Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Fresh Prince Of Bel Air: Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Any kid growing up in the 1990s was familiar with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The show somehow managed to be both cool and funny, in large part because the main character, played by Will Smith, is just incredibly charming. While at first he carried a lot of the show by himself, it wasn’t long before the rest of the cast began to gel.

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They also fit surprisingly easy into the zodiac signs, allowing the canny viewer to gain more understanding of them and what makes them work. Without further ado, let's find out which Fresh Prince character lines up with your zodiac sign.

12 Aries - Uncle Phil

As the head of his family, Uncle Phil obviously has a lot of investment in making sure that everything works smoothly. It helps that, as a ram, he has a no-nonsense attitude and a lot of energy. However, he can be incredibly stubborn, particularly when it comes to challenges to his authority and way of looking at the world, and there’s no question that Will is a very challenging young man.

11 Taurus - Ashley

Though the generous aspect of Taurus is often overlooked by many, the bull can be a very giving and compassionate sign when the mood strikes them. This makes them a perfect fit for Ashley, the youngest child of Vivian and Uncle Phil. Unlike her siblings, who take a rather dismissive attitude toward Will, from the beginning she was always the one who gave him a fair shake (though she would later grow impatient with his protectiveness toward her).

10 Gemini - Hilary

There’s much to love about the Gemini, for they are often very enthusiastic and can be a great deal of fun to be around. However, as an air sign there’s a great deal of instability to them, and it can sometimes be very difficult to get them to focus on one thing for a very long period of time. Hilary is in many ways a textbook Gemini, for though she has a lot of fun in life, she often finds it difficult to overcome her more superficial tendencies for long enough to get many things accomplished.

9 Cancer - Ashley

Once you gain the affection of a crab, they will almost always support you no matter what. Given the fact that Ashely is, of all of the Banks children, the one who shows the most compassion, it would make sense that she would align with this part of the zodiac. The person who plays Ashley is also known to be a very artistic person, both when she records a hit single and when she attempts to take up a career as a model.

8 Leo - Will

There’s no question that Leo is the most charismatic sign of the zodiac (there’s a reason that their sign is a lion, after all). No person that’s in the same room as a Leo can possibly resist the powerful pull of the sun. Will is, equally undoubtedly, the Leo of this series.

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Like all Leos, he is energetic and loyal although, at times, he can exhibit some of the aspects of the sign that make them a bit difficult to deal with, including being rather tactless in how they approach situations.

7 Virgo - Carlton

Even a casual fan of the show will see at once that Carlton is the ultimate Virgo. This earth sign is governed by a certain inflexibility when it comes to how they deal with the world. For the Virgo, it is best to be conservative, to make sure that things are done in as orderly a fashion as possible. Carlton is, needless to say, a very intelligent young man, but he has a certain inflexibility that speaks to his character as a Virgo, and this leads him to be less than patient and understanding with Will.

6 Libra - Will

While Will exhibits many of the signs of being a Leo, he also has a strong strain of Libra running through him. Like Leos, Libras can be very charming when they put their mind to it. More importantly, though, they can also be counted on to both provide and crave a sense of balance and, however disruptive he may be at times, Will does also bring a strange form of balance to the rather uptight Banks household.

5 Scorpio - Carlton

Somewhat paradoxically, Carlton also has many traits of the Scorpio. Like most Scorpios, he is profoundly faithful (particularly to his father, with whom he shares a very strong relationship and whom he deeply admires). He is also a very focused person, intent on his own goals. At the same time, he does also have a bit of a vindictive streak in him, and Will often learns that there is more than a little sting to Carlton’s personality.

4 Sagittarius - Geoffrey

Geoffrey is probably one of the most unappreciated characters in the show, but that doesn’t make him any less fascinating. He’s also something of an enigma, and there is a certain instability in his character, for while he often grows impatient with his employers, he is also deeply loyal to them.

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All of these characteristics make him a Sagittarius, who have a reputation for being both inconsistent and more than a little impatient.

3 Capricorn - Uncle Phil

In addition to his qualities as a fire sign, Uncle Phil also shows significant traces of being a Capricorn. As an earth sign, the Capricorn is a very grounded sign, and they are both ambitious and meticulous enough in their planning in order to see those ambitions brought to fruition. However, Capricorns are also notoriously stubborn, and it can be very difficult to change their minds once they’ve decided on something (and that definitely describes Phil’s relationship with Will!)

2 Aquarius - Hilary

The Aquarius is one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. One never quite knows where they stand with this air sign. However, they are very friendly, and they often have a strong drive for humanitarian and other causes. These are all characteristics that Hilary displays, though it’s important to point out that her interest in various environmental causes tends to be on the shallow side. Beneath her shallow outside, however, there is more than a bit of intelligence.

1 Pisces - Vivian

Aunt Vivian is, in some ways, the most important member of the Banks family, the foundation upon which all of the other members of her family can build their lives. Like any Pisces, she is a deeply compassionate mother, always willing to reach out and support each of the members of her family, supporting them even when there are times when she would probably do better to reprimand them (Pisces aren’t always great at judgment calls).

NEXT: The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air: 5 Best And Worst Episodes (According To IMDb)

June 02, 2020 at 05:30AM



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