The Vampire Diaries: The Characters' 10 Weirdest Weaknesses

Even the vampires, werewolves, and witches of The Vampire Diaries aren't without weaknesses. It's a good way for the screenwriters to make the heroes' lives more difficult, face challenges, and create conflict with other characters.

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However, a lot of these weaknesses don't make much sense or are just plain strange. This is either because they're not utilized as cleverly as they could be or because the characters could overcome them if they tried, but they don't.

10 The Bone Daggers

The Vampire Diaries characters use daggers and the like to kill their enemies on more than one occasion. But it doesn't always make as much sense as the creators would have liked. The bone daggers, as the name suggests, are used against spirits from Hell. In order to make one, the heroes need to have the spirit's bones on hand. However, the usage of such a dagger seems rare, considering the fact that most people who end up in hell don't come back.

And even when they do, how are the heroes guaranteed they will get the dead person's bones? Also, as Damon and Stefan later realize when they use a bone dagger against Katherine, the dagger doesn't kill the spirit but only sends it back to hell ... which means the spirit could come back again.

9 Dark Objects

The dark objects don't present the weakness of one particular person or a supernatural being - instead, it's possible to use them against everyone. However, to make such an object is difficult and in the end, the end result isn't just worth the effort.

For one, only a capable witch can create a dark object and she needs to know a specific type of magic that uses both science and sorcery. Not everybody, then, has the knowledge necessary to make a dark object. And even if they manage it, it's still possible to deactivate the dark object, as long as the intended victim knows a witch who'll be willing to do it for them.

8 The White Oak Stake

The white oak stake is the most prominent dark object on the show and it deserves a solitary mention. Once again, using this particular kind of object to kill the Original vampires isn't very practical. Esther, the Mikaelsons' mother, could have easily chosen a more common tree that would have been harder for Klaus to find and burn down.

Or she could have used any other object that would have been easier to find. But since Esther chose the white oak stake as the only way how to destroy her children, she assured that Klaus and his siblings destroyed almost all of the trees, making themselves virtually indestructible, as a result.

7 Turning Their Humanity Off

Any vampire can turn off their humanity and emotions, but as Elena's case proves, even this method isn't bulletproof and can easily become a weakness instead of an advantage. When Elena turns her humanity off, she's free to do whatever she wants without any feeling of guilt or sadness.

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However, it doesn't work the way and Elena still feels emotions - she gets jealous of Stefan and Caroline, or angry at the Salvatore brothers. So if the method doesn't quite work, one could then wonder, what's the point of it in the first place?

6 Cameras

Vampires usually do their best to stay under the radar and not to draw too much attention to themselves. After all, if you're immortal, you might not want the rest of the world to know it. But unlike other vampire tales, The Vampire Diaries' vampires show up on camera and it's possible to take pictures of them or film them.

Elena finds out Stefan is a vampire in the first season when she finds old camera footage of him from the 1950s. Even if the vampires can't stop themselves from showing up on camera footage, they could always use their speed to destroy the footage and makes sure no one ever captures their likeness this way.

5 Being Invited Inside

The Vampire Diaries presents a strange mix in a way which vampire myths and rules it takes into consideration and which ones it ignores. So even though vampires appear in photos and on film and they can consume garlic, they hate sunlight and can't enter someone's home without being invited.

However, considering the many ways the vampires find to disregard this rule, it doesn't seem to have many purposes in the story. As far their weaknesses go, there are some that make far more sense and are better utilized - such as their aversion to sunlight.

4 Changing Power Levels

As every fan of the show will know, not every vampire has the same level of strength. The older the vampire is, the more power they have, especially if they feast on human blood. So new vampires, such as Caroline, should have less power than older vampires, which is a significant weakness.

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Yet the show featured a scene in which Caroline was able to defeat Damon, who's well over a century older than her - proving that this weakness is strange at best and nonsensical at worst.

3 Sunlight

Speaking of weaknesses that don't make sense because they change throughout the show, the vampires' sensitivity to sunlight is one of them.

Some vampires start burning as soon as the sunlight hits them, while others can go a bit longer without getting hurt. It could potentially have something to do with their age or power level, but if it does, The Vampire Diaries doesn't explain it.

2 Vervain

Another weakness that the show doesn't explain as much as it should is vervain. In the initial episodes, any vampires who consume it face significant consequences. However, in later seasons, some of the vampires (such as Katherine) learn how to consume it and resist compulsion without reacting in an undesirable manner.

The show never takes the time to explain how this is possible or what it takes - and if it is easy enough so that it doesn't warrant an explanation, that begs the question why isn't every vampire doing it.

1 The Petrova Doppelgangers

By far, the greatest weakness (for Stefan and Damon, anyway) is the Petrova doppelgangers. Stefan and Damon used to have quite a good relationship (unlike in the books) until Katherine entered their lives and drove a wedge between them. Elena then almost managed to do the same, over a century later.

When it comes to the Petrova doppelgangers, both Damon and Stefan let their emotions cloud their judgment, which brought them a lot of trouble.

NEXT: Vampire Diaries Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability
July 01, 2021 at 12:00AM

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