Which Iconic Vampire Are You, According To Your Zodiac Sign?

When a person thinks of vampires in fiction, there is little room to consider the fact there is a complicated person behind those fangs. However, in the best stories, the vampires are conflicted beings, some looking for love, and others looking for redemption. They all share traits with many zodiac signs of regular humans.

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TV shows, movies, and novels take vampires and put them in various situations where the world tests them. It is not just about hunting humans, as these vampires live, love, and communicate with people around them, showing the same forms of emotion as anyone living or undead.

12 Aquarius: Barnabus Collins

Barnabus Collins is the vampire from the classic horror soap opera Dark Shadows. This television show portrayed Barnabus as an interesting vampire, as he had a heart and showed human emotion. While he was a vampire who had to deed, he was open-minded to those around him, similar to an Aquarius.

He also showed a great amount of intellect, and he spent much of the series trying to find a cure for himself. He received love and trust, and returned it, making him a very unique vampire in fiction.

11 Pisces: Eli

One of the greatest vampire stories told this century might be Let the Right One In, which also received a movie based on the novel and an American remake of that movie called Let Me In. In this vampire tale, a young boy meets a vampire in a young girl's body and develops a friendship.

Eli then does everything she can to help the boy, but at the cost of the boy becoming her familiar. Eli shares many traits with Pisces, including her moody attitudes, a sense of selfless protection, and the fact she often slips away into her own world.

10 Aries: Count Orlok

Before movies met Count Dracula, German Expressionist filmmaker F.W. Murnau brought the world Count Orlock in Nosferatu. While his name is Orlock, this evil vampire was based on the original Bram Stoker novel with the names changed, but the vampire more or less remaining the same.

Orlock is a terrifying vampire who has a lust and a drive to gain that which he wants. This is a trait shared by Aries, who is also very driven and Orlock fits that role perfectly.

9 Taurus: Bram Stoker's Dracula

In 1992, Francis Ford Coppola brought Dracula back to the big screen and showed the legendary vampire in a new light. In Transylvania, he was older and regal, but, when he gained his vibrancy and youth, he set out for London and was sophisticated and stylish.

This Draculas was strong and determined when he saw something he wanted, a sign of the Taurus. He was also a jealous man who was stubborn and possessive, which are Saggitarius traits he proved as he sought after his prized Mina.

8 Gemini: Damon Salvatore

Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries was a charming and clever vampire who enjoys attention, a perfect Gemini when it comes to his zodiac signs. His charm went a long way to help him achieve his goals, especially when he was a villain on the show.

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Damon used his Gemini traits to get what he wanted, and he was never above using his charms and clever planning to detriment of others while keeping a sense of humor about it all.

7 Cancer: Edward Cullen

In The Twilight Saga, Edward Cullen fits the role of the Cancer perfectly. Thanks to his powers at reading minds, he is often seen as emotionally aware and very intelligent of the situations at hand. He is also very kind and caring, especially with those he loves and protects.

Edward is also seen as very charming, sweeping Bella off her feet, which also proving to be loving and emotive with his true love. Edward also tends to be moody and unpredictable in his actions, making him one of Twilight's best fighters, two more signs of Cancer.

6 Leo: Lestat

In Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles, the first book had Louis as the sympathetic character, but the true protagonist of her series was the vampire Lestat. He was an arrogant and dominating vampire who loved fams and fortune and did anything he could to come out on top.

The craving for the spotlight is what makes Lestat a perfect Leo, as he is most unhinged when the spotlight is not on him. Throughout the entire series, Lestat makes everything about him and he wouldn't have it any other way.

5  Virgo: Stefan Salvatore

A Virgo is often a person who is a perfectionist with a dominating personality. When it comes to Stefan, he knew what he wanted, and he was willing to do anything to achieve it, often showing an arrogance that made it clear he was in charge.

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A Virgo is also highly intelligent and both calm and collected. Stefan proved through The Vampire Diaries that he would follow through with any plan to complete a goal, even if it meant the end of his own life.

4 Libra: Universal's Dracula

The most famous Dracula in movie history arrived with the first Universal version, as Bela Lugosi portrayed his most famous role as the vampire in the 1931 movie Dracula. This is the version of Dracula that all others remain compared to.

Much like the Libras, this version of Dracula is charming and romantic, and he uses these skills and traits to lure in his victims. He is also superficial and manipulative, easily able to catch men like flies to flypaper and make them his acolytes.

3 Scorpio: Angel

Angel got his start as the love interest on Buffy the Vampire Slayer before moving on and leading his own TV series Angel as a vampire who helped save people in Los Angeles. For the Zodiac signs, Angel most fits the Scorpio, especially after his move to his own show.

A Scorpio is focused and brave, while loyal and faithful to those he cares about. These are all traits that Angel exhibited when he took on the role of the leader of Angel Investigations. As for negative traits, Angel also ticks those off both as a secretive and possessive vampire.

2 Sagittarius: Hammer Films Dracula

In the 1950s and 1960s, Hammer Films brought back most of the Universal Monsters in a new form and released several great horror movies. The Hammer Horror films cast Christopher Lee as Dracula and Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, giving all the movies amazing actors to carry the load.

Lee's Dracula was impatient and boastful, while also brutal and smart, all traits of the Sagittarius. He was also intelligent and cunning, two other traits of this zodiac sign.

1 Capricorn: Eric Northman

A Capricorn is overly serious and critical, both traits that fit Eric Northman from True Blood. Eric has strong emotions, but he has perfectly learned to keep them below the surface, allowing him to keep the advantage in any situation.

He is also extremely ambitious and driven to succeed at all costs. He also turned out to be a perfect True Blood love interest for Sookie, but was also unforgiving and suspicious of all around him, more traits of the Capricorn sign.

NEXT: 10 TV Shows To Watch If You Like True Blood
July 31, 2021 at 12:00AM

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