Monday, June 8, 2020

Community: 10 Ways Chang Chang'd For The Worse | ScreenRant

With Community now streaming on Netflix, the show has seen a resurgence in the number of fans. If you ask any fan what their favorite moments are, they would most likely say Abed and Troy's bromance, the Dean's costume changes, or Britta's eccentricity. Even the study group's feud with Chang... to some extent.

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While the show wouldn't have been the same without Señor Chang, there were some things fans would have liked to change. Especially in the later seasons when the writing for his character became more bizarre and fanciful. Take these 10 instances for example...

10 His Treatment Of Duncan

One way Chang refused to change was through his behavior towards Duncan. As fans know, he and Duncan had a memorable feud. Since he felt the psychologist didn't respect him as a colleague and would often taunt him over his lack of credentials. As a result, they got into several altercations.

With tensions between them increasing, Chang and Duncan ended up getting a restraining order against one another. While the hate between them wasn't as strong near the end, fans wouldn't exactly describe them as friends since they did snipe at one another.

9 Mad With Power

Another aspect fans would have liked to have changed was Chang's obsession with power. Most fans will agree that Señor Chang was their favorite as he had yet descended into madness. He had a little bit of power and used it to torment his students, particularly the study group.

RELATED: Community: 10 Spoofs That Were Better Than The Original

However, he soon became power-hungry and manipulated his way through the ranks. After being fired as the school's Spanish teacher, he took a job as the campus security guard. He then abused this power, taking over and almost blowing up the school after kidnapping the Dean. The more hungry he got, the crazier he became.

8 His Commitment Issues

As the show progressed, the viewers noticed Chang's commitment issues worsened. Especially when it came to his career. After being fired, Chang told the study group that he was going to enroll at Greendale to earn a legit degree. However, it seemed he couldn't even commit to that as he bounced from job to job.

In the second season, Chang did try to earn his degree as he attended anthropology 101. Yet, this was the only class the viewers ever saw him take. He got a job as campus security and lost it, became a server at Shirley's Sandwiches, and quit. It's even crazier that he got a teaching position at Greendale again after everything he did.

7 His Obnoxiousness

When the viewers first met Señor Chang, he was one of the most obnoxious people you would ever meet. He was sexist, racist, and a little homophobic. Did these qualities dissolve as the show progressed? Not really. If anything, they became so much worse.

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Not only was he seen heckling the students but Chang was also seen to gross them out with his eerie facts and behavior. The study group must have believed him to be obnoxious since they hardly let him participate or invite him to certain events. Even when he was an official member of the 'Save Greendale' community, they found ways to exclude him.

6 His Maturity

Over the six years, Chang's maturity levels were seen to regress as time went on. Out of all his aliases, most fans will agree that Señor Chang was the most mature and responsible. Although Chang didn't care about his students' troubles, he did value his job and tried his best to teach them some basic Spanish.

However, after he was displaced, he was seen to become childish and irresponsible. He kidnapped two school kids, started living in the school vents, and then spent a whole year pretending to have chang-nesia. Let's not forget how he spent thousands of dollars of the school's money to replace his teeth with diamonds.

5 Lack Of Character Development

As the series progressed, some fans have also suggested that Chang got worse because of the storylines he got. When Chang was first introduced, fans learned that he had a wife, had an estranged relationship with his brother, and had a fake undergraduate degree. They also learned that he liked playing the keytar and games of paintball.

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However, as the show went on, Chang's character regressed. Instead of developing his personality, the writers confined him to his craziness. They never gave him any real stories.

4 His Loyalty To The Study Group

One thing the fans learned about Chang is that he can never be trusted. Why? Despite begging the study group to let him in, Chang always let them down when he spent half the time trying to destroy them. First, it was in the simplest things, such as the paintball wars or helping City College.

However, his deceptions became bigger and more diabolical in the later seasons. Not only did he try to gaslight the group by making them think they were crazy but he betrayed them to help Subway take over Greendale.

3 His Criminal Behavior

From a law-abiding citizen to a full-on criminal mastermind, it's safe to say that Chang's views on morality got worse as time went on. If Community was set in the real world, Chang would be in prison by now. In the first couple of seasons, Chang only committed small felonies - such as vandalism and assault.

RELATED: Community: 10 Times Britta Was The Worst

However, his morality continued to decline when he was seen to abduct two minors, hold the Dean hostage, and try to commit arson. They could probably add attempted murder too since he nearly killed half the school during his dictatorship.

2 He Became More Dependent On Others

Considering how independent and responsible Chang was in the first season, it's strange to see that he became too dependent on others in the later seasons. For some reason, Chang lost all common sense as time went on, relying on his peers to take care of him.

After joining the Save Greendale Committee, fans saw how reliant he became on the study group. When he was attacked by Britta's cat, Chang needed help finding the emergency room. When the theater director 'bullied' him, he let Annie fight his battle. His character did a complete 180 spin...

1 Became Flanderized As The Show Went On (Mental Health)

One of the ways Chang changed for the worse was when he descended into madness. One thing fans didn't like was how Chang's mental health was never properly addressed. Although Harmon initially planned to explore it, the network went in a different direction - resulting in the 'psychopath Chang.'

However, most fans believe Chang is a Flanderized character since he became more insane as time went on. First when he started a relationship with a mannequin's leg, then when he tried to blow up the school. Let's also not forget the whole chang-nesia arc or that he tried to rip his face-off. It just felt like they didn't know what to do with him.

NEXT: Community: 10 Times Abed Went Too Far
June 08, 2020 at 05:30AM



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