Thursday, June 4, 2020

WandaVision: 10 Of Scarlet Witch's Most Memorable Quotes In The MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is full of compelling heroes, but Scarlet Witch is one of the most interesting -- in part because she's more powerful than she's often given credit for, but also because she started as a villain in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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Given her transition from villain to hero, and her less-than-pleasant past, Wanda Maximoff has plenty of wisdom to share -- and she does so in many of her movie quotes. Here are 10 of Scarlet Witch's most memorable quotes in the MCU.

10 "Everybody's Afraid Of Something."

When dealing with superheroes, it's easy to forget there are humans beneath the masks and capes. This quote from Avengers: Age of Ultron reminds viewers that their favorite heroes are, in fact, human though -- and that all of them have the same hopes and fears as everyone else.

And Wanda proves her statement true when she manages to send the Avengers team into their own worst nightmares later in the film. The human tendency to feel afraid only makes Wanda that much more powerful.

9 "Sooner Or Later, Every Man Shows Himself."

Another gem from Age of Ultron, Wanda says this when Ultron comments on her inability to see inside his mind. But even if Wanda can't take the easy route to understand Ultron's motivations, she's firm in her belief that people's true colors come out over time. And Ultron proves that theory correct.

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Wanda's sentiment rings true outside of the MCU, too, as people do have a tendency to show who they truly are as time goes on. Hiding oneself only works for so long.

8 "Ultron Doesn't Know The Difference Between Saving The World And Destroying It. Wonder Where He Gets That From."

While many fans of the Avengers team won't agree with this quote from Age of Ultron, it does offer up a new perspective on what our MCU heroes are actually doing for the world. It's undeniable that they've made fatal mistakes over the course of the Infinity Saga, and Wanda points that out in a brutally honest way.

Comparing the Avengers to Ultron may not be totally accurate, but it does leave fans to wonder whether their heroes should be asking more questions before rushing in to save the day.

7 "It's My Job."

Hawkeye's sentiment in Avengers: Age of Ultron that, once Wanda walks outside to help them, she's part of the Avengers, is a powerful one -- but she has her own equally as captivating moment later when she agrees to protect the core while the others help vacate innocent people.

"It's my job," Wanda tells Hawkeye, emphasizing that she's officially on the team -- and that she's willing to make big sacrifices for the good of others. This is the first time Wanda truly proves herself worthy of being a hero, but it's certainly not the last.

6 "You Guys Know I Can Move Things With My Mind, Right?"

This is one of Wanda's more comical lines in the MCU, uttered during Captain America: Civil War when Cap has her scoping out an area that may be targeted by their enemies. As he outlines all the issues they could run into, Wanda reminds him that she can move objects with her mind -- highlighting that there's not much reason to stress when they have her abilities working for them.

This quip is funny, but it also emphasizes how powerful Wanda really is. Who needs to worry about blocked exits and bullet-proof vests when you have telekinesis?

5 "I Used To Think Of Myself One Way, But After This, I Am Something Else. And Still Me, I Think."

After Wanda loses control of her powers attempting to contain an explosion -- resulting in several casualties -- she's left reeling from the event, as well as the fact that the public seems to pin the entire blame on her. Vision tries to make her feel better, leading to a heart-to-heart between the two.

During their conversation, Wanda admits that she's become something else with her powers. But she also acknowledges that she's still the same person somewhere underneath, something that can accurately be said about any of the heroes in the MCU -- or anyone who finds themself given extraordinary power.

4 "I Can't Control Their Fear, Only My Own."

With the general public afraid of Scarlet Witch, Tony Stark more or less puts her on house arrest, leaving Vision to make sure she doesn't go out in public. But when Hawkeye arrives to ask for her help, she overtakes Vision, insisting that she can't control anyone else's fears -- only her own.

And by accepting that she'll make mistakes and choosing to be a hero anyway, she overcomes her own fears. It's one of Captain America: Civil War's strongest moments, and it shows Wanda truly coming into her own.

3 "That's Too High A Price."

Captain America gets a lot of credit for refusing to sacrifice one innocent life to save many, but Wanda was the first person to assert that destroying Vision was "too high a price" during Avengers: Infinity War.

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Sure, Wanda's a bit biased when it comes to Vision, but her sentiment still drives home the notion that even one innocent life is too much to sacrifice. Of course, it's a sacrifice she still winds up having to make -- but she and the others exhaust every other possibility before doing so.

2 "You Will."

Watching Wanda take on Thanos and nearly crush him on her own is enough to make fans believe she's one of the most powerful characters in the MCU, but it's the dialogue that truly makes this moment in Avengers: Endgame a treat. When she tells him that he "took everything" from her, he responds by saying he doesn't know who she is.

"You will," she tells him before wrecking him -- and had he survived, he most certainly would have remembered her as a formidable opponent. Talk about a power move.

1 "She Knows. They Both Do."

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Wanda and Hawkeye have a heartfelt discussion about their lost loved ones, with Hawkeye wishing that he could let Natasha know the Avengers won. "She knows," Wanda tells him. "They both do."

This sentiment gives weight to the notion that Natasha and Vision are still a part of the Avengers, even if both characters are dead, and it suggests that they're still watching out for their former teammates somewhere. It's a tearjerker scene, but it ends the movie on a hopeful note, even after all the devastation that occurs.

NEXT: MCU: 10 People Scarlet Witch Should Have Been With Other Than Vision
June 04, 2020 at 05:30AM



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