Turner & Hooch: Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The return of Turner & Hooch is the latest in a large slew of sequels and reboots on Disney+ and a great one at that. The TV show is a welcome dose of nostalgia from the Tom Hank-starrer movies, with a similar vintage feel and good old-fashioned canine fuzziness. It features a fresh set of characters who are already turning into lovable favorites.

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The buddy-cop genre has been revived after a while, with Scott Jr. being a direct descendent of the OG Scott Turner Sr, and the new Hooch being his own dog, passed down to his son. Every player in the show has a distinct personality - unique enough to correspond with everybody's astrological star signs.

12 Aries: Agent Long

The two-faced FBI agent was direct and no-nonsense in his approach, just like fiery Aries. Even though he got greedy for money, he had worked hard over the years and taken charge of his department, where he led negotiations and tricky handovers with confidence.

The ram of the zodiac is known to think after they have acted, and in Long's case that was exactly what happened - he thought he could get away with possibly killing a witness in protection, but his lack of forethought cost him dearly.

11 Taurus: Hooch

The second-star sign is famous for its loyalty and dedication, both to people and their work, which Hooch epitomizes. As a canine, he is innately loving and faithful, but his commitment to police work is obvious right from the beginning.

The adorable pooch can also be obstinate in his mischief - he destroyed Scott's apartment when he felt like, and very carefully didn't listen to a single instruction that Turner Junior gave to him, like a Taurus. None of this erases the fact that he is one of the most iconic dogs in television history.

10 Gemini: Jessica Baxter

Jessica's energy was infectious, and she loved to be in the middle of all the action, even though she was heavily pregnant. She was fearless in her approach to work and life, and her positivity and quick wit lightened any situation she was in.

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Just like a Gemini, she recovered from her inappropriate joke about witness protection fairly quickly in front of Agent Long. Prone to texting and being active in social media, the astrological twins align with Jessica's penchant for stalking her partner on Instagram.

9 Cancer: Erica Mouniere

The water sign is known for its strangely accurate intuition and its empathetic abilities. Erica worked with dogs professionally, which meant that she had a deep connection with the complex animals. Only an empath would be able to understand canines deeply, which is what Erica did very well.

Her pleasant nature instantly put Hooch at ease, and even her other dog trainee Angel felt comfortable around Mouniere. Cancers are very emotional too, just like Erica who instantly developed strong emotions for Scott.

8 Leo: Larry Gluck

Though the former bank heister was a mere criminal who had landed a good plea deal, Larry Gluck liked to believe he was the star of the show. Incredibly dramatic and self-centered, Gluck was pretty annoying with his demands for top-notch security (which he was getting), and better accommodation.

When Gluck felt threatened, he acted in his self-interest, which was actually good for law enforcement. Hopefully, this Leo-like character won't turn up to mess around too much in subsequent episodes.

7 Virgo: Scott Turner Jr.

Almost at par with Monica Geller's clean freak moments, Scott Turner Jr. likes everything perfect. He wants his home to be tidy, his protein shake measured accurately, and everything in his life to go according to his plan, much like the earth sign Virgo.

He fought hard when his plan was upended with the appearance of Hooch in his life - he had worked hard and diligently to reach where he had, and he wanted to continue his upward journey with more consistent effort. Virgos are known for their gentleness and kindness, which Scott Jr. had in spades.

6 Libra: Laura Turner

Charming Laura resembles the celestial scales the most, with her good looks and the want to maintain harmony in all aspects of her life. The Turner sister worked hard to keep a loving balance between herself, her brother, and her mother after her father was gone.

She also juggled being a single mom with her responsibilities to her ex-husband and her profession. The typical Libran flightiness came into play when she left Hooch with Scott without warning, but it all worked out in the end.

5 Scorpio: James Mendez

Chief Mendez was Scott and Jessica's superior, and he held a lot of power by virtue of his title. Scorpios love power and work to great lengths to gain control of it. But, James was not on a power trip - he used his position wisely and treated his underlings well.

He had built a solid foundation of trust and understanding with Scott, Jessica, Xavier, and the others, which made him a capable leader who listened to his team. Like the water sign, he aspired to transform the world into a better place through his privileges.

4 Sagittarius: Matthew Garland

Laura's quick-witted son was a breath of fresh air, with his childlike observations, purity, storytelling skills, and infectious laughter. He was a smart kid who knew what was going on around him - even his beloved uncle couldn't take him for a fool when it came to dropping Hooch off at his home.

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The Turner grandson was most like the knowledge-loving Sagittarius in this way, and his sharp tongue was reminiscent of the astrological archer too.

3 Capricorn: Scott Turner Sr.

Even though Tom Hanks' Scott Sr. from the '80s movies isn't physically present on the show, his character has left a bounty of mysteries and gifts for his children in the show. The original Turner's soul shines through in his letters to Scott, and his extensive case files about dangerous criminals.

Just like the sea-goat of the zodiac, Turner was relentless in his pursuit for justice and information, which he got at any cost. He had trouble keeping a work-life balance too, where the lines blurred a fair bit and his work ruled his life. As a small-time cop, he must have gone to great lengths to collect his data, and this perseverance is characteristic of Capricorns.

2 Aquarius: Xavier Wilson

Xavier is known to walk off the beaten path, so naturally, he fits in with Aquarius. Aquarians are known to be unconventional and slightly radical - they love discovering new places, ideologies, and people, just like Xavier. Right at the beginning of the show premiere, he is seen recommending the newest spot to a criminal.

His quirks form a large part of his personality, but the senior marshall is also surprisingly wise, just like the air sign. He also aims to better the world, and his distinctive likes and nature are a bonus.

1 Pisces: Dr. Emily Carson

Compassionate and extremely empathetic, Dr. Emily Carson chose the perfect profession for herself: veterinary sciences. She mimics Pisces the most in her sensitivity, and even tends to be overly optimistic in her views of the world - she thought Hooch's transition from Scott Sr. to Jr, would be easy when it was not.

Just like her family, she exhibits kindness and tenderness to everyone around her, and even a sort of clairvoyance about how things would turn out with her son and the dog, in true fish sign style.

NEXT: The 10 Scariest Dogs In Horror Movie History
July 29, 2021 at 12:00AM

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