Thursday, June 11, 2020

Game of Thrones Season 8: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Deaths (and 5 Who Didn't)

HBO's Game of Thrones was not only one of the most popular TV shows of all time, but also one of the highest-rated. Brought to television by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, and based on the hit novel series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, the show's final season was considered one of the biggest letdowns in storytelling.

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Season 8 was criticized for its story, fast pacing, and undoing character arcs that had taken years to develop, and the season 8 characters seemed like merely two-dimensional versions of their former selves, which even other shows take a dig at. Although the show did manage to give a meaningful send-off to some fan-favorite characters with fitting deaths, there are just as many deaths that fans disliked.

10 Fitting - The Hound

The Hound was a fan-favorite character, and one that thankfully got a fitting death. Fans always knew he would one day face off against his brother, The Mountain, and nothing could have been better than their confrontation in the Season 8 episode "The Bells".

Dubbed "Clegane Bowl" by fans, The Mountain vs. The Hound was a great scene, with The Hound getting a badass, poetic send-off. His final talk with Arya made it even more memorable.

9 Didn't - Jaime (and Cersei)

One of the most infuriating things about season 8 was the undoing of Jaime's character arc, as fans saw years of him trying to be a better person end up absolutely nowhere.

He leaves Brienne, goes back to Cersei, and ends up dead because of a pile of falling bricks. Even Cersei deserved a better death than getting killed by a bunch of rocks, especially because her death should've been as badass as her character deserved.

8 Fitting - Lyanna Mormont

Lyanna Mormont became a favorite when she was first introduced in the series, and although there are just as many people who think she is overrated and over-hyped, every fan of the show agrees that her death was fitting and awesome.

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She's the perfect portrayal of the Northern spirit - fierce, loyal, and unyielding. Her death in "The Long Night", stabbing a wight in the eye, was as emotional as it was badass and made for an epic scene.

7 Didn't - Daenerys Targaryen

Perhaps one of the biggest letdowns in television, Daenerys's death in "The Iron Throne" was the worst-received and most-hated ending a character has gotten, and rightly so. The show, in trying to surprise fans, kept making characters do things they never would've in previous seasons.

Dany becoming the Mad Queen, burning down King's Landing, and having Jon Snow stab her to death would've seemed like bad fanfiction a few years ago, and her death just seemed like an attempt to shock fans - even if it meant ignoring years of character development.

6 Fitting - Theon Greyjoy

From taking over Winterfell, to becoming a slave, to reuniting with the Starks, Theon Greyjoy has had one of the most interesting character arcs in the show, going all the way back to season 1n

His death was not only poetic but chilling, as he dies trying to protect Bran from the Night King. As Bran tells him "you're a good man, thank you," he charges at the Night King, thus getting his redemption.

5 Didn't - Varys

Known as the Spider, Varys was a master of spies and had a lot of knowledge and information about almost everything in King's Landing. Varys was considered by many to be one of the smartest and most intelligent men in all of Westeros, which makes his death all the more frustrating.

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Dany catches him plotting against her and executes her. That's it. While Littlefinger at least got a memorable death, Varys's death was extremely disappointing, as his character deserved so much more than just being caught scheming and executed.

4 Fitting - Beric Dondarrion

For Berric Dondarrion, dying was certainly not a new concept - he had died seven times and had always been revived by the Lord of Light. His final death in "The Long Night", however, was fitting and emotional.

Throughout the series, Berric has been brought back to life by the Lord of Light to serve a purpose, which was to protect Arya, who later goes on to kill the Night King. He saves her and The Hound from a horde of wights, and it's quite emotional considering his history with The Hound.

3 Didn't - Euron Greyjoy

While the show is more or less a faithful and fitting adaptation of the books, Euron Greyjoy's character is often compared to his book counterpart. The book Euron was a genius mastermind who was not just manipulated by Cersei, like his show version.

The show Euron is just treated as a plot device in the final season, whether it's to kill a dragon or injure Jaime by showing up out of nowhere. His death in King's Landing is both disappointing as well as frustrating.

2 Fitting - Jorah Mormont

Jorah is Dany's friend (and nothing more) who has also had an interesting story arc, from her finding out he was a spy to her taking him back after he saves her life. Over time, he becomes one of her most trusted allies and her loyal advisor, which made his death even sadder.

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He loves Dany, and dies protecting her from wights in "The Long Night". He got a fitting death, worthy of a Knight, and his death is even sadder once fans realize he died believing Dany was a good person and would be a good Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

1 Didn't - The Night King

The Night King was of the biggest and baddest villains on television, and his death couldn't have been more disappointing than if he had just fallen on an upright sword. Fans hated he died and the show didn't give any backstory, plans, or motivation for the character.

Not only does he not face off against Jon Snow (who the show spent years trying to set up as his enemy), but he easily dies at the hands of Arya, all because of some rushed and lazy writing.

NEXT: 10 Most Memorable Game Of Thrones Monologues
June 11, 2020 at 05:30AM



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