Sunday, May 3, 2020

One Tree Hill: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Game of Thrones Houses

The characters on One Tree Hill are certainly very strong personalities. Between them, they go through many relationship dramas, scandals, and totally insane occurrences, but still come out the other side of these battles, mostly. Based on their personalities, they could be divided in many ways, but one fascinating one is by Game of Throne's houses.

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Here are the main characters of One Tree Hill sorted into their GOT houses.

10 Brooke Davis: House Tyrell

Brooke is definitely a representative of House Tyrell. This house's motto is 'Growing Strong' and their sigil is a golden rose.

Brooke is both beautiful and powerful, making her a perfect fit. In addition, House Tyrell is known for its incredibly strong women, with a knack for ambition and a touch of slyness--all features of Brooke Davis. Brooke would fit in perfectly with the rest of the clan, bringing her charm, her knack for gossip, and her steel beneath.

9 Peyton Sawyer: House Stark

Broody Peyton is perfect for House Stark, whose denizens are both emotional, moral, and a little bit self-righteous. While Peyton errs often, she always seems to have a touch of superiority to her.

The Starks often martyr themselves, something Peyton is excellent at, but ultimately, they look to what is right. Peyton has a strength characteristic of the house and would do well there.

8 Lucas Scott: House Stark

Lucas is also a prime example of House Stark. Lucas, like Peyton, has a penchant for martyring himself and a capacity to strongly cleave to his own moral code.

When Haley stood in for an absent cheerleader, for instance, he let her know he thought it was not the "correct" thing to do. But Lucas can also be loyal, a classic Stark quality, and resilient.

7 Nathan Scott: House Baratheon

Nathan Scott seems like he'd belong to this royal house. While their motto is 'Our is Fury' -- the Baratheons (or part-Baratheons) we meet along the way are more characterized by their power build and their stubbornness...and also their dark hair and blue eyes.

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Nathan Scott to a T. Plus, having royal blood seems like it would befit Nathan Scott.

6 Haley James: House Tully

House Tully's motto is 'Family, Duty, Honor' and Haley James (Scott) fulfills this edict well. Haley is often the show's moral compass, especially in its early days, making the right decisions when many others are going astray. She serves as a role model and a bringer of wisdom to those around her.

Haley also prioritizes her love for her family, friends, and husband, before much else, including herself. She'd do well in this aquatic house.

5 Dan Scott: House Lannister

Dan is a Lannister if there ever was one. Greedy, sleazy, and always looking to get the upper-hand by whatever means possible, Dan would fit right in with this golden house and its knife-wielders.

Additionally, Dan is incredibly self-centered, like most Lannisters, and stops at nothing to get what he is after, no matter the consequences. A Lannister would likely only approve of the intense and wicked steps Dan often takes.

4 Karen Roe: House Tully

Karen would also be a great member of House Tully. She is, in many ways, an idealized representation of a mother, self-sacrificing, kind, supportive, and fierce. In these ways, she fits right into the House whose motto is all about family and duty.

When Karen had Lucas at a young age and was abandoned by Dan, she prioritized her son above all else, rendering her a true matriarch. Catelyn Tully would approve.

3 Keith Scott: House Stark

Keith is another of House Stark's members from One Tree Hill. Like his nephew, Keith always seems to have the more high-ground, though he most often actually does, and takes great pains to fill his duty to his family and himself. While Dan shirks his responsibility to Lucas, Keith steps up to fill the missing spot in the boy's life, a move Ned Stark would highly approve of.

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Keith also prefers to work with his hands and get right into the nitty-gritty of an issue, no matter how much work it requires of him, landing him as a Stark.

2 Whitey Durham: The Night's Watch

Coach Durham is above the fray of the houses, protecting all in the Night's Watch. While he can come off gruff, he is devoted to his cause and works hard to protect his team and keep them on the right path.

Like the brothers of The Watch, Coach Durham pledges his life to his calling and devotes himself to his kingdom. (Basketball) No matter who comes to him or which house they are from, he helps them find their way.

1 Deb Scott: House Lannister

Deb also belongs to House Lannister, but she represents a different side of it than Dan. While Deb is also often self-serving, and she can be callous in her actions, heedless of consequence, she is incredibly loyal to her family.

Like the Lannisters, she is fierce when it comes to supporting those she loves, and turns feral against those who try to harm them. The Lannisters can be conniving, but in many ways, they stick together.

NEXT: One Tree Hill: 10 Best Episodes Of Season 6, Ranked By IMDb
May 03, 2020 at 05:30AM



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