Sunday, May 3, 2020

Blue Velvet: 10 Best Quotes From The David Lynch Classic

Blue Velvet is a 1986 mystery film about a man who finds an ear in a field, and sets out on trying to figure out what happened. There are many memorable quotes in this classic film from famed director David Lynch.

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Whether you follow his other films-many of them also cult classics, such as Eraserhead-or are even an occasional viewer of his series Twin Peaks, odds are you will appreciate some of these great lines from one of America's best films of the 80sBlue Velvet.

10 "I Don't Know If You're A Detective Or A Pervert"

Jeffrey is about to go into Dorothy's apartment for the first time. While he has presented this idea to Sandy as an opportunity to gaining knowledge and experience, it still comes off as pretty strange that he would want to willingly put himself in danger-and by invading a woman's apartment, no less. We never do really know if Jeffrey is a detective or a pervert, but it seems he's likely both.

9 "Now It's Dark"

Characters repeat this line throughout the film. The first time it's spoken is by Frank while he is visiting Dorothy in her apartment (violating Dorothy in her apartment, is a better way of putting it). Frank is upset that Dorothy hasn't set things up the way he likes, and she quickly rushes to dampen the lights.

8 "Did You Hear Anything?" "Bits And Pieces"

Jeffrey is seeing Sandy for the first time since what seems like high school. Jeffrey is eager to learn more about the ear he found in the field, and Sandy reveals that her bedroom is right above the office of her detective father. Their banter over this results in some subtle puns which aren't acknowledged in the film may merit a chuckle from the audience.

7 "Lumberton, The Town Where People Really Know How Much Wood A Woodchuck Chucks."

Radio announcements that are meant to be broadcast from the small town of Lumberton, the basis for the film, are inserted into various scenes throughout the film. They are usually random, without much prompting or relevance to anything going on.

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This adds to the generally bizarre atmosphere created by the film. The broadcasts are often so ridiculous they feel surreal, stirring an uneasiness which makes the viewer unsure of whether or not to laugh.

6 "There's Darkness Til The Robins Come"

When Sandy shares a dream she had with Jeffrey she explains that robins represent love in her dream. She hasn't heard the repeated line throughout the film regarding darkness, so there's a touch of dramatic irony while the audience experiences this scene, framing Sandy as a sort of prophet or voice of hope while also making it unclear whether or not we should view her speech as satire.

5 "You're A Neat Girl"

Jeffrey was feeling down about his first experience in Dorothy's apartment. It made him sad to see how dark the world can be, even if it is something that he finds intriguing. In response, Sandy tells him her dream about robins and how they return and lift the darkness from the world. This somewhat hokey tale lifts Jeffrey's spirits, causing him to smile at Sandy and tell her how "neat" he thinks she is.

4 "I Have Your Disease In Me Now"

Dorothy says this line immediately after she and Jeffrey sleep together. Dorothy wavers between triggering the viewer's sympathy and at other times, disgust and confusion.

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She is a victim, but she isn't the typical kind of victim that most films offer. She is a part of a dark world that oppresses her, but she also embraces aspects of darkness as a preference in her own life, complicating our perception of her.

3 "My Dad Drinks Bud" "King Of Beers"

Beer brands are a reoccurring theme in the film, beginning with this quote. Jeffrey shares with Sandy that he loves Heineken, to which Sandy responds that she's never had it because she usually just has some of what her father drinks-"bud."

2 "It's A Strange World"

This is one of the more simple yet also one of the more famous quotes from Blue Velvet. The quote is said by Sandy after she hears the disturbing recounting of Jeffrey's first night in Dorothy's apartment-and she didn't even get the full details of the night, just a summary. It marks both characters' acknowledgment that the world is not so simple and clean as their upper-middle-class suburban upbringings have lead them to believe.

1 "Heineken? F*ck That Sh*t. Pabst Blue Ribbon!"

The casual references to beer brand loyalty-all mid to lower shelf brands-once again amplifies the small-town American tone of the film. It hearkens to the strangeness of blind loyalty, similar to the relationship between smokers and their devotion to a single tobacco brand. It also serves as a jarring moment of perspective, causing the viewer to step outside of the intimate, claustrophobic horror of the scene and reminds us of the petty commonalities that unite us in everyday life.

NEXT: Twin Peaks: 10 Facts You Forgot About The First Episode
May 03, 2020 at 05:30AM



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