 That Fell Short)

The series also tries to redeem Monty, who has committed atrocious acts of his own. In order to do this, they introduce viewers to the storyline that Monty is in fact gay, but suffers from internalized homophobia and has an abusive father.

4 Clay Sleeping With Sheriff Diaz's Daughter Valerie In Season 4

In the grand scheme of confusing things 13 Reasons Why has done, this is probably the smallest, but it still left many fans confused. During season 4, Clay attends a party with the rest of the high school students in the area. During the party, a girl catches Clay's eye, and with a little help from Zach, Clay ends up talking to her and ultimately, hooking up with her.

The only problem is, this girl is the daughter of Sheriff Diaz who arrested Clay last season on suspicion that he killed Byrce Walker. Instead of having him hook up with some random girl, the writers chose to make him sleep with Sheriff Diaz's daughter, and then its never brought up again. Fans wanted there to be some kind of drama because of this, but it never happened.

3 Justin's Sudden And Unexpected Death In Season 4

By far the most confusing and irrelevant thing 13 Reasons Why has ever done is kill off one of its most stable characters, Justin Foley, in the final season. When fans watched the final episode they were outraged and many took to the internet to show their disgust and annoyance at the writers for choosing to kill Justin off.

RELATED: 13 Reasons Why: 5 Reasons To Love Justin (& 5 Reasons To Not) 

13 Reasons Why is no stranger to killing off characters, but usually, there is a build-up and a reason for a character's death. Justin's death lacked both. Not only that, but he was finally turning his life around and starting to plan for his future when the writers decided that he needed to succumb to AIDS, suddenly and without much need to do so.

2 Why Did Charlie Get Involved With The Group In Season 3

Just likes fans of 13 Reasons Why were left scratching their heads trying to figure out why the original cast was so open to Ani Achola in season 3, they were also left wondering why Charlie St. George decided to get involved with the group, too. Charlie is another new character in season 3 and is also on the Liberty High football team. However, when Charlie finds out the truth about the football teams' involvement in the clubhouse and everything else, he joins the original cast in helping frame Monty for the murder of Bryce Walker.

While fans respect Charlie for wanting to bring justice to the school, they didn't think he should have gotten involved with this clique of friends since everything they touch seems to turn bad.

1 Jess & Diego's Entire Relationship In Season 4

Yet another confusing moment of season 4 of 13 Reasons Why comes in the form of Jessica Davis's relationship with Liberty High football player, Diego Torress. While the season tries to frame her relationship with Diego as a way for her to keep in check and make sure he doesn't uncover the truth about who killed Bryce, it also doesn't do enough to prove this.

Instead of just hanging out with Diego and befriending him, Jess starts dating and even sleeping with Diego, despite still having feelings for the love of her life, Justin. Everyone knows that 13 Reasons Why loves drama, but this plotline was unnecessary and confusing.

NEXT: 13 Reasons Why: 10 Hidden Details Fans Missed
July 06, 2020 at 05:30AM



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