The Vampire Diaries: 10 Ways Klaus & Caroline Are The Best Ship

There are countless romances in The Vampire Diaries, yet one of the most popular remains the one with the least amount of screen time. The chemistry between Klaus and Caroline is undeniable, and viewers spent seasons 3 and 4 waiting for their love story to come to a head.

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Dreams were crushed when Klaus left the show to star in The Originals, but years after the events of The Vampire Diaries finale, he and Caroline reunited. Although they never became an official couple, there are several reasons why Klaroline could be considered the best ship of the series.

10 They're Proof That Quality Is More Important Than Quantity

At the end of the day, how characters spend their screen time is more important than how much they get. Klaus and Caroline only had a couple of seasons to develop their relationship, but they made the most of it.

All of their scenes are meaningful, and even their arguments were a major component of their evolution. Klaus and Caroline's phone call in The Vampire Diaries season 7 was somehow more impactful than Caroline's face-to-face interactions with her other love interests.

9 Klaus Was Willing To Wait "However Long It Takes"

There are several moving Klaus and Caroline quotes in The Vampire Diaries, but "however long it takes," remains the most meaningful. As a thousand-year-old vampire, Klaus is well-aware of the concept of time.

Given that they're both immortal beings, there's no saying how long it would take for Caroline to return his feelings—or if she ever would at all. But Klaus was willing to take that chance. In the series finale, Caroline receives a letter from Klaus implying that he has no intention of breaking his promise.

8 Their Romance Was Unexpected

When Klaus was first introduced as the most powerful villain in The Vampire Diaries, a romance with Caroline was the last thing on anyone's mind. Viewers were too busy worrying about which characters he would kill to even consider which one could be his love interest.

However, the moment Klaus expressed interest in Caroline, it felt completely natural. Despite his villainous nature, there was always another side of him to be explored. If Damon and Elena could fall in love, there was no reason why Klaus and Caroline couldn't do the same.

7 They Both Wanted The Same Things

Klaus and Caroline were much more alike than Caroline ever wanted to admit. There's no denying that Klaus did horrible things, but at their core, they were two sides of the same coin. However, it's due to much more than their similarly over-the-top personalities. Caroline and Klaus both wanted to be loved unconditionally, and they had different ways of coping with their insecurities.

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At the beginning of the series, Caroline puts others down to make herself feel superior. She was the head of several clubs and always felt the need to be in control. Klaus's methods are much more drastic, but his hybrids were his own way of exerting power. He didn't believe he was capable of being loved, and his army offered him loyalty. Caroline and Klaus both used fear as a leadership tactic and did whatever they could to appear confident.

6 Caroline's Opinion Was More Important To Klaus Than Anyone Else's

A thousand years of bad behavior is difficult to unlearn, but Caroline managed to help Klaus make some progress. The most significant part of Klaus's character development in both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals is that he was genuinely inspired to change.  Although Caroline was an important aspect, Klaus didn't need her around to keep him in check.

He managed to evolve on his own, and Caroline even admits that he had finally become a good person—which is all she's ever wanted. While Hope's birth changed things, there was a time when Caroline's opinion held more weight than anyone's. Klaus began to experience regret for his actions, worried that she wouldn't be able to see past them. It's a miracle that Klaus let Tyler live after everything he did, but killing him meant losing Caroline for good.

5 They Understood Each Other As Parents

Klaus and Caroline are two of the most important characters in TVDU, as the spinoff focuses on their children. Caroline's twins became best friends with Klaus's daughter, and while neither actor is a part of the show, they remain relevant to the story.

There was always an understanding between Klaus and Caroline, and it deepened after they became parents. Lizzie and Josie aren't Caroline's by blood, but Klaus reassured her that it's okay to love what she can't explain. Caroline even trusted Klaus enough to get the twins involved when he needed help.

4 Klaus Always Chose Caroline

Every time he was faced with a choice, Klaus chose Caroline. With only enough time to save one of them, Klaus rescued her in The Vampire Diaries Season 4 and left his own sister behind. It's disheartening for Rebekah, but because she can't be killed, it's difficult to feel too badly about his choice.

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When Tyler shows up in New Orleans to kill Klaus and his baby, Klaus lets him live for Caroline's sake. He continuously chooses her over revenge, and despite the five hundred years he spent hunting Katherine, he backs off in exchange for Caroline's honesty.

3 They Were Married In An Alternate Universe

The newspaper clipping of Caroline and Klaus is one of the best callbacks in Legacies. In a world where Klaus never had Hope, he never would've left Caroline in Mystic Falls. They end up getting married, but eventually turn off their emotions and become enemies of the state.

Without Hope, Klaus never would've become a man who was worthy of Caroline's love. Additionally, Caroline never would've had the phone call with Klaus that inspired her to parent the twins. Things clearly played out the way they were meant to, but it was confirmation that Caroline would've ended up with Klaus if he remained on the show.

2 Caroline Never Turned Her Back On Klaus

When emotions were running high, Caroline admitted that she should've turned her back on Klaus ages ago, implying that she never had. This conversation took place after Klaus killed Carol Lockwood and drove Tyler out of town, which made her confession all the more surprising.

No matter how many horrible things Klaus did, Caroline never stopped seeing the good in him. All it took was a phone call from Rebekah for Caroline to track down Klaus in another country and help him repair his relationship with Hope.

1 They Always Found Their Way Back To Each Other

Klaus has gone out of his way to earn Caroline's affection through his romantic gestures in The Vampire Diaries. However, the fact that they always found their way back to each other can only be explained by fate. They were separated countless times over the years, but no matter where they were or who they were with, Klaus and Caroline always lingered in one another's minds.

Klaus might not have gotten the chance to take her to Paris, but Caroline going all the way to France to track him down has to count for something. With the two sharing a kiss in The Originals series finale, it's safe to say that Klaus's death is the only thing that stopped them from ending up together.

NEXT: One Quote From 10 Main Characters That Goes Against Their Personality In The Vampire Diaries
September 30, 2021 at 12:00AM

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