9 Most Relatable Quotes From MCU’s Spider-Man | ScreenRant

The Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Spider-Man has been a hit from his very first appearance. The character’s star-making quality is how he feels so relatable to viewers, to the point where he can be an audience surrogate. Tom Holland has done a great job in delivering the superhero’s dialogue, which goes a long way in establishing who he is.

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Peter Parker has had great quotes in his tenure in the series so far, but there are certain things he’s said that fans can really connect with. The meaning behind the quotes can be applied to real life and it also proves why Spider-Man is such a popular character for the MCU.

9 "You Can't Be A Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man If There's No Neighborhood."

There are times when youngsters make more sense than adults and Peter proved this in his argument with Tony in Avengers: Infinity War. He countered Tony’s claim that he should focus on defending the neighborhood rather than the world by making Tony see that he needed to step up when things got out of hand.

Many young people feel left out due to their age even when they have the maturity to understand life’s complexities, and it takes a well-meant statement to make their point understood. In Peter’s case, he turned around Tony’s argument in order for the latter to understand he was ready for bigger battles.

8 "I Just Wanted To Be Like You."

Peter’s early arc was squarely about his hopes of proving himself to Tony Stark. Having lost a father figure in Uncle Ben, he craved another in Tony and tried to be like him as a superhero. Although he became reckless as a result in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter’s need for approval is understandable.

The value of having an older figure in life is vital for a teenager’s growth into adulthood, and it’s doubly important to someone who spent most of his childhood without a father figure. The resulting reality check Tony gave Peter of doing better worked well, but this quote enabled viewers to understand where Peter was coming from.

7 "This Is Nice."

Peter finally got the big moment of bonding with Tony at the climactic Battle of Earth in Avengers: Endgame. Their reunion was highlighted by Tony pulling Peter in for a hug, which prompted the latter to let Tony know that he appreciated it.

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Actions can very well speak louder than words and Peter didn’t need Tony to proclaim his fatherly affection when a hug in the middle of a battlefield communicated that and more. Just about everyone has had at least one experience where they’re glad to finally gain the approval they always craved.

6 "I Can’t Go To Germany. I Got Homework."

Peter went on his first battle as Spider-Man in the MCU during Captain America: Civil War when he was recruited by Tony. Interestingly, he resisted joining Iron Man’s faction by citing the fact that he needed to do homework.

Although the moment was played for laughs, it was relatable for the fact that the majority of people Peter’s age feel the same way whenever something comes up. Teenagers always have school to worry about and it’s the mark of a responsible one to worry about their education no matter what.

5 "If You Don't Keep Smiling When They Can't, Then You Might As Well Be Gone Too."

The What If…? series depicted an alternate version of Spider-Man who had lost Tony Stark and Aunt May to the zombie outbreak. He remained upbeat despite this and revealed the reason due to his belief that he needed to keep smiling for the sake of the people he had lost.

This quote should make fans recall their own loved ones who have passed on and of their time moving on. Peter eloquently put it that he accepted that his family was gone but he carried their teachings as a way of keeping them alive in spirit.

4 "Sorry, I Can't Remember Anyone's Names."

Spider-Man used his webbing to pull all of the Guardians of the Galaxy members out of harm’s way of the moon Thanos tossed at them in Avengers: Infinity War. While he meant well, he threw out a line that he didn’t actually remember who they all were.

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It was funny for the fact that they had teamed up to save the world but were unaware of each other’s true identities. Everyone has had at least one instance in their lives where they work with people closely but don’t actually know them. Embarrassing moments of being unaware of someone’s name are relatable in real life and hearing it from Spider-Man was even better.

3 "I'm Sick Of Mr. Stark Treating Me Like A Kid."

Peter’s failure to catch Vulture on the cruise ship in Spider-Man: Homecoming was one of the instances where an MCU superhero deserved to lose because he needed a lesson of knowing his limits. Still, Peter’s earlier quote of not wanting Tony to see him as a kid was understandable.

Peter did have more power than Tony gave him credit for and he wanted to be taken seriously. While young people don’t always have the required wisdom for patience, they do have a right to be heard and Peter can be sympathized with not wanting to be seen as a kid.

2 "...And Then The Bad Things Happen...They Happen Because Of You."

Revealing what happened to Uncle Ben is one of the ways Spider-Man’s story arc can continue in the future and Peter’s guilt was revealed in his first appearance. He didn’t go into detail, although it was clear he felt responsible for not being able to prevent Uncle Ben’s demise and still blamed himself.

Loss is an inevitable part of life, but people tend to shoulder this burden as a coping mechanism. Even though Peter was likely not at fault, his instinct to feel responsible is understandable and this quote can be seen as a way for him to voice out what he’d been bottling up inside.

1 "It's Really Nice To Have Somebody To Talk To."

Peter said this to the Karen interface in his Spider-Man suit in Homecoming when he talked to her about his crush on Liz. Although Karen was just doing her job as an A.I., Peter genuinely appreciated her support and for listening to him.

It was a reminder that even a superhero like Spider-Man needs someone to talk to because, no matter what, it’s healthy to communicate with others. While A.I. isn’t as advanced in real life, fans can appreciate Peter’s words since it’s nice to be with a person who genuinely cares about their feelings.

NEXT: 9 Times Spider-Man Teamed Up with Doctor Strange
September 30, 2021 at 02:00AM

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