Supergirl Reveals The Grossest Part of Superpowered Puberty

Supergirl has revealed just how bad puberty can hit for young superheroes. Supergirl: Being Super #1 serves as an origin story for Kara Danvers, a Kryptonian girl who crash-landed on Earth, just like her cousin Clark Kent. In addition to revealing her transformation from a "normal" teen to a superhero, this comic also reveals what it's like for a Kryptonian to have a zit.

While superheroes may have incredible powers and some have out-of-this-world origins, even DC heroes were teenagers once. Superheroes' struggles are just as impacted by the mundane as by the extraordinary. Sometimes, the mundane becomes just as extraordinary in the worst or most embarrassing ways.

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Supergirl: Being Super is a four-issue miniseries from 2016 created by the team of Mariko Tamaki, Joëlle Jones, Sandu Florea, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and Saida Temofonte. It details her life with her adopted Earth family and her efforts to hide her powers from everyone else. It also shows what happens when a Kryptonian teenager pops a zit. Like everything else Kryptonian on Earth, it might be amplified by the sun.

After light teasing from her friends and parents, Kara finally goes to the bathroom to address her growing zit. Unfortunately, it doesn't go as expected. Where most zits are small and popping them isn't much cause for alarm, Kara's are disastrous. When she pops hers, it explodes all over the bathroom, creating a mess that takes her three hours to clean. The first question that comes to her mind is wondering if her head exploded, while readers can't help but wonder how this is even possible. It certainly isn't humanly possible - but Kara isn't human.

This incident is exceedingly disgusting, but it also provides some interesting information about Kryptonian physiology. For starters, they must have enlarged pores compared to humans to fit so much pus inside their zits. Additionally, when they pop, the action has much more force than their human counterparts. Since Clark Kent is also Kryptonian, it stands to reason that he likely has had a similar problem. However, he is never seen dealing with acne. As of late, he has also not been shown as even having any acne. Likely, Superman is superhuman and can be drawn any way that artists want without worrying about mundane details. Contrarily, based on this comic, it can also be surmised that he dealt with the problem enough as a teenager to have a superhuman skincare routine that beauty gurus would be jealous of. After all, who wants to continuously spend three hours cleaning up zit pus? With superheroes, everything is super-sized, including their puberty problems, and Supergirl is no exception.

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July 04, 2021 at 12:23AM

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