Tuesday, June 2, 2020

10 Veep Character Ranked By Likability | ScreenRant

The hit HBO comedy Veep was a hilarious look at the seedier side of Washington politics as it focused on Selina Myer and her campaign's desperate attempt to get to the White House. Given the setting for the film, it is perhaps unsurprising that there are so many unlikable characters in the series.

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The show doesn't attempt to sugar-coat any of the dirty and immoral people it focuses on. While the occasional character is a rare nice and caring person, it is mostly a competition to see who can be the worst person. Here are the characters on Veep ranked from most likable to least likable.

10 Richard Splett

While Veep does look at the uglier side of politics, Richard Splett is an example of how a good person can still go far in the political sphere – even if they are not particularly bright. Richard starts out as a pretty incompetent member of Selina's campaign before moving up into the inner circle.

His easy-going nature and friendly demeanor make him an outsider among all the vicious politicians, and he is a breath of fresh air. He is one of the few people that Selina actually likes and treats kindly which is no easy feat.

9 Gary Walsh

There is no one more loyal to Selina than Gary Walsh and that is including Selina's own family. Gary is Selina's bagman and is the one who is always by her side through everything, telling her the names of people she forgets and anticipating her every desire.

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While Gary is quite pathetic and doesn't seem to realize how much he is mistreated, he is still a sweet and helpful person. He is not cut out for the cutthroat aspect of this world, but he will do his best to help those he believes in.

8 Mike McLintock

As Selina's head of communications, Mike is in the center of all the dirty dealings and horrible behavior that goes on. However, what spares Mike from being the kind of despicable person all the others turn out to be, is that he is too dumb to know any better.

Despite his high position in a serious political campaign, Mike doesn't seem to really know anything at all about politics. His naïve and overwhelmed persona actually makes him more relatable than a lot of the other Washington players who are more competent than him.

7 Catherine Myer

Catherine is Selina's only daughter, but that position doesn't earn her much love from her mother. Catherine is often horrified by the things her mother does for the betterment of her political career and tries to guide Selina in more moral directions to no avail.

Although Catherine is one of the more thoughtful and responsible people in the series, she is still just unlikable for inexplicable reasons. Like Toby in The Office of Jerry in Parks and Rec, Catherine is a very good person who everyone sort of hates for no reason.

6 Kent Davison

Kent is one of the more talented political minds in Selina's corner. He is shrewd and capable of cold-hearted decisions, but it's not as bad with him because he seems more machine than human. Kent is a numbers man and lives his life looking at the facts and nothing else.

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His emotionless and blunt way of dealing with people makes him hard to really like, but when he makes the hard decisions that hurt people, it's clear his emotions do not come into play. One of the few times he did offer an emotional response was telling Selina not to select Jonah Ryan as her running mate which is obviously great advice.

5 Ben Cafferty

Ben is a seasoned veteran of the political world and a valued member of Selina's team. He has a keen mind for politics and what it takes to win which means he is often suggesting the most despicable things to do.

Though Ben is occasionally the voice of reason and good, it's rarely because it's what he believes in and more that he sees it as a bad political move. However, he freely admits to all of his shortcomings and to being a bad person which makes it a little more forgivable.

4 Amy Brookheimer

Amy is someone who was born to be in the trenches of Washington and spearheading a political campaign. She probably works harder than anyone on Selina's team and never gets the credit she deserves. This underdog quality makes her easy to root for.

Unfortunately, Amy is so good at her job because she is willing to step over anyone and play every dirty trick in the book to win. She seems to have a genuine dislike for people which makes it easier to act in such a cold-blooded manner.

3 Dan Egan

Dan Egan is all of the bad things about Amy minus all of her good attributes. He is the kind of sleazy Washington player who is just trying to screw over as many people as he can while he climbs the career ladder.

Dan might be more likable if he had the skills to back up his massive ego, but he proves time and time again that he is not cut out for politics. He is a rude and selfish man who treats women horribly on top of all of his other bad qualities.

2 Selina Myer

Veep was never afraid to make its main character a truly awful human being and it made the show all the more entertaining because of that. Selina starts out as an ambitious yet disillusioned politician. However, as time goes on, her desire for power turns her evil.

RELATED: Veep: 10 Selina Meyer Quotes That Represent All Of Us

She abandons everything she claims to believe in just for the chance to win, she treats the people around her horribly, and she refuses to take any responsibility for her many failures. She is a hilariously bitter and vicious person.

1 Jonah Ryan

As a human being, Jonah Ryan is a train wreck. He is a brash and arrogant young man with nothing to back up his ego. He is always saying the vilest and offensive things that only he finds funny, and he demands respect without doing anything to achieve it.

As a politician, he is even worse. He thinks speaking his mind makes him a maverick even though he never has anything intelligent to say. His ideas of horribly outdated at best and dangerously unintelligent at worst. He is all the worst things about politicians rolled into one horrible person.

NEXT: 5 Best Insults From Veep To Add To Your Lexicon (& 5 That Are Too Savage)

June 02, 2020 at 05:30AM



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