Monday, June 8, 2020

Game Of Thrones: 5 Times Tywin Lannister Was A Boss (& 5 Times He Was Irredeemable)

Tywin Lannister is one of the most interesting characters on Game of Thrones. Known for being the domineering, emotionless, and strategically cunning leader of House Lannister, Tywin isn't afraid to put his morals behind him in order to gain more power and influence within Westeros.

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As with all great leaders, Tywin has many questionable traits. Sometimes he is a great leader that commands respect. Other times we can't help but question his morals and motivations. Plus, Charles Dance commands our attention with his unspeakably good performance. That always helps. These are five times that Tywin Lannister was a boss (and five times he was irredeemable).

10 Boss: Acting As Hand Of The King

There's no denying that Tywin makes a fantastic Hand of the King, and watching him work is like watching a master tradesman. He brings the small council into the Tower of the Hand, which appears to give him more commanding authority. But perhaps his greatest move is his counter to the Tyrell plot.

He arranges for Sansa to marry Tyrion and Cersei to Loras Tyrell. This not only undermines the plot to wed Sansa to Loras, but it ensures that the Lannister legacy will be bound to both the Reach and the North. It's a genius chess move.

9 Irredeemable: Wanting To Kill Ned Stark

The first scene involving Tywin really is brilliant. It establishes an incredible amount of character, not only through the butchering of the stag but through the dialogue as well. Throughout the scene, Tywin is criticizing Jaime for not killing Ned Stark when he had the chance.

Jaime didn't do so because it wouldn't have been a clean or honorable death. Tywin doesn't care about such things, and it reveals that Tywin is willing to disregard honor to obtain what he wants.

8 Boss: Sending Tyrion To King's Landing

After Robb Stark's army captured Jaime, Tywin and his bannermen meet to discuss their potential plans. While there, Tyrion impresses Tywin (maybe for the last time ever) by stating that peace is impossible between the Starks and Lannisters.

Knowing this as well, Tywin sends Tyrion to King's Landing to serve as Hand of the King. He also gives Tyrion subtle instructions to basically rule in Joffrey's stead, as Joffrey is far too emotional and volatile for such a position.

7 Irredeemable: Torturing And Executing His Own Men

When Amory Lorch is assassinated by Jaqen H'ghar, Tywin suspects that he was the true target. This belief slowly rots away at his soul, and Tywin grows increasingly paranoid around Harrenhal. As a result, he attempts to find the assassin himself, and this involves torturing and murdering his own men.

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It's a defining character moment, as it proves that Tywin has little trust or loyalty and is always looking out for number one.

6 Boss: Arriving In King's Landing

There's nothing like a cool entrance to make someone look like a boss. While Tyrion strategizes and fights respectfully throughout the Battle of the Blackwater, the Lannister forces seem outnumbered and outmatched.

That is, until the surprise appearance of a combined Lannister-Tyrell army. Loras Tyrell had allied himself with Tywin against Stannis, knowing that Stannis was complicit in Renly's murder, and the force overtakes Stannis's to win the Battle of the Blackwater.

5 Irredeemable: Shunning Tyrion

Tywin's spiteful and hateful personality is on full display throughout season three, and it all begins with his shunning of Tyrion. Tyrion had fought valiantly for his family and city during the Battle of the Blackwater and took a sword slash across the face for his efforts. He wishes for Casterly Rock as a reward.

Unfortunately, Tywin despises Tyrion with every fiber of his being. He instead shuns Tyrion, offends him with hateful speech, and belittles his efforts in the war.

4 Boss: Skinning The Stag

The very first thing we see Tywin Lannister doing is butchering and skinning a stag. This is unquestionably cool. Not only for the act itself but for what it represents. By skinning the deer in such a precise fashion, it portrays Tywin as a calculating and efficient individual who is not afraid of blood or gore.

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It's also very symbolic, as the Lion is skinning a Stag, a Lannister is skinning a Baratheon. It's a wonderful bit of foreshadowing.

3 Irredeemable: Orchestrating The Red Wedding

The Red Wedding is one of the most controversial events in Game of Thrones, both inside and outside of the show. Most of the in-show criticism stems from the fact that it is uncustomary in Westeros to kill people under your own roof and at a wedding no less.

Regardless, Tywin manages to reassure the Freys and Boltons that their deplorable actions would be well rewarded, and the Starks are mercilessly slaughtered at the Twins.

2 Boss: Orchestrating The Red Wedding

Regardless of its blatant immorality, the Red Wedding once again proves that Tywin is a master strategist. In one fell (albeit horrifically brutal) swoop, Tywin manages to eliminate the Stark threat, combine the Lannister-Frey-Bolton forces, deflect blame to the Freys, and end the War in the North.

Tywin's brutal cunning is noted in-universe, as Tyrion shows both disgust and reticent respect for his father's strategy. It was disgusting and dishonorable, there's no doubt about that. But it was also a genius (albeit desperate) power play.

1 Irredeemable: Tyrion's Mock Trial

The big King's Landing storyline throughout season four is Joffrey's murder and the mysterious perpetrator behind it. Most people suspect Tyrion owing to his motive and proximity to Joffrey, but most people close to Tyrion have a strong inkling that he didn't do it.

Regardless, Tyrion is given a mock trial and found guilty via trial by combat, a sentence that Tywin is all too happy to give. Now, was Tywin actually going to send Tyrion to the Wall? Maybe, maybe not. The point is, Tywin was always looking for a way to get rid of his youngest son, and this proved the perfect opportunity, innocence be damned. Unfortunately for Tywin, this proved to be his downfall.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: The Show's 10 Best Antiheroes, Ranked
June 08, 2020 at 05:30AM



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