Thursday, June 11, 2020

10 Best Quotes From Sixteen Candles | ScreenRant

Sixteen Candles is a beloved John Hughes classic. Released in 1984 and starring Molly Ringwald as Sam Baker, the movie is memorable for its wacky situations, its unusual characters, and a sweet sixteen gone hilariously wrong.

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Frenzied by the impending wedding of their oldest daughter, Sam's parents completely forget her sixteenth birthday, as does everyone else in her family. She must endure a painful day in which she dodges geeks, wishes her crush would notice her, and the sudden appearance of Long Duk Dong, among other things. Though, she finds that even though things may not go her way, sometimes they turn out even better. We're celebrating Sixteen Candles with 10 of its best quotes here.

10 "God, I Hope Whoever Got The Note Doesn't Know It Was Me Who Wrote It. I'd S*** Twice And Die."

Ah, so much of the audience concurs with this feeling. That horrible, dreaded feeling of exposure, of someone finding something personal and spreading it around for peers to potentially utilize it as a tool of mockery...or something along those lines.

Sam doesn't know, and throughout the movie never finds out, but audiences know it was Jake who grabbed the note, thus starting him on his quest to find out more about Sam and whether she'd want to be with him. Whoever found the note did utilize it, but in the best of ways, and plus, it was meant for the right person. Good thing Randy fell asleep and missed Sam passing it to her! Some things are just meant to be.

9 "Wow! Do I Feel Funky..."

The reason why everyone forgets Sam's birthday is because of her older sister Ginny's wedding day being the day afterward. Unfortunately for Ginny, her period, and cramps with it, come early. She takes far too many muscle relaxers (no wonder she feels funky). As a result, she acts goofy and wonky the entire time.

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She should've just delayed the wedding for an hour or two. Instead, she had a wedding day she'd likely rather forget when all is said and done, but it makes for one funny and unforgettable wedding for all the guests in attendance! It just goes to show to never take too many muscle relaxers, especially just before a wedding.

8 "Would You Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself? It's Bad For Your Complexion!"

Sam's best friend Randy is a good source of comic relief, and she's also a good friend to Sam. She's the one that lets Sam know her underwear was on display and that her brother paid a dollar to see it.

Horrifying as that is, at least she tells Sam the truth. Plus, she has a point in that feeling sorry for yourself is bad for your complexion; frowning and grimacing doesn't do any complexion any favors. She keeps Sam grounded and assures her that her forgotten sixteenth birthday sucks, but it's not the worst thing in the world.

7 "I Want A Serious Girlfriend. Somebody I Can Love, That's Gonna Love Me Back. Is That Psycho?"

It's not psycho at all, Jake. That's the basis of what many people want when they seek out a relationship. Sometimes it may feel that way, and in Jake's case, we understand where he's coming from. Caroline isn't exactly the perfect girlfriend, and she's definitely not the one for him.

Caroline cares too much for popularity and status and throws an outrageous party that destroys his beautiful house without regard for the consequences. Jake wants more. He likes Sam and pursues her, and she's definitely the right choice given she wants the same things he does.

6 "It's Really Human Of You To Listen To All My Bull****."

Sam's quote is universally relatable. We love it when we find that person we can tell everything to, no matter how trivial, ridiculous, serious, or dramatic it may be.

Sam really needed someone to listen to her, considering her birthday had been forgotten and things had just been going from bad to worse. Sometimes what makes a bad day better is simply talking it out.

5 "Yeah, You."

Ah, the moment where it all came together. Audiences know what we're talking about here. Sam's across the street, just getting out of her sister's wedding, motioning to herself and mouthing "me?" when she spots Jake across the street. He smiles back and says the above quote, confirming he's there for her and no one else.

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It's the moment Sam's dream became a reality and audiences watch as they finally, and officially, become a couple, destined for a happy ending constructed in a way only John Hughes could make so iconic and lovable.

4 "That's Why They Call Them Crushes. If They Were Easy, They'd Call 'Em Something Else."

Sam and her dad have a heart-to-heart after Sam's had a disastrous night at the dance and her dad's had an equally disastrous dinner with his future in-laws.

He apologizes for having forgotten her birthday, and the two share a tender moment as he learns about her crush on Jake, offering her his advice, which includes the quote above. He's got a point; crushes aren't easy, but sometimes, like in Sam's and Jake's case, they more than pay off.

3 "What's Happenin', Hot Stuff?"

Gedde Watanabe, as Long Duk Dong, certainly knows how to make an entrance. Hanging upside down and asking Sam (Molly Ringwald) what's up in such a casual manner is genius. Sam had no heads-up that her grandparents were bringing along a foreign exchange student with them, so it made the gag that much better.

Prior to his night of partying, he followed the rules and was very responsible, but one night partying with fellow teenagers leaves him "drunk as a skunk" on the front lawn. No one said being a teenager was easy.

2 "Can I Borrow Your Underpants For Ten Minutes?"

This is definitely a question Sam is not asked every day. We still can't believe Sam allowed the geek to take her underpants, but he must be pretty persuasive, or she was just in a giving kind of mood.

In a way, the underwear actually is a part of how Sam finally gets together with Jake Ryan, as the geek explains to Jake the real circumstances behind the underwear, including the fact that Sam is harboring a major crush on Jake. It might have been utterly humiliating to later find out guys had paid a dollar to see her underwear, but Jake got them back for her, so all's well that ends well.

1 "Happy Birthday, Samantha. Make A Wish." "It Already Came True."

Sometimes birthdays don't always go as planned. For Sam, that's an understatement, but she gets a birthday do-over from Jake, and that's the best birthday present she ever could've received, especially given the circumstances.

The iconic scene of the two sitting upon a table, leaning over a cake to share a special kiss, is definitely among our favorite scenes. Though their love may have seemed unlikely in the beginning, this scene proved that they couldn't have been more right for one another, and audiences were more than happy to see the two get the happy ending they deserved.

NEXT: Sixteen Candles: 5 Best Characters (& 5 Worst)
June 11, 2020 at 05:30AM



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