Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Doctor Who: 10 Ways The Tenth Doctor Got Worse & Worse

Out of all the reincarnations on Doctor Who, most fans will agree that the Tennant era had some of the best character development. Ten was seen to be the most humane Time Lord, and while he may have been charming, geeky, and very eccentric, he wasn't without his faults.

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He was, by far, the darkest and most vengeful of them all. Who knows what would have happened to him if his friends had left him to his own devices? Ten could be really intimidating and frightening when he wanted to be, and that's even when he was with his companions. Don't believe it? Keep reading to discover 10 ways the Tenth Doctor got worse as time went on.

10 Playing God

As Ten's journey went on, fans saw an increasingly worrisome inferiority complex form. As many viewers know, near the end of Ten's era, the Time Lord had a terrible god complex. He was obsessed with power and constantly challenged the laws of time when it suited him. He even started calling himself the "Time Lord Victorious."

However, what was really frightening was that Ten stopped caring about the consequences of his actions. He became so erratic and impulsive that fans could barely recognize the person he had become.

9 His Vanity Issues

While Ten has remained one of the fans' all-time favorite reincarnations, there was one flaw they couldn't stand: his vanity issues. Remember that time he aborted the regeneration process because he didn't want to change the way he looked? Or how he was a "handsome bloke [...] with great hair?"

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It would have made sense to divert his regeneration since he was in the middle of a war. However, that's not what he said. He did it because he didn't want to change his face. Considering he believed he only had a few regenerations left, it was a bit reckless to waste one on something trivial.

8 The Darkness

As mentioned, one aspect of the Doctor's personality that got worse over time was his darkness. On several occasions, fans witnessed how ruthless and cold-hearted the Time Lord he could be. He sentenced the Family of Blood to a fate worse than death and coldly watched on while the Empress cried over the children he killed.

If fans rewatch the episodes, they will notice that it got harder for the companions to pull him out of this abyss. If it wasn't for Donna, this would have killed him long ago.

7 No Compassion

In Tennant's first episode, the Time Lord stated that he was the kind of man who didn't give people second chances. If fans thought he had let up on this as time went on, he didn't.

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Not only did the alien race face the fury of the Time Lord, but humanity did as well. He got Harriet Jones deposed after she killed the Sycorax to protect the planet. He rejected his daughter because of his vendetta against the military, and he exiled the Meta-Crisis Doctor for committing genocide. When Ten said no more second chances, he meant it.

6 His Pessimism

Another aspect that got worse was Ten's pessimism. It wasn't surprising either — out of all the reincarnations seen, Ten had the most tragic journey. His daughter died, he lost Rose, he had to erase himself from Donna's memories, and he had to sentence his race to death once again.

Not to mention all the other people who had died in his name (Astrid, Harriet Jones, etc.). This burden weighed heavily on Ten's shoulders, which made him look wearier and exhausted near the end. It was really sad to see him so broken.

5 His Arrogance

Along with his vanity issues, one thing that gradually got worse over time was the Doctor's arrogance. With the belief that he was the last of his species, it's no wonder Ten began to view himself as someone special. No one in the universe was as extraordinary as him.

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However, his ego was one of his biggest flaws. Fans felt uncomfortable with the way he used to diminish his companions' intelligence by declaring himself to be the smartest person in the room. Or the way he valued his life more than theirs. It made fans wonder whether he was saving worlds just to inflate his ego.

4 An Adrenaline Junkie

Over time, fans also saw Ten's lack of regard for his own life as he became an adrenaline junkie. In the early stages, fans may remember that Ten got a thrill from his adventures. So much so that Queen Victoria expressed her disgust at the pleasure he took despite the many lives that were in danger.

You would have thought he would have grown more mature but he didn't. In "Midnight," he took great pleasure and interest in the Midnight entity despite it killing two passengers. He also took pleasure in solving a case with Agatha Christie despite several guests being murdered. If you think about it, Ten is a bit warped.

3 The Rose-Shaped Hole

One of the most memorable aspects of Tennant's tenure was the relationship between Rose and Ten. Everyone knows how special this relationship was to the Time Lord and how much it grieved him to lose her. However, did he have to place her on a pedestal to the point that he made all other companions feel inferior?

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Despite Martha and Donna proving to be just as brilliant and smart as Rose, their achievements were overlooked as soon as Ten mentioned the blonde. It was heartbreaking to watch their disappointed faces as they realized they would never live up to Rose's reputation.

2 His Recklessness

Another thing that got worse as time went on was Ten's recklessness. As soon as he discovered he was going to die, the Time Lord began to act out. Instead of thinking rationally, Ten became impulsive and a little dangerous. It was like he was tempting fate by putting himself directly in the line of fire.

For instance, in "The Poison Sky," Ten almost sacrifices himself by blowing up the Sontaran ship without telling anyone of his motive. "The Waters of Mars" saw him try to rewrite a fixed point in history, and "The End of Time" revealed he succeeded by marrying Queen Elizabeth I. He was so irresponsible near the end...

1 Treatment Of Companions

Out of all their reincarnations, most fans will agree that Ten treated his companions terribly. Ten was one of the Doctors who was dreadful at fulfilling his duty of care. He was reckless and very irresponsible with their lives — either abandoning them to go solo or almost getting them killed.

Rose and Mickey believed he had abandoned them after he chose Madame Pompadour. Martha and Donna nearly burned to death, and he abandoned Captain Jack. Let's not forget him telling Wilf how his life was worthless. Ten could be quite cruel at times.

NEXT: Doctor Who: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Amy Pond

May 05, 2020 at 05:30AM



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