Tuesday, June 2, 2020

MBTI®: 5 Netflix Original Series That ESFPs Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

With all the content created on various platforms, it can be a little overwhelming deciding what to watch on television. Genres used to never converge making it easier for viewers to quickly scroll through a specific genre, quickly finding a series that satisfies their cravings.

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Sadly, those days are over, and with all the mixing of the genres, viewers practically have to watch an entire season of a show to find out if they like it or not. So, just what should be on an ESFPs must-watch list?

10 Love: Workin' Moms

Workin' Moms is a mess of a show, but that is partly what makes it so entertaining. Each one of the main characters in the cast are their own worst enemies, making it fun to watch them sitting in a room full of explosive expletive-laced dialogue and over the top drama scenes.

These characters are driven by greed and lust and make no attempts to hide it. ESFPs will enjoy the rawness that this show offers along with some of the dark humor and adventure it brings to the table.

9 Hate: Peaky Blinders

Love it or hate it, everyone has to admit no one does slow-motion walks better than Peaky Blinders. Add that with a modern upbeat list of songs playing in the background truly makes it one of the harder shows to find a flaw in.

Sadly, it isn't Peaky Blinders' flaws that will drive ESFPs away from it, it is just the linear storytelling that lacks any sort of an original adventure. It's basically a Sons of Anarchy ripoff centered in the 1920s.

8 Love: Lost In Space

For those with a deep sense of adventure, any show involving space will do. After all, it is one of the last great unknowns to mankind and for the most part, the show does the original series justice.

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The cast of characters are intriguing enough to keep fans motivated to watch the next episode, and the plot is driven enough to make for compelling television. ESFPs will enjoy the adventure Lost in Space presents, making it a series that should be on their binge-worthy list.

7 Hate: Black Mirror

Despite getting mostly positive reviews from fans and critics, Netflix's Black Mirror often doesn't captivate the senses in any meaningful way. Some consider it to be just an average show that doesn't try to reinvent the wheel or exert itself beyond its capabilities.

It might draw a sizable fan-base, but when contemplating a show for ESFPs it lacks the driving force to cause them to watch for more than a few episodes.

6 Love: The Epic Tales Of Captain Underpants

Who cares if The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants is loaded full of fart jokes surrounded by even larger fart jokes. It is this originality that makes it a great series.

This juvenile humor is what makes it a hit and separates it from all the other shows that take themselves a little too seriously. So, if ESFPs are looking to add a little childishness to their must watch list, then The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants will fill that gap.

5 Hate: A Series Of Unfortunate Events

A Series of Unfortunate Events has some great things going for it. It is brilliantly deceptive, with peril that will keep fans consistently on the edge of their seats. Sadly, it also has boring main characters who seem to aimlessly free themselves from one bad situation just to end up in another.

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Over time, this series of events start to grow tiresome, especially when the believability factor is so low for what transpires during each escape in each episode of the series.

4 Love: You Vs. Wild

ESFPs will go wild for each episode of Netflix's You Vs. Wild, especially if they enjoy shows about survivalists and nature.

For those who enjoy adventure-seeking TV series, then this is a show that will not disappoint as it is chalked full of unique ways for Bear to survive inhospitable conditions ranging from scorching hot deserts to below zero, freezing cold wastelands.

3 Hate: The Witcher

For those who hoped The Witcher would be the next Game of Thrones will probably end up sorely disappointed. For those unfamiliar with the books the series is based on, it will be an incredibly hard watch.

ESFPs might enjoy the adventure that The Witcher offers but will hate the emotionless main cast of characters that are essential to the story. Plus, many don't like the protagonist's lack of humor.

2 Love: Frontier

Frontier is full of adventure into the unknown wilderness of Canada during the era where fur trade was at the top of the business food chain. It checks all the boxes that an ESFP would like in a television show.

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It is full of adventure, it has a fabulous cast of characters, including its main protagonist, and it doesn't like to be told what to do or how to portray its storyline. It does as it wants, just like the characters that inhabit the world of Frontier.

1 Hate: Orange Is The New Black

While Orange is The New Black has some funny moments, it also takes place inside of a prison that has very distinct rules of what can and cannot take place inside.

ESFPs do not always respond well to being told what to do and when to do it, so it is reasonable to believe they would expect the same out of their favorite television shows. ESFPs might feel like they are the ones being locked up having to watch this show.

NEXT: MBTI: 5 Netflix Original Movies That ESTPs Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

June 02, 2020 at 05:30AM



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